Tai Chi classes have started again! Come join us
on Tuesday mornings from 10:0011:00 for a
great form of exercise, which is beneficial for
both the mind and body. This is an easy on the
joints and body type of program that still allows
you the benefits of exercise for muscle strength,
balance control, flexibility, relieves stress, im-
proves mood and helps with sleep among other
health benefits! Wear comfortable clothing and
come and join us—have fun while getting and
staying healthy! Classes are ongoing.

T-shirts available

We still have Tshirts available for those inter-
ested in helping to support the Montville Senior
& Social Services Veterans Fund. This fund is
used to help any of our Montville Veterans in
need while we work to connect our Veterans
and their families with other services. Tshirts
are $20.00 donation—please see front office.


Wednesday, November 17th deadline to sign up – If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Food Basket with Turkey and all the fixings, plus many other food staples, please call the Montville Senior Center @ #8608480422.
Please call to sign up for our FOOD Baskets for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Dont miss out, let
us help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up is Wednesday, November 17th. Our Baskets
will be distributed on Saturday, November 20th from 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. Must sign up to receive
a basket.


Wednesday, November 24th – If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holi-
day alone, please call and sign up for our Thanksgiving Hot HomeCooked Dinner. Enjoy a
wonderful Baked Turkey Dinner with all the fixings! Dinners will be delivered on Wednesday,
November 24th. Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign up for a Hot HomeCooked
Meal! Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, Nov. 22nd. #8608480422

Who we are – Content by Judy

Somehow, we all need to help change the perception of what the definition of ‘old people’ really is. What a ‘senior’ is. What ‘old’ means.

We all have that picture in our head of what old is until we get there. Then ‘oh but that’s not me’.

Think about it… When you’re 13 – 30 is OLD! When you’re in your early 20’s – 45 is ancient! Never mind 65!!

Then you see a guy at the hardware store loading his truck. He offers to help you (you being 30) and you get to talking and then you realize he’s in his 70’s and not old at all.

Odds are that volunteer fireman that shows up is 50+ if not 70 because the younger generation doesn’t have time to volunteer.

You get to talking to a neighbor about your kids, school and all. She offers some help. You’re grateful. It’s really good advice that will help. Later you chuckle when you realize she could be your grandmother.

You then start looking around and realize the school crossing guard has been there for like 8 years and you know he started doing that after he had been retired for a while. The lady who just checked you out at the store has to be at least that old. And wait the delivery guy is retiring next month. Three teachers at school retired last year.

Then it’s like ‘Hey wait that will be me in 10 years. And I sure am NOT ‘old’.

We all need to keep in mind that all these ‘old’ people are much younger than people of the same age a generation or two ago. They are out there working, enjoying hobbies, volunteering, at the gym, hiking and exercising. They are on social media, online, and signing up on the dating sites. They are bloggers, shopping and surfing the web right along with the rest of us.

These ‘old’ people run marathons, play pickleball, go out dancing, and travel more than the rest of us.

I’ll bet a lot of people you see when you’re out and about that you might think are in their 50’s, are really in their 70’s. Those people you see who are ‘old’ are probably closer to 90. Yes!! 90!!

So, lets rethink what defines ‘old’. Let’s not dismiss an age group just because we think they are ‘old’. Remember if you’re lucky you’ll reach that point in your life. And when you do hope you are as young as today’s ‘old’ people!!

And reach out to those you think of as ‘seniors’ and make a friend – they are younger and more fun than you think!!

Wednesday, November 24th at 11:00am- GRAB & GO THANKSGIVING MEAL

Premade, refrigerated, Grab & Go Thanksgiving meals are $8.00 each. Simply heat and enjoy.

The menu: Roasted turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, Baked Potato, Green beans, Cranberry sauce, roll, pie.

Registration begins Nov 1st.

Must register by Nov 19th.



The Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for Medicare Part D/Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans coverage is from October 15th to December 7th, 2021. Participants are encouraged to review their coverage to determine if any changes are needed. If a change is made, it goes into effect as of January 1, 2022.

The changes you can make include during the Open Enrollment Period: 

Joining a new Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D prescription drug plan

Switching from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan

Switching from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare (with or without a Part D plan)

Appointments are now being taken for Thu, November 4th and  Fri, November 5th.

Please call the Senior Center office to secure your slot. More dates will come available so if there is no availability on the 4th or the 5th, the Senior Center will make other arrangements.



The Dial-a-Ride Medical Transportation and Caregiver Mileage reimbursement program started their new fiscal year on July 1, 2021 and runs until June 30, 2022. Residents who are 60+ or persons with disabilities are eligible  for the service.  A one-page application is required in order to register. If you have already registered for the program, you do not need to complete a new registration form.

Registered participants who cannot have their needs met by existing services will be provided a limited number of one-way trips per grant year (36) or as the grant dollars allow.

For further information or for an application, please contact the Senior Center office.


November’s- Music Classes


All classes are now session based. 3 month session length.


Ukulele Lessons Level 2     



New session started on Sep 13th and ends on Dec 13th (no class on Oct 11th). In person instructor led lessons for  advanced beginner and more experienced students on Mon at 10:30am. Registration now open.

Class fee $60R and $65NR.


Guitar Lessons – Advanced Beginner



New session started Sep 13th and ends on Dec 13th (no class on Oct 11th). In person instructor led lessons for  advanced beginner and more experienced students on Mon at 11:45am. You must register for this session.    Registration now open. You will need your own guitar or may be able to rent one from the instructor.

Class fee $72R and $79NR.


Beginner Ukulele Lessons



New session started on Sep 13th and ends on Dec 13th (no class on Oct 11th). In person instructor led lessons for beginners but all levels are  welcome on Mon at 1:00pm. Registration now open. You will need to purchase a ukulele and a tuner. Class fee $60R and $65NR.


Jam Session



New session starts on Oct 4th and ends on Dec 20th (no class on Oct 11th). Shirley Lan & Joe Rice will lead this in person Jam Session. Any person who can play an instrument is welcome. Must register your interest to      participate for the session.


The Senior Center is offering fun, private guitar and ukulele zoom lessons from the convenience of your home. Free  complimentary 1st lesson. The cost is $20 for a 30 minute session or $90 for a 4 week run. Contact the  Senior Center to register. We will need your phone number and your email address.