Category: Programs

Food Distribution

Friday, July 7th from 10:00-11:00am 


As a reminder, we strongly suggest that you bring a cooler along to keep the perishable items safe. We do have the UNCAS Health District Van and their staff available to share important information and assist in answering your questions. Thanks to United Community and Family Services for their continued support to keep this service going in our small community.

Coffee & Conversation

Back by popular demand, we have scheduled another Coffee &
Conversation event at the Preston Senior Center on Wednesday, July 12th. Doors open at 12:00 (noon) and the program will begin at approximately 12:30 p.m. This presentation will offer residents an opportunity to air their questions and bring forth concerns regarding public safety. At the last Coffee & Conversation presentation, we were made aware of the need to provide an opportunity for residents to converse with our Resident State Troopers as we ran out of time and unfortunately couldn’t accommodate all of the requests. Our plan is to give you an opportunity to speak first; followed by information on scams, crimes, areas of concern which our Resident Troopers will address.

The senior center is air conditioned and has comfortable seating for
approximately 40 individuals. We will have coffee, tea, water and some light


*Please register by calling (860)434-4127 if it is your first time joining a game*

• Bridge- Meets Mondays at 12:30PM– Currently accepting alternates • Cornhole– Meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 12:45PM

• Nickel, Nickel (Card Game)- Meets Thursdays at 12:30 PM– Bring 13 Nickels

• Wii Bowling– Meets Thursdays at 12:30PM

• Duplicate Bridge– Meets Thursdays at 12:30PM– open to newcomers

• Cribbage– Meets Fridays at 1PM

• Horseshoes– Meets every Friday at 1 PM • Bocce Ball– Meets every Tuesday at 4:30

• Darts– 1st and 3rd Monday at 1:30 PM– Call if interested • Badminton– 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:30 PM- Call if interested • Setback (Card Game)- Meets Tuesdays at 1 PM

Beginners Course on Freshwater Fly-Tying

Learn the art of creating freshwater fly fishing ties! Taught by Mark Lewchik, participants will attend a 3-week session (2 sessions available) to learn the art of freshwater fly-tying.
If you have your own vice, please let us now when you sign up as seat capacity is limited based on the amount of vices we have to share. Session price is FREE for members, $25 for non-members.
Session 2 (July) – Thursdays, July 6th, July 13th, and July 20th at 3:00 PM.

Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing on Tuesdays, July 11th & 18th; 10 AM-12PM. will be taught by Jeanette Green. Learn how to create realistic space in your drawings or paintings by using perspective. We will practice the basics in the first class by implementing one-point and two-point perspective. In the second week, students will draw a corner of a room, detailed with furniture, rugs, framed art and other details. Even if you only paint landscapes, you can benefit from this class. $20 for members for the 2-week session. Limited Seat Capacity; Call (860)434-4127 to
register. Payment due in advance.

Wii Bowling

Fridays 9:00-11:00am


Leagues start on July 12th. If you would like to join a league please sign up. Morning 9-11 or Afternoon 12:30-2:30. If you sign up for a league you must commit to being available each week for 8 weeks.

Gardening Club

Thursdays at 1:00pm

Walking Club

Every Wednesday at 10:00am

at Hopeville State Park