7 Week Watercolor and Drawing Class

An 7 Week  Watercolor and Drawing Class taught by Sharon Schmiedel will be held on Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon, Jan 10 to Feb 28. [no class Feb. 21st.] This class is geared toward people with some art experience, though newcomers are welcome. Students can choose to work solely in drawing or watercolor. Exercises will be created that work for either medium. We will also explore combining the two to use for “sketching in the field” to prepare students for drawing outdoors. We will offer an outdoor field sketching course in late Spring. To first class bring what you have for drawing and/or watercolor materials. We will go over a suggested supply list in the first class to see if you need to add anything. Call Stephanie to register. 860-434-1605, ext.204  Fee $35.00

New: Mixed Media Class

Mixed Media Class will be held on Mondays 10 am to 12 noon, Jan 9 to Feb 27, (no class Jan 16 & Feb 20) taught by Sharon Schmiedel. This class is an opportunity to experiment with a variety of drawing, painting and collage materials. Playful experimenting will be combined with exercises that will give you a framework to try out new ideas.

Healthy Resolutions

Let’s Talk about Healthy Resolutions Presented by the Old Lyme VNA Nurse, Karen Veselka January 6th at 1:00pm

Latin/ Ballroom Line Dance Class

A new Latin/Ballroom Line Dance Class taught by Marjorie Winslow will start on Friday, January 6th at 1 pm. No partner needed. The cost is 30.00 for the 6 week class. The steps to dances such as the Samba, Merengue, Rumba, ChaCha, Swing, Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot, Flamenco, and Charleston will be taught and put into different dance routines. Limited space available. Call 860-434-1670, ext.240 to sign up.

Ragtime Jack Radcliffe

“Ragtime” Jack Radcliffe Join us on January 4th at 1:00pm for this master of traditional country blues, ragtime, and stride piano. His repertoire covers the spectrum from Appalachia to Broadway, and from Vaudeville to New Orleans. Jack’s energy is infectious and his performances are always uplifting and informative. Refreshments will follow.

Need a gift for that hard to buy for person?

Need a gift for that hard to buy for person?


 Purchase an EXPERIENCE for someone instead of an item!

A Gift certificate for Groton Senior Center can gift your loved one with:

  • Meals or special Luncheons at our Coastal Café (kitchen)
  • A DAY TRIP! We have many types: Day In The City, Sporting events, Cultural/ Museum Trips.  And did you know our trips are not limited to seniors & open to the public!?
  •  Have a UConn basketball fan? We have a trip to their game January 22nd at Gampel!
  • An artist in your life? We have several art classes and Art themed trips.

GROTON SENIOR CENTER            860.441.6785


Nana’s Naughty Knickers

December Day Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older

Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Theater, Newport, RI
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sign up starts in September. Please see the September Newsletter for more information!

Nana's Naughty KnickersBridget and her Grandmother are about to become roommates.  But it seems her sweet Grandma is selling hand-made naughty knickers from her apartment to every senior in the five borough area!

COST: $70 per person  includes roundtrip motorcoach, fabulous buffet lunch, matinee performance of “Nana’s Naughty Knickers”, and cabaret show.  Driver tip is not included.