CONTENT BY JUDY – Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.

When we return: 

REGULAR PROGRAMS : Meditation Class, Creative Writing Project, Tech Class, Cardio-exercise, Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba Gold, Strength Training, Healthy Stretching, Country Western Line Dancing, Line Dancing, Computer Classes, Creative Writing Classes, Art Classes, Craft Classes, Massage Therapy, Healing Touch, Health Clinic, Podiatry Services, Cards, Bingo & more!!!  EVENING PROGRAMS:    Painting, Zentangle (off for summer – resumes in September), Cardio and Zumba Gold, Walking with Ease and our new program  – Badminton!  Must be 60+, must register in front office during office hours to participate in evening programs!  SUPPORT GROUPS: We offer an Alzheimer’s Support Group the first Friday of the month at 10:00 AM and a Grief Support Group every Friday from 3:00 – 4:00 PM – both programs are held in the Library.  All groups are private, confidential, and FREE.

The Montville Senior Center remains closed to the public at this time.

We are shooting for a September opening, though what that will entail remains to be seen!  We will do our best to get there, provide as much as we can safely, etc.  I will certainly keep everyone posted.  Our senior bus will continue to make early trips to the grocery stores, etc. and our MedRiDE will be back up and running within a few weeks.  They are finishing up on putting the Plexiglas on the vehicles and everyone is required to wear a mask.  As we know, our elderly population is the most vulnerable to suffer the severest of issues and difficulties with catching the virus, we want to continue to do our best and keep everyone safe.  The precautions we have been taking have seemed to have made a positive impact – we would like to ensure that continues.  As I mentioned last month, we understand the great need for socialization, though the Center is simply not designed to keep people 6 feet apart and/or to safely exercise with masks, etc.  The new guidelines for exercise are that seniors need to be 12 feet apart (I was trying consider an outdoor exercise program) but with the heat and masks and distance regulations, I simply do not think it is viable at this time.  We look forward to the day when some type of “normal” will be here and when we can all interact safely.  My staff and I have been coming in every day and are busier than ever!  My Social Services office remains closed at this time, though we can start collecting clothing!  So if you would like to make clothing drop offs, please just bring down and put inside door, my staff will get them (so there is no contact) hopeful we will be ready to go soon with clients able to come in, by appointment one at a time, to get their needs!  Our Outdoor Food Bank will continue to operate in the front of the senior center building until further notice.  We are also continuing to deliver lunches and food baskets to our homebound seniors and residents with compromised immunity systems, in an effort to keep them home and safe!  We are also continuing to provide the services that we can via telephone and email.  Your donations go such a long way in helping us, help our friends and neighbors in need.  We remain to be busier than ever trying to keep everyone safe & active!  We are continuing with our “wellness” check phone calls.  If you live alone or know a senior that lives alone and would like to get a friendly phone call every other day, please let us know and we will put them on the list!  Our Health & Wellness video program is available for those with a computer or smartphone that have email.  One of our instructors has put together a video program that is sent to your email each day, Monday – Friday.  Each video show is educational and also demonstrates ways to stay fit and active at home.  If you would like to receive the videos, just email Kathie at the Montville Senior Center and she will add you to the list!  Kathie’s email is:  This program is called Cooped Up With Caitlin and is a great way to make sure you are staying active while staying safe at home!

Please stay cool and hydrated during this time of the year (and always) I hope everyone is remaining healthy, staying active, and mostly staying safe!  We will see each other again very soon!  ~ Kathie

Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers – CONTENT BY JUDY

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.

CONTENT BY JUDY – Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers – CONTENT BY JUDY

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.


Our plan is to open with a modified
schedule. Look for postings on our
website, Facebook and Instagram
for updates in August.

Thank you Charette family!!

In memory of Al Charette, the Charette family donated five Amazon Fire HD tablets to Groton Senior Center to use for our homebound seniors.


Wednesday, August 12th 6:00-7:30 pm
Rain date Wednesday August 19th
Please join us for safely distanced
outdoor concert at Groton Senior Center
back parking lot.
$5 per vehicle— Registration needed at 860-441-6785
Each vehicles party will be designated a safely distanced
area (parking space) for you to set up chairs, picnic
basket/cooler. This is a carry in—carry out event.
*Vehicles will not be parked near spectators.


Pre Registration required!
A comprehensive and
fun approach to aging
that covers key aspects
of health, finances,
relationships, personal
growth, and community
This ten week program
will meet weekly
Wednesdays 5:15 to
6:45 pm for the 10
weeks. September 30
through December 9,
2020. Groton Sr Center is
offering it for FREE, yet
you MUST be registered.
Call Cindy at 860-441-6623 for more details.