Medical Transportation- ECTC

Medical Transportation and the Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement programs are for seniors 60+ and persons with disabilities who are unable to drive and need transportation to a medical appointment that is occurring outside of the hours or area that the town funded transportation services provides. Participants must complete an Eligibility Form. If you are requesting a ride through ECTC, you must include a $24.00 annual enrollment fee (check or money order only) with your completed form. For July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018, participants will be eligible for 48 one way rides. This service is funded through a state grant, therefore rides and reimbursements are contingent upon the availability of grant funds. Registered participants who cannot have their needs met by existing services will be provided a limited number of one-way trips per grant year. No fare is charged to the participant, but a $24.00 enrollment fee is required.
ECTC will arrange the medical transportation for eligible participants. Each trip request will be reviewed to determine if it can be met by existing transportation services.
Transportation may be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing sufficient notice is given by the client. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and can be made up to 2 weeks ahead. Requests for Monday rides must be made by the preceding Friday at 2:00 p.m. Requests left on the answering machine on weekends and holidays for service for the next business day cannot be accommodated by this program.
No enrollment fee is required if you only use the Caregivers Mileage Reimbursement Program.

Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement Program (for persons unable to drive):
The driver and rider must complete the Request for Mileage Reimbursement form. Mileage will be calculated by ECTC based on the shortest distance. Caregivers are not reimbursed for mileage from their home to the client’s. Completed forms must include the appointment date, start address, destination address, and must be signed and dated by client and driver after last trip entered. For additional information or to register for either program, please call 860-887-5581 ext. 6


No residency restrictions.  Detailed flyers available.

Registration begins on the dates noted below. Payment due upon registration. Register as soon as you can. Trip counts are required a month in advance.

The 55 passenger motor coach will depart from the East Lyme Community Center Parking Lot.


Thu, Apr 2nd – Join us for a trip to the Mohegan Sun Casino. Departure from the East Lyme Senior Center but checks made out to the Lymes’ Senior Center. No meal included but you will receive a casino package. Trip fee is TBD. Registration begins 02/03.       Moderate walking.

Thu, Apr 16th – Come join us for a guided tour of Blithewold Mansion in Bristol, RI and experience their Daffodil Days – an explosion of sunny daffodils bursting out of the ground. Lunch at The Lobster Pot in Bristol. Trip fee TBD. Registration begins 02/03.  Moderate walking.

Sat, Apr 25th – We’re heading to West Point Academy for their annual U.S. Military Academy Cadet Review. Lunch included at The Thayer Hotel as well as a step-on guide to share their knowledge of the Academy. You need to provide a proper Govt issued photo ID for the trip. Trip fee $130pp. Registration begins 02/03. Lots of walking.

Sat, May 2nd – New York City on your own – Bus leaves East Lyme at 7:45am and leaves NYC at 7pm. Trip is TBD. Registration begins 02/03.  No meal included in trip price. Lots of walking.

Thu, May 28th – We’re going to tour of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC and discover their Catacombs by Candlelight. Lunch on your own at Urbanspace Food Hall. Trip fee is $95pp. Registration begins 02/03. Lots of walking.

Fri, June 19th – Trip to the Newport Flower Show at Rosecliff Mansion in Newport with lunch/shopping on your own at the Wharf. Trip fee is $50pp. Registration begins March 2nd. Moderate walking.

Wed, June 24th – Join us for a lovely Tea Lunch at the Delaney House in Holyoke, MA. Then we’re off to  river cruise aboard The Lady Bea for a 75 minute narrated tour as it makes it way up the Connecticut River. Lunch is included. Trip fee is $98pp. Registration begins March 2nd. Moderate walking.


NURSE MANAGED FOOT CLINIC – 1st Thursday of the Month

Time: 12:30pm to 3:00pm

Appointment necessary. Must pay at time of registration.

The VNASC is offering a monthly foot clinic. Routine foot care will be provided for a fee of $10pp.

Anyone with a diabetic diagnosis cannot be seen by this clinic but all others are welcome.

Call the Senior Center at 860-739-5859.


Friday, March 13th – Dinner and a Movie “CATS”

Time: 3:00 PM
Cost: $5.00 donation
DINNER: Roasted Turkey w/ all the fixings
MOVIE: CATS (comedy)

Come join us for our once a month Dinner & Movie on an early Friday afternoon! What better way to spend the day than with good friends, good food, and good movie ! Please sign up if you plan to attend!

BRAIN AEROBICS – 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month

Time: 11:30am
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month

Your mind needs as much exercise as your body.

Come flex that muscle with us in our Brain Aerobics program.

No Fee! Registration required.

Tuesday, March 10th- Dining Out- Sneeker’s Cafe

Time: 5:00pm

​The community gives to the Groton Senior Center; Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community. Each month a restaurant is featured. Ride the GSC bus or meet us there. Order a full entrée or just appetizers. An evening outing, socializing & enjoyment! Please join us Tuesdays for a “socially nutritional” evening.

Registration is required for either event. 860-441-6785.

Please also let us know if you need GSC bus transportation.

Energy Assistance

If you are in need of help staying warm, please call and make an appointment with Kathie. There are different heating programs, based on income or emergency. For details and info and/or to make an appointment—call Senior Center @ 860-848-0422.

Senior Dental Care

The Community Health Center’s Senior Dental Program

1 Shaw Cove

New London, CT 06320


CHAIR YOGA – Tuesdays & Friday

Three different classes on Tue and Fri mornings

Tuesdays at 8:15am or 9:25am or 10:35am
Fridays at 8:15am or 9:25am or 10:35am
16 classes – $24R/$26NR
Registration required