Tuesday, August 24th at 1:00pm- Learning to Meditate… An Introduction with Lynn

Pre-registration is required.

• Meditation can mean many different things to many different people. Perhaps an easier approach to start with is to clarify what meditation is not. It is not exclusive to one sector of society or a specific type of person or culture. It is not a religion. Meditation is open- ended, free, available to anyone, and offers great benefits.

• Far from being meant to empty your mind, meditation is really meant to connect you to the bigger picture – our inextricable connection to each other and everything. It’s a beautiful practice that can enrich your life, bring you closer to others, yourself and improve your health.

• Why not see what benefits this practice can offer you? This class is intended to introduce meditation in a way that is accessible to everyone, so that you can explore this gratifying practice in a way that will nurture your life and connect you to others.

Beginner Tai Chi & Qi Gong- Fridays at 1:30-2:45pm

Cost: $85 for an 8 week session

Interested in learning Tai Chi & Qi Gong?  This class is for you!  Participants of all abilities will learn Tai Chi movements, postures, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote physical and mental well-being and longevity.  Qi Gong can help to reduce stress and anxiety and to help with a variety of other health conditions.  This class is for beginners with no experience or limited experience.

Not sure if this class is for you?  Try the 1st class with no obligation.  Payment is due by the 2nd week.

Call Hilary to Sign Up  (860) 889-5960


VIRTUAL STRONG AND FIT AT ANY AGE FITNESS- Wednesday & Fridays at 1:30pm

Strong and Fit at Any Age Fitness is a progressive strength training exercise program designed to increase strength, flexibility, range of motion, mobility, gait, and balance. Light weights, resistance bands and a small ball are used to help increase and maintain daily movement functions.  Exercises are performed seated in chairs (optional standing) in a group setting class. Classes meet once(twice) a week for 60 min.

  • DAY: Wednesdays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 1:30 – 2:30
  • BEGINS: July 7
  • FEE: $50


  • DAY: Fridays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 1:30 – 2:30
  • BEGINS: July 9
  • FEE: $50
  • INSTRUCTOR: Robin Loy