Right now, there are 80,000 people living with Alzheimer’s disease in Connecticut and more than 178 family members and friends providing care. The Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter is the primary source of information and support to the thousands of Connecticut residents dealing with the effects of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. They offer a 24/7 multilingual Support Helpline, Family Training Seminars, Care Consultation, Support Groups and Educational programs. The Chapter has influenced Public Policy changes and has provided support to dementia research in the hope of finding a cure. Helpline for more information: 1-800-272-3900.
Wednesday, September 22nd- Pet Wellness Clinic for Senior Citizens
Provided by The Connecticut Humane Society
12:30pm – 4:00pm
More Information & Frequently Asked Questions
Who can attend this clinic? New London County Senior Citizens (55+) who may not have access to veterinary care for their pets due to financial reasons.
Do I need an appointment to have my pet(s) seen? Yes. Appointments are needed. Call the Connecticut Humane Society at (860) 594-4500 x6308 to make an appointment. Visits with the veterinarian will typically take about 10-15 minutes for each pet. Expect there to be a short wait time. Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
What is the cost of bringing my pet(s) to this clinic? No cost. All services are free.
What are the services provided to pets at this clinic? Each pet seen by our veterinarian will get a general wellness exam, rabies and distemper/parvo vaccinations (as needed), heartworm test, dewormer (as needed), flea & tick preventative and their nails trimmed.
Is there a limit to the number of pets or type of pet I bring? We can see up to 2 pets per family in a single visit. Only dogs or cats will be seen. All dogs must be leashed and all cats must be in carriers. We reserve the right to refuse sick, pregnant, or aggressive pets.
What COVID-19 safety measures need to be followed? The Connecticut Humane Society requires all clients, vaccinated or not, to wear face masks at the clinic. Only those individuals who’s pets are being seen will be allowed in the building. All others and their pets will need to wait outside until their scheduled appointment time. Social distancing will be in place.
Where will this clinic be held? Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich.
Friday, September 17th at 8:30-7:45pm- Day Trip to The Big E Fair in Springfield, MA
September 17th is opening day of The Big E so the fair will be freshly presented and clean!
This is the 105th year of The Big E. The Big E is the largest fair in New England with lots of food, fun and great entertainment such as – the Avenue of States, musical entertainment, the Marti Gras Parade, agricultural and livestock exhibits, Clydesdales, plus an array of exhibits, rides, shopping, crafts, entertainment and TONS of foods. Don’t forget to try The Big E Cream Puff or The Big Éclair!
Opening Day is also Military Appreciation Day! Active Military and Veterans get free admission to the fair with a Veteran or Military ID. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs from across New England will be stationed along the Avenue of States to answer questions and provide information on both national and state Veteran resources. A great day to visit!
COST: $48 per person – Includes coach bus transportation and The Big E admission fee.
$38 Active Military and Veterans – Includes transportation. Free admission with Military ID.
8:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
7:45 PM Approximate return time to Norwich
Per the State of CT, masks are currently mandatory to be worn on the bus.
This trip has MOSTLY walking.
This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older.
Call Hilary to sign up (860) 889-5960
Zero Isolation Program (Virtually)- Wednesdays from 10:00-12:00pm
September 2nd – October 20th -8 week program
A program to improve social integration in older adults which reduces social isolation, reduces loneliness, expands the social network of participants and increases knowledge of related concepts (social isolation, loneliness etc.), increases the confidence of older adults in social settings.
If you are interested in participating virtually – please call Tomi 860-441-6782
Saturday, September 25th from 10:00-2:00pm- 2021 Healthy Living Festival
Free Community Event to highlight local Health related Businesses
* Health Screenings * Information * Demos * Activities * Live Music *
Event brought to you by Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Committee
Mini-Trip to Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock in New London on September 21st
Mini-trips are open to Rose City Senior Center Members only. Mini-trips may be subject to cancellation due to severe weather or unforeseen circumstances.
Tuesday, September 21th – Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock
Sign up at Reception (by phone or in person) starting on September 7th
Join us for lunch at Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock in New London. This casual, outdoor restaurant is a local favorite for seafood lovers! They offer seafood dinners, lobster rolls, chowder, salads, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches and more! They also offer Gifford’s of Maine ice cream for dessert. Captain Scott’s is located right on the water with beautiful views of Shaw’s Cove Marina.
(Please note: Dining is outdoors with a covered seating area available).
Cost: $2 for transportation (Senior Center bus). Lunch is on your own.
Bus leaves the Senior Center at 11:00 a.m. and returns approx. 1:45 p.m.
Per the TSA & State of CT, masks are mandatory to be worn on the bus.
Guess Who’s Back! Natalie Lindberg
Medicare Benefits Counselor Natalie Lindberg has decided that full retirement is not for her and returned in August to work at the Senior Center. Natalie is available to assist seniors with questions on Medicare and Medicare plans. Natalie meets with seniors by appointment and can assist New London County residents aged 60 years and older. She will be at Rose City Senior Center on Wednesdays. Please call (860) 889-5960 for an appointment.
Otis Library is open with extended hours!
Otis Library
Located at 261 Main Street, Norwich
Otis Library’s new hours begin Tuesday, September 7th and will be as follows:
Monday: 9am – 7pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 7pm
Thursday: 9am – 2pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 2pm
Meeting spaces and study rooms are available for reservation (at reduced capacity). Call Ahead Pickup will continue by appointment and Home Delivery is available. Call (860) 889-2365 and press 1 for more information on these services. For additional information, visit the Otis Library website at www.otislibrarynorwich.org or call (860) 889-2365.
In accordance with the latest City of Norwich municipal protocols, face masks are required to be worn by everyone in the library regardless of vaccination status.
Computer Assistance Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for a Volunteer Computer Assistance Instructor to help out in our computer lab. You must be very familiar with email, internet, printing, etc. and be able to explain and assist people who may have minimal to no computer experience. You make your own schedule to meet with people.
Call or email Hilary if you are interested. (860) 889-5960 hsandberg@cityofnorwich.org
Kitchen Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help in the Senior Center Kitchen. You will work under the direction of the TVCCA Café Site Server. You will assist in prepping TVCCA Meals on Wheels food bags and help serve lunch and clean up after the Senior Center lunch. Hours are approximately 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Volunteers are needed to help one – three days per week.
This volunteer position starting date is TBD. A list is being made for future need in the coming months.
Call or email Hilary if you are interested. (860) 889-5960 hsandberg@cityofnorwich.org