Farmer’s Market Coupons

Will be distributed on: Wednesday, July 21st from 9:00 a.m. – Noon

Farmer’s Market coupons are available to low income seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements.

You must meet the following Eligibility Requirements in order to receive a coupon booklet:

¨ You must be 60 years or older.

¨ Yearly income not to exceed $23,828 for single or $32,227 for couple.

¨ Must be participating in another need based program that verifies income eligibility such as Renter’s Rebate, Congregate Meal Program, Medicaid, SNAP (Foodstamps), etc.

¨ You must be a resident of the town you receive the coupon booklet from.

¨ If you are under 60 and disabled you must meet all other eligibility requirements and live in subsidized housing to be eligible.

Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior annually.


Fully Reopen Starting July 6th

We are excited!!  We reopen FULLY next week beginning Tuesday, July 6th!!!

We have been waiting so long to say that to you all. We know that some are still concerned with Covid even with the vaccines. Please be assured that we continue with our extensive cleaning. All persons who have been fully vaccinated are welcome to come in the building without a mask, those who have not been vaccinated should continue to wear a mask.  If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, please continue to do so.  All persons using the center transportation should continue to wear masks on the bus.

We begin our summer session programs (as seen in the latest newsletter) Tuesday July 6th! You can also see and subscribe to our newsletter online here at this link

Be sure to sign up for your programs now! Don’t want to have to cancel a program or event due to low enrollment. For example, we just had to postpone our July Gong (talent) Show to Sept 10th.  You can come in or call in to sign up.

As for our COASTAL CAFÉ kitchen-

  • The kitchen will be open 8:30am – 12:45pm.
  • For breakfast – just muffins, danish and toast. No breakfast sandwiches.
  • Lunch is 11:15am – 12:45pm. Meals will be served in “to go” containers for at least the first two weeks.
  • There is take out, of course and call ins for pick up.
  • No home delivery until linguistics is worked out.

Indoor Walking Group- Wednesdays and Fridays

Wednesdays 1:00p.m. – 3:30p.m.  and  Fridays 2:00p.m. – 3:30p.m.

Too hot or rainy to walk outside?  Don’t like walking on a treadmill?  Try Indoor Walking Group!

The program room will be available for those who would like to walk indoor but not on a treadmill.  The room is air conditioned and has a TV if you would like a little entertainment while walking.  A great way to get together with others to walk and talk, or just walk by yourself, in a safe environment indoors.

Please call Hilary if you have questions.  (860) 889-5960.


Drive-Thru Food Distribution

Connecticut Food Bank/Foodshare are holding a weekly Drive-Thru Food Distribution in Norwich.  You remain in your vehicle and groceries are placed in your trunk or back seat.  Please wear a mask.  No appointment needed – just show up during hours listed below.  Open to anyone in need of food.

WHEN: every Monday through August

LOCATION: Parking lot across from Pistol Pete’s Bar & Grill

28 Stonington Road, Norwich, CT 06360

HOURS: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

For more information visit:

Or call the Connecticut Food Bank: (203) 741-9751 or (203) 469-5000


Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box

A Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box is located between the front entrance double doors of the Senior Center.  Drop off your NPU bill and payment in the drop box by noon to be picked up the same day.  Please make sure your bill and payment are in a sealed envelope before you drop it in the box!

Please be aware that the drop box is only accessible during the hours the Senior Center is open.

If you have any questions on your Norwich Public Utilities Bill, please contact NPU Customer Service (860) 887-2555.


COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020 due to a COVID-19 related death of a family member.  Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred. Up to $9000 per funeral, max $35,000 per application if multiple deaths in a family occurred.

To apply, call the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line at 1-844-684-6333 

A FEMA representative will help you complete a COVID-19 Funeral Assistance application over the phone and let you know what information you will need to provided.  Multilingual services is available.  The phone line is open Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.

For more information visit:


Got Talent? We Want YOU! for the Gnog Show

Friday, September 10th – Gnog Show

This event showcases a wide variety of entertainment throughout our 55 plus community in a talent show format. What a fun night we always have!  We are now recruiting any talented acts for this event Do you have an act? We welcome anyone 55 and older!  If so, email or call 860-441-6623 please.  Each act performs for 3minutes.
We enjoy a wonderful dinner then we delight in all the various acts. Oh and the mean for the event is delicious!
Dinner Menu –Italian cheese stuffed meatloaf, cheddar bacon seasoned haddock, marinara sauce, mashed potatoes, monaco blend vegetables, rolls, cake, bottled water, sodaEntertainment after dinner.  Cost: $20 per person.  Register by Sept 3 

Not just for Groton residents! Cost: $15 per person

Wednesday, July 6th at 10:00 a.m.- New to Medicare Virtual Presentation

Offered by Senior Resources Agency on Aging

Know your Medicare options.  Choose a date that works for you!

July 6th 10:00a.m.      August 3rd 2:00p.m.      September 7th 5:00p.m.

Session includes:

  • Enrollment – Know when to enroll to avoid penalties
  • Medicare options
  • Make Medicare affordable—Medicare financial assistance programs

To register for one of the ZOOM presentations, visit




Join AARP and Groton Senior Center as they launch a FREE evidence-based pilot program in
Connecticut and Rhode Island with the goal of providing those who participate with an opportunity to
increase their social integration for themselves and those in their community.
We hope that you can participate to help contribute to building a socially integrated community that can
help you, your networks, and others across the country.
Why: Contribute to building a socially integrated community that helps you, your community, and others
nationwide. Your participation offers you an opportunity to help others while also positively impacting
your own health, connection with others and learn about relationships and social engagement all virtually.
You will meet new people while taking part as a virtual participant.
What to Expect:
• Participate in this free virtual six-week program, meeting once a week for 90 min
• Groups range between 6-8 people
• Learning objectives weekly accomplished through an educational, interactive & reflective structure
• Provides you with knowledge about the social aspects of health, social networks and social isolation
while participating in active learning through case studies, reminiscence, and group discussions.
• Capturing your experience in this group, is important for the program pilot done before and after the 6-
week program by questionnaire.
• Access to the internet needed along with a device equipped with video/audio like a computer, tablet, or
smartphone. A program navigator will walk you through the ZOOM steps to connect if needed.
• Geared towards individuals aged 50+
• Participants do not need to be an AARP member
*Our immediate need is for program participants for the virtual 6-week session. A telephonic version of
this project will be available in the coming months.

If you are interested and available for the virtual 6-week session please contact either Tomi or Cindy 860-441-6785


Groton Senior Center Reopens To All Again Starting July 6 -Rules on wearing a Mask

Groton Senior Center will be open to all again starting July 6 with our summer class session.  All persons who have been fully vaccinated are welcome to come in the building without a mask, those who have not been vaccinated should continue to wear a mask.  If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, please continue to do so.  All persons using the center transportation should continue to wear masks on the bus.  The Coastal Café will be open for regular meal service and you may eat indoors in the community room.  Please feel free to call the center with questions at 860-441-6785.