Entertainment: Valley Shore Acappella

Please come and join us on August 28th at 1:00pm the Valley Shore Acappella, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International will be here to perform an upbeat acappella program with a variety of different music including oldies, barbershop music, etc.

ZUMBA GOLD- Wednesday

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 5:30—6:30 pm FREE Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers and have some fun!  Come and join us for our evening exercise program – ZUMBA GOLD Class– specifically designed for senior citizens.  Zumba Gold is the lower impact, easy-to follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness class that will help keep you healthy while having lots of fun!

Friday, August 3rd- Special BINGO

Time: 12:30 – 2:30 PM

Cost: $5.00
Come and have some fun with the always popular
Special BINGO! Snacks and beverages provided
and lots of fun with some great people! Come on
down for BINGO! The more, the merrier!

Sponsored by the Senior Club


Do you have a couple of hours a week you would like to fill? Looking for something to do? We are looking for volunteers for our:
(1) Social Services Office (Afternoons 12:00pm – 3:00pm)
(2)Tag Sale Room (Monday – Wednesday)
If interested or would like more details, please contact Kathie