Category: Programs


FREE for members, $10 for non-members

 June 7th at 1 PM– Lost City of NY: A Tour of the Demolished Landmarks with the Bowtie Historian •

NEW June 26th at 1 PM– The Life and Magic of Houdini •

July 5th at 1 PM– CT Rivers: Past, Present and Future •

July 24th at 1 PM– History of Beal Street •

August 28th at 1 PM– The Life of Milton Hersey •

September 6th at 1 PM– 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair with the Bowtie Historian •

September 25th at 1 PM– Life of Amelia Earhart

CT Rivers: Past, Present and Future

On  Wednesday, July 5th at 1 PM– Dick Shriver, editor of Estuary Magazine, will lead a slide-based seminar about the Connecticut River; it’s past, present and future. He will take us through the 12,000 years leading up to the industrial revolution, with its pros and especially its cons. He will remind us of the key national leaders who brought about positive change. Finally, he will list
the ongoing efforts to protect the river as we head into the future, and the next 12,000 years.

New Programs Starting Soon!!!

MINI-FACIALS –FREE – start date to be announced. Sign up for
your mini-facial and get the treatment of a life-time! Dori will provide our seniors with the best facial and explain what she does and why, while you relax for this wonderful treatment. Details on the program and the benefits of facials will be posted soon!

MANICURES – FREE – start date to be announced. Sign up for a wonderful treatment and get the benefits and enjoyment of a manicure; walk away with beautiful nails and a relaxing treatment for yourself!

HAIR CARE – FREE -start date to be announced. Come to the Center and get a cut, blow out, and style from our licensed cosmetologist. Program will be starting in June or July – service will be by appointment, call center to sign up.


MEET & GREET – I am working to put together a meet and greet for our seniors with our Town Police Officers and our Town Fire Companies. Dates and times will be announced. This will be a great opportunity for our seniors to get to know those who put their lives on the line every day and those we count on for our safety and well-being. Watch for details.

Monthly Dinner & A Movie

Friday, June 30th at 3:00pm


$5.00 donation


Dinner: Apple Stuffed Pork Loin w/ sides and dessert, coffee

Movie: “80 for Brady”


Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.

Virtual Real Time Tour of Auckland Volcano

Thursday, June 29th at 6:00pm


We will have a real-time interactive guided tour of Auckland Volcano, while
dining on authentic light dinner of the region cuisine. Known for its landscapes, history, artistic legacy and culture. Come and view the beautiful
country of New Zealand.

This is n interactive “real time” tour and so you can ask questions and interact with our “real time” tour guide. Please sign up if you plan to attend. Come and enjoy an early evening event with dinner & friends!

Summertime BBQ

Friday, June 16th at 2:00pm



(paid for by the Mohegan Tribe and Councilor Billy Caron)


We will have great live music, raffles, friends, and great food! Hot Dogs, Ham-
burgers, Salads & more! Don’t miss out on our summertime fun! Bus is available, always a great time!

Please sign up if you plan to attend.

June Birthday Celebration

Wednesday, June 28th at 12:00pm


Birthday cake will be served


Please call to sign up or put name on sign-up sheet

Painting Class with Jacqui

Friday, June 16th at 11:30am


$20 – limit 12 people

Sign up in senior center or call 860-376-2329

Stop The Bleed Course

Friday, June 23rd from 10:00-11:30am


Through our Stop the Bleed course, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively.

​​​​​​​Course is FREE
Registration required
Call 860-376-2329

Walmart Vison Center EyeGlasses Service

Wednesday, June 21st at 10:00am


Walmart vision can help right at the senior center

  • cleaning
  • repair
  • adjustment


Call to sign up: 860-376-2329