Meals for homebound, shut-ins, or convalescents: Arrangements must be made for home delivery by calling TVCCA at 860-885-2746 in advance of need.


SENIOR BUS SCHEDULE – Subject to Change
MONDAY ………………….. Senior Center, N.L. / Waterford area Shopping
TUESDAY …………………. Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
WEDNESDAY ……………. Senior Center, Norwich area Shopping
THURSDAY ………………. Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
FRIDAY …………………….. Senior Center or Special Trips
News Alert = Bus Reservations are made through the Senior Center.
Please call 848-0422 or stop by the front office.

Day trip Monday, May 15th to see GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA

Day trip Monday, May 15th
Coffee & Donuts; Complimentary Glass of Beer or Wine then Family Style Lunch: Garden Salad, Pasta, Chicken ala Kathryn & Broiled Scrod w/ Cracker Crumb Topping, Vegetable, Potato, Rolls, Dessert, Beverage
COST: $87p resident.
GSC transportation—We depart at 10am.
Come by and register for this trip before it fills up!! Or register online at

Advanced Tap Class

Advanced Tap Class   April 13th at 10:45am/ 6 Week Session  $24.00

Intermediate Tap Class

Intermediate Tap Class   April 13th at 10:00am/ 6 Week Session    $24.00

Beginner Tap Class

Beginner Tap Class   April 13th at 9:15am/ 6 Week Session  $24.00

Financial Health Check

Financial Health Check Up On Thursday, April 13th from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm retired financial professional, Diana Melville, CLU, ChFC is available to help answer your questions about money management, investments, insurance and more.  To make a free and confidential appointment, please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.

Info Session on New Tools to Detect BREAST CANCER

w/ Julie Lee, MD

Middlesex Hospital Radiology &

 Breast Imaging Specialist

Wed, March 22nd at 7pm. FREE.

Learn about Molecular Breast Imaging and

3D Mammography. Please call to register.




By Barbara Harvey, LMT from Therapeutic Touch

Wed, March 29th at 12:45pm


Call to register


The Not so Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife

The Not so Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife presented by Velya Jancz- Urban on April 12th at 1:00pm. Discover what life was really like for New England’s colonial women- because we have always been curious about menstration, sex & birth control, childbirth, sickness, & medicine. Perhaps women need to be reminded of how far we have come in order to see how far we still can go.  The Not-So-Good-Life of The Colonial Goodwife not only makes audience members laugh and grimace, but it also honors our foremothers. It’s not about quilting bees and spinning wheels- it’s an interactive presentation about the little-known issues faced by New England’s colonial women.