Veterans Coffeehouse

TVCCA’s  Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)  is hosting a  Veterans Coffeehouse Every Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. United Congregational Church of Norwich 87 Broadway, Norwich

Senior Center Library

Borrowing Procedures & Donations Rose City Senior Center Members can borrow books as follows: Take books from shelves ONLY. Please do not take books from baskets or boxes. Take what books you want to read and return them as soon as you have finished with them. Please place returned books in wicker baskets located in the Library. The library is happy to accept donations as long as the books are: Clean, New or Nearly New Condition. Mysteries, Fiction, Romance, Large Print, Autobiographies, Biographies, or Non-Fiction. Published Within the Last 4 Years. PLEASE DO NOT donate books that are Mildewed, Torn, Missing Pages, Dirty or Published before 2012.

iPad, Phone and Computer Tech Assistance

Thursday, January 19th    9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Did you receive a new iPad or tablet as a gift and not sure how to use it?  Have questions about your smart phone or other electronic device?  Stop by and get some answers! An employee from Jerry’s Computer Repair will be here to assist you in learning how to use your new device and answer any questions you have. Wi-Fi available

Meal Planning Seminar

Wednesday, January 18th    10:30 AM

Tired of having to cook every night?  Tired of eating the same foods all the time? Attend this informative meal planning seminar and learn about the benefits of planning your meals in advance for your health and your budget. Registered Dietitian Cheyanne Barclay will be here from Norwichtown Rehab and Care Center to educate you on how to plan meals that fit your lifestyle. Please sign up at reception.

New Year – New You!

With the New Year here, why don’t you think about taking a fitness class!  Here are a few that we offer: Aerobics – Mondays & Fridays 9:30-10:30 a.m.  (Free) This class combines rhythmic movements with stretching and strength training routines all done to a variety of music! The goal of this class is to improve flexibility, muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness. Yoga – Wednesdays and Fridays 10:45-11:45 a.m.  (Fee charged) This is a balanced class for strengthening, stretching, meditative focus and overall vitality.  The poses and movements are done in sitting, lying and standing.  This class is a floor based exercise class. Strength and Flexibility – Wednesdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. (Free) This class combines flexibility and strength training to improve your overall strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, and range of motion.  Class will use hand weights, resistance bands, Pilates rings and blocks. Chair Exercise Class – Wednesdays 9:45-10:30 a.m. (Free) This class is a chair based exercise class that includes a gentle warm-up, a cardio segment, strength training, resistance training and cool down.  This is a 45 minute class.

The Foursome Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Theater, Newport, RI

March Day Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older. The Foursome Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Theater, Newport, RI Thursday, March 30th Start with a delicious buffet luncheon with all foods prepared on the premises. Following lunch enjoy the hilarious Matinee performance of The Foursome! Rick, Ted, Donnie, and Cameron are home for their fifteenth college reunion.  During the weekend, the men go out for a game of golf, and the four get caught up on each other’s lives since their college days.  The play is set on the eighteen tees of The Windemere Golf and Country Club and is bound to be on par with lots of laughs and a good time! Following the Matinee, return to your seat in the dining room for a fun-filled Cabaret Show! SAMPLE BUFFET MENU: FRUIT SALAD, COLE SLAW, LETTUCE BOWL, THREE BEAN SALAD, BEETS, CUCUMBER SALAD, RIGATONI WITH MEAT SAUCE, MEATBALLS, ROASTED CHICKEN, BBQ CHICKEN, GLAZED HAM, ITALIAN SAUSAGE AND PEPPERS, BAKED SCROD, GREEN BEANS, GLAZED CARROTS, PEAS & CARROTS, VEGETABLE MEDLEY, SWEET POTATOES, BAKED BEANS, ROASTED POTATOES, RICE, FRESH BAKED ROLLS, ASSORTED DESSERTS, COFFEE AND TEA COST: $70 per person includes roundtrip motorcoach, fabulous buffet lunch, matinee performance of “The Foursome”, and cabaret show. Driver tip is not included. 9:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich 6:30 PM Approximate return time to Norwich This trip has Minimal Walking REGISTRATION BY TELEPHONE* Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents-Begins Sunday, January 22nd at 5:00 p.m. Senior Center Members, Non-Residents-Begins Monday, January 23th  at 5:00 p.m. Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 and older)-Begins Tuesday, January 24th  at 5:00 p.m. *On your registration day, Dial 860-889-5960.  When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 for the trip registration voice mail and follow the instructions.*

TVCCA Home Heating Assistance Now Available

Winter is here and home heating costs can be a struggle for many.  There is help. TVCCA is now taking applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat.  Priority is given to “vulnerable households” with young children, elderly or disabled individuals. Income and Asset Limits apply: Household Size:  1  2 Asset Limits:  Homeowner  Renter Annual Income      $33,132     $43,327      $15,000  $10,000 Applications can be done over the phone and through the mail for homebound individuals. To schedule an appointment or for additional information, please call (860) 425-6681.

A Literary Feast Cookbook

Just a few copies left!

The Friends of Otis Library’s cookbook, A Literary Feast: Served up by Friends of Otis Library, is available to purchase here at the Rose City Senior Center! The cookbook includes 500 recipes from local individuals of the community, Senior Center members, local restaurants including Norwich Inn, Modesto’s, Fat Cat Grill & Bar and Prime 82 and authors such as Debbie Macomber and Barbara Delinsky! The cost is$15, with proceeds benefiting Otis Library. Copies are available to purchase at reception. Come and take a look!

The Silver Palette

News from the Rose City Senior Center Art Class Check out the front lobby display case located across from the Reception desk.  Stop and look at the beautiful art work on display done by the Monday morning Art Class.  The class meets Monday mornings year round from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the “Art Room”.  All our welcome to stop by and visit to see our talented students at work.  Hope to see you soon! Liz Popinchalk, Art Class Instructor

2017 – Ideas and Suggestions

Happy New Year Everyone! I would like to thank everyone who participated in events, took classes and went on trips with the Rose City Senior Center in 2016.  With your participation, it was a fantastic year!  Now that 2017 is upon us, I look forward to offering you affordable trips, great classes and interesting programs.  Hopefully this will offer something for everyone looking for a little “adventure”! As I continue to plan for 2017, I would like your input! What would you like to see offered in 2017? Whether it is a trip suggestion, an idea for a speaker or a new class, I welcome your suggestion! You can drop off your ideas at the Reception desk or in the comment box located outside of the Pool Room.  You can also email me your ideas ( or call the Senior Center (860-889-5960) to talk to me. Let’s make 2017 a great New Year! Thanks again! Hilary Sandberg, Program Administrator