Category: Programs

Painting Class with Jacqui

Friday, August 18th at 11:30am

Movie Matinee

Friday, August 25th at 12:15pm


Right after our August birthday celebration


Featured Movie: Hairspray

Free Admission

Popcorn or chips $0.75 and soda $1


Call 860-376-2329 or stop by to sign up

Bingo and Blood Pressure Screenings

Thursday, August 3rd from 9:00-10:30am


Bingo on the 1st Thursday of each month


Free blood pressure screenings before bingo!

Free Chair Massage

Tuesday, August 8th from 10:00am-12:00pm


with liscensed massage therapists Donna (19 years experience) and Juliette (23 years experience)

Massage therpay could provide many health benefits including

  • stress relief
  • improved circulation
  • decreased muscle tension
  • less pain and better sleep

Call or stop by to sign up for your own 15 minute session

Blood Drive

Monday, August 7th from 1:00-6:00pm


in the Community Room or call 1.800.RED.CROSS (1.800.733.2767)

Annual Picnic & Fair

Wednesday, August 30th at 10:30am


Menu: Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, and Iced Tea

Play games, win prizes, temporary tattoos, balloon animals!

$10 per person

Sign up at Lisbon Senior Center on Mondays & Wednesdays

AARP Driver Safety Smart Driver Course

Thursday, October 26th

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (please arrive by 8:45 a.m.)


The AARP Smart Driver™ course, is a classroom based refresher course for drivers age 50 and older.  Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount after showing proof of completing the course.  Consult your auto insurance company on discounts available to you.


Cost: $20 AARP Members (bring your AARP Card)      $25 AARP Non-Members

Pay directly to AARP by check or exact cash on the day of the class. 

You must sign up to take the class.  Sign up at Reception ~ Space is Limited.


Tai Chi & Qi Gong

8 week session ~ $85

Starting Friday, August 11th

12:00 – 1:30 p.m.



Prevalence of Fraud Discussion with Congressman Courtney


Friday, August 18th  at 11:00 a.m.

Join us!  Congressman Courtney and a representative from the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) will be at Rose City Senior Center to talk about the ongoing prevalence of fraud.  Discussed will be scams that strongly impact older adults including by phone, email, texting, and other forms of messaging.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Let’s talk about culture!

Thursday, August 10th  at 10:00 a.m.


Colleen Lavin, MSW intern at Youth, Family & Recreation Services, will present a conversation about LGBTQIA+ communities and culture.  She will share on her personal experience as an activist and member of the community, with a special focus on cross generational understanding.

Contact Colleen with any questions.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.