Tuesday August 25th 1:45 pm Virtual Mystic Seaport “Vault”

Travel with us virtually on Zoom

Tuesday, August 25,2020   1:45p.m.-3:00.m.

Senior Learning Network Presents:

The Cabinet of Curiosities   Every year, thousands of people visit Mystic Seaport Museum to explore the world-class exhibits, climb aboard tall ships, and learn about life on sea and shore. But many people are unaware of the vast collections of artifacts, documents, photography, rare books, boats, ship’s plans and film and video at the Museum! This program will take you on an adventure behind locked doors into the “vault” that stores the Museum collections. Within the collection are many unusual and surprising artifacts. Virtual visitors will have a chance to see everything from unusual animal parts and strange furniture, to a curious secret ingredient used in some perfumes

Please call the front desk for the ID  to Zoom for the program. 441-6785

Holocaust survivor, Andy Sarkany: My Story

Holocaust survivor, Andy Sarkany, will be sharing his story on a virtual platform on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00pm. Born in Budapest, Hungary on October 31, 1936. Mr. Sarkany lived inside the Budapest ghetto which is where he remained during the Holocaust. Over the past 10 years Mr. Sarkany has been speaking to audiences about his personal experiences during the holocaust, living under the brutality of the Soviet Union regime in Hungary, and finding a home in the United States. This program is free and Sponsored by The Friends of the Lyme Public Library. PTo register and get the zoom code please email the senior center at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov.

Potentially Reopening Sept 1st

While we anticipate opening the center on September 1st, that is subject to change should the State of CT  not go in to Reopening  Phase 3.  Please make sure you follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/GROTONSC) for the most up to date opening information.

You can also call the “call before you go” line at 860-445-2989.

World Wildlife Fund- Behind the Scenes August 20th

Senior Learning Presents: World Wildlife Fund- Behind the Scenes

We protect wildlife for many reasons. It is a source of inspiration. It nurtures a sense of wonder. It is integral to the balance of nature! But in every corner of the world, wildlife and wild places are in danger. Climate change. Habitat loss. Poaching. Deforestation. What is being done to create sustainable solutions to some of these greatest challenges? The World Wildlife Fund is dedicated to improving ways that nature and people coexist. Join Ryan Young, a geographer from the World Wildlife Fund as he unpacks amazing tools, and innovative uses of maps and technology that are helping to make great strides in facing these current challenges. Ryan works with some of the world’s largest companies in this arena, and the projects he contributes to are helping to improve conditions for a variety of wildlife, and conservation landscapes around the world. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain insight into what is being done- and perhaps what we can do- to save this beautiful, vulnerable, and utterly irreplaceable planet we call Home.

Please call the front desk for the ID to Zoom for the program.


Calling all Poets!

Community Share:


In 2005, the 4th Sunday of September was declared World Rivers Day. This year that will be Sunday, Sept. 27th.

Help our community honor the Thames, Poquonnock, and Mystic Rivers: Tap into memories or light up your imagination and SUBMIT POEMS or PROSE of up to 150 words to Groton Senior Center, August 31 – September 4th.

Selected works will be chosen to be read aloud for a recorded segment on Groton Municipal Television or for online display. Pieces will also help promote a Parks & Recreation Dept. Family River Clean-Up on the day.

River Poetry is one of several activities highlighting the Town of Groton’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) – a series of catch basins and underground pipes which convey rainwater & snowmelt from streets to outlying areas to avert flooding. CT towns are issued a mandatory MS4 permit by the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Citizens can support clean rivers by keeping storm drains clear & free of pollution.

Questions? Contact Michelle at Groton Public Works, 860-448-4544 or  mmaitland@groton-ct.gov

Visit this link from Mystic’s local independent bookstore, Bank Square Books, for a dedicated World Rivers Day booklist featuring poetry and river content  https://www.banksquarebooks.com/worldriversday20


Take Out Lunch Menu for August 17- 21

Coastal Café Take Out is available weekdays

Orders can be called in starting at 9 am.  860-441-6785

Orders will be picked up curbside—just pull up-11:30 am-12:30 pm.


Take Out lunch menu 8/17 -8/21

8/17 Monday – Stuffed cabbage, mac & cheese, vegetable.

8/18 Tuesday – Luau Parade: Rib-eye steak, jasmine rice, coleslaw. $10.00 Sign-up.

8/19 Wednesday – Chicken & dumplings, side salad.

8/20 Thursday – Pork stroganoff, bow tie pasta, vegetable.

8/21 Friday – Baked seasoned haddock, fries, vegetable.


At this time, we are only providing hot meals (NO soups, sandwiches, salad bar)

Vitual Exploring Northern Elephant Seals Thursday, August 13

Exploring a Northern elephant seal Rockery Hearst

San Simeon 
Provided by: California State Parks

Thursday August 13,2020 at 1:45 p.m.Program Topic: Exploring a Northern Elephant Seal Rookery at Hearst San Simeon State Park General Description: Hearst San Simeon State Park offers a virtual tour featuring the northern elephant seal! Join a Park Interpreter to learn about this marine mammal’s adaptations, their unique life cycle, and their amazing story of overcoming near extinction.

For the Zoom ID# please contact the front desk   860-441-6785


LIVE Senior Learning Network virtually Tuesday August 11 at 1:45 p.m.

Senior Learning Network presents  Seagrass Science    
Provided by: Texas Parks Wildlife Coastal Fisheries Division

Tuesday August 11,2020 at 1:45 p.mLive on Location! What are the different types of sea grass, and how do humans affect it? What are the benefits of sea grass? How long does it take sea grass to grow and why is it disappearing? Join us for Sea grass Science and find out! In this program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Coastal Fisheries biologists will take us below the water’s surface to learn about marine flowering plants. We will get the opportunity to view each of the five types of sea grass that live in the shallow Texas bays and learn why sea grass is such an important habitat for marine critters and people who live in coastal areas.

For the Zoom ID# please contact the front desk   860-441-6785




Club 55 LUAU Tuesday, August 18 lunch

Club 55 LUAU  Tuesday, August 18 11:30 am

Drive thru event at Groton Senior Center


$10 per meal

Portion of the proceeds  goes towards Club 55’s scholarships and community events/involvements.

Register at www.grotonrec.com or 860-441-6785


A fun and safely distanced social event!  Decorate your vehicles in a Luau theme and enjoy!


Coastal Café will be serving up

  • Aloha Ribeye
  • Jasmine rice
  • Hawaiian rainbow coleslaw
  • Fruit punch or water bottle


Musical entertainment will be performed  by our own ukulele instructor Jesse. 


Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers – CONTENT BY JUDY

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.