Making Chocolate Truffles that are Good and Good for You

Making Chocolate Truffles that are Good and Good for You. We are happy to welcome back Herbalist Ehris Urban for this workshop. It will be held on February 7th at 1:00pm. The cost of Materials: $4.00 Members/$8.00 non-members. Limited space available…pre-sign up suggested.

Learn How To Use Twitter

Learn how to use Twitter will be presented by Emily Sheehan on February 6th at 1:00pm. Twitter is a microblogging social network made up of real-time posts limited to 140 characters or less. In this class discover why Twitter has taken the world by storm as well as how you can use it to stay up to date on what is going on. If you have a Twitter account, please bring your login information to class. Limited space available. Sign up required. Laptops and class instructions are funded by a grant from the Lyme-Old Lyme Education Foundation.

Call Stephanie at 860-434-1605,ext.204 to sign up.

Free Photography Presentation by William Canosa

Free Photography Presentation by William Canosa at the Lymes’ Senior Center

On February 6th at 7:00pm the CT Valley Camera Club (CVCC) will feature a presentation by local photographer, William Canosa. Mr. Canosa will present and discuss how he captured his landscapes, plants and animals, insects, birds, and macro photography photos. He’ll also discuss how to print what you see on your screen. The lecture is open to the public. Examples of his photography can be viewed on his website:

Home Repair Loans still available

Some Montville low and moderate income homeowners who want to make home repairs still have a few months to apply! You must have at least 10% equity in your home and be up to date with your town taxes. This grant is aimed at upgrades like roof replacement, heating systems, window replacements, handicap ramps, bathroom adaptions, electrical and other code updates. Applicants annual income must be less than $46,100 for individuals and $52,650 for two. For more information and applications call the Montville Town Clerk or Lisa Low and Associates at 203-888-5624

Mr. Magic

Rich Rothstein, aka Mr. Magic is a Norwich attorney by day, master of illusions by night. He will be making a special day time appearance on February 1st at 1:00pm & he will reveal magic ranging from the ancient to today’s more recent illusions. You’ll be amazed!! Refreshments will follow.

Where are we going this January?

Where are we going this January? ~

January 4         Shopping trip to Walmart / Lunch is on your own / The color is Purple

Must register by January 3, 2017, 2:30pm. No payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for your lunch.

January 11         Nautilus Museum/ Lunch is on your own / The color is Stripes

Must register by January 10, 2017, 2:30pm. No payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for your lunch.

January 18         Grasso Tech Cosmetology / Lunch: $7.75 per person/ The color is Blue

Must register by January 17, 2017, 2:30pm. You must bring money for salon services and your lunch.

January 25         Drunken Palette/ Lunch is on your own / The cost is $23.00 per person/ The color is Orange

Movie: Sully

Join us on January 31st at 12:45 for the movie Sully starting Tom Hanks which is based on the true story that took place on January 15, 2009. “The world witnessed the Miracle on the Hudson when Captain Sully Sullenberger glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 aboard. However, even as Sully was being heralded by the public and the media for his unprecedented feat of aviation skill, an investigation was unfolding that threatened to destroy his reputation and his career.” This movie will be shown in closed caption.

Harris Roane Duo: Songs of Jimmy McHugh

Join us on January 25th at 1:00pm we are pleased to welcome back The Harris Roane Duo, featuring vocalist Julie Harris and guitarist Stephen Roane in an encore performance. Julie Harris began her professional singing career in her hometown, Kansas City, Missouri. In 2008 she joined forces with guitarist/bassist Stephen Roane to form the Harris/Roane Duo, which has performed across the state of Connecticut from Litchfield to Norwalk, as well as Providence, RI.

Memory Games Program

Use It or Lose It Group Brain Memory Games Program lead by Stephanie Lyon-Gould will take place on January 24th. from 1:00 – 2:30pm.

FREE Memory Testing

FREE Memory Testing Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up for appointment Administered by Deborah Ringen MSN, RN-BC, Visiting Nurses of the Lower Valley on January 24th. from 1:00 pm.- 2:30 pm.