Category: Programs

April Book Discussion

Wednesday, April 26th at 10:30am


Our book for discussion this month is The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. This is a truly remarkable book that that explores love, race, home and the power of women.


The Ledyard Senior Center Book Discussion takes place the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM at the Ledyard Senior Center. Books are usually given out at the previous month’s meeting or can be picked up at the Gales Ferry Library part of Ledyard Library. We welcome you to join! If you have questions, please call Andrea at the Gales Ferry Library: 860-464-6943 or email

Food Distribution

Friday, April 7th from 10:00-11:00am


(we are aware that the Town Hall will be closed but, we have chosen to continue
with our regular distribution plans as the first Friday of the month).

As of this date and until further notice, participants will no longer be required to wear face coverings/masks when participating in the event, per United Community and Family Services.

Painting Class with Jacqui

Friday, April 14th at noon


Create a beautiful acrylic!

Limit 12 people
Sign up in the foyer or call 860-376-2329

Tai Ji Quan Zoom Class

Mondays and Thursdays from 8:45-9:45am

Starting April 3rd through September


Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a research-based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance, and daily function to prevent falls. It is designed for older adults 60+ years old with balance difficulties.


This program can accommodate individuals who need some assistance with walking, such as use of a cane


No prior experience with Tai Chi is needed. You will learn the movements over the course of a 24-week class in a supportive environment.


Contact Connie Capacchione from Uncas Health District at 860-639-5138 to sign up!

Stop the Bleed Certification Course

Friday, April 21st at 9:30am


Free to everyone!


16 person limit

​​​​​Please sign up in the foyer or call 860-376-2329

Chicken Luncheon

Wednesday, April 19th at 11:30am


Made especially for us by Chef Mike Rossi!

Menu: Baked Stuffed Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Cranberry Sauce

Sign up and pay by 4/14 at the Lisbon Senior Center

Diamond Art Classes

Mondays in April at 11:00am


Includes all supplies


Limit of 12 people. Call 860-376-2329 to reserve your spot.

Wire Wrapped Jewelry Making

Tuesday, April 25th at 5:00pm


Come learn to wrap a gem, stone or shell. You’ll than be able to turn it into a necklace or bracelet.

Cost is $15.00

Space is limited so please register .