Groton Senior Center has gift options for you!
A Gift certificate for Groton Senior Center can gift your loved one:

  • Coastal Café’ (kitchen) credit
  • Have a RED SOX baseball fan? We have a trip to one of their games in 2021!
  • And did you know – most of our  trips are open to the public!
  • Does your loved one like fitness?

We have great fitness programs.


Do you love decorating your home for the holidays? Or are you one who would rather enjoy everyone else’s decorations? Either way this new program is for you! This community event is for all Groton homes.

Decorators instructions:
Decorate your house by Thursday December 3rd. Register your address with Groton Senior Center no later than 10 am Tuesday December 1st by emailing (a list of addresses ONLY for the holiday light tour -no names will be used) please be sure to include your name, telephone number and theme for your lit up house. All houses that enter must be in the Town/City of Groton.

Groton Holiday Light Tour Instructions:
Pick up your map outside GSC Monday-Friday from 8:30-4:00 beginning on Friday, December 4th or visit our Facebook page for a map. Drive around with your family and friends in the evening to enjoy all of the beautiful decorations that everyone worked so hard to put up.

To cast your vote write down your favorite decorated houses address and drop your vote in the box located outside the Groton Senior Center front entrance Monday – Friday 8:30-4:00, go on Facebook to the designated location and vote or email

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Groton Senior Center at 860-441-6785.

Christmas Eve Breakfast (Drive Thru Style)- Dec 24th

Drive Thru Style Thursday, December 24, 2019   9 am

Raisin bread French toast, maple syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries, coffee cake and bottle of OJ.

$8 per person

Registration is necessary for this breakfast by Monday, December 21.


Door prizes and more.


What is Zoom?


Zoom is a service that allows people to video chat over the internet. What makes it special is that it allows multiple people to join the same conversation, making it easier to host online events / meetings.

One person acts as the host (like GSC staff) and creates a meeting. Once they’ve done that, they send an email invitation with the hyperlink to their guests. When guests click the link, they will be able to access the meeting and talk with their friends. Need Help with ZOOM ? Give us a call 860-441-6785.

New Programs coming in Jan/Feb 2021

  • Photography Program
  • Corn Hole Program
  • Vaccination clinic
  • Gnog Show

Stay up to date with all we offer you at

Visit our Facebook page


With COVID-19 still here, Groton Senior Center continues with outreach programs to meet the needs of many in our community. The VNA of Southeastern CT held vaccination clinics in a drive thru sort of manner. We also have had several COVID-19 testing mobile units here offering free testing for anyone. In our last issue we told we al about our generous and wonderful COMMUNITY FIRST MEALS Program. Did you know we ended up distributing more than 3700 meals?

This Fall, we also took part in the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program again distributing to anyone who may need it in our community. Groton Senior Center worked with “Keeping Kids Out Of Prison” in New London and United Way to be able to distribute these boxes of food to Groton residents who are food insecure at this time. Close to 400 boxes of food were handed out at just two events. Stay tuned for more!
Groton Senior Center staff member Kathy Williams, Groton Police and Poquonnock Bridge Fire Department assisted a town senior with the completion of a ramp needed for her to access her home. Kathy was able to get the materials donated from Home Depot for this project so the Police and Fire department to complete the ramp.

Christmas Holiday Closure

Thursday, December 24th closing at noon

Friday, December 25th CLOSED


A group with a shared interest of being outdoors and adventure.
Registration required –for any OATS outing- please call 860-441-6785.

* Friday, November 13 at 10 am We hike with GOSA /Groton Open Space Association at Avery Farm Nature Preserve approximately an 1 1/2 hour for a hike on the northern loop. About 2 miles on level terrain.

* Wednesday, November 25th 9:30am Pre-Thanksgiving Hike. TBA

*Outside COVID19 safety protocols will be adhered to. Masks must be worn and we will adhere to safe distancing. If you are not feeling well the day of a hike please do not attend.



At this time, the TECHNOLOGY CENTER is limited to 9 people per room..

Due to safety precautions, we are asking that any Tech Center services be only one on one appointments until further notice. To meet with Wally, Dick and Joe please call 860-445-1057 to schedule.
* Face masks will be required to be worn properly while in the Tech Center.
* 6 feet social distancing is observed.
* Joe will still offer Monday morning iPad help.
* Wally and Dick volunteer most weekday mornings.
* No Tech Talk during the Fall 2 session.
* Wii Bowling will not be taking place this session as anything that has persons sharing “supplies” (cards, game)

WE WEDNESDAYS virtual program meets weekly Wednesdays 10:00 am – 10:30 am virtually through the ZOOM app so that we may socialize with you while safe distancing.

We keep it casual with one staff member and just allow for everyone to have a chance to say hello, chat about current events, check in on one another and hear GSC updates.
The ZOOM meeting ID is 705 601 3648 no password is required just the ID or the link You can also email or call us for the link. 🙂