Wednesday, January 18th at noon
For all January birthdays!
Wednesday, January 18th at noon
For all January birthdays!
Tuesday, January 24th at 11:30am
Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetables
Tuesday, January 24th at 11:30am
Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetables
Tuesday. January 17th at 12:00
Entertainment by Jose Paulo
Free show with snacks
Please sign up for a head count: call 860-376-2329
Wednesday, February 1st at 10:15am
Instructor Fred Verillo will show participants a technique of hanging photographs without traditional frames. All participants should bring in a 5 x 7 photograph they wish to use. Cost is FREE for members, $5.00 for nonmembers’. Call to reserve your spot, limited space available.
You can reserve your spot for any of these classes by calling (860)434-4127! Grab your friends and join us for some crafting fun
Free for members ($10 each for non-members)
• February 1st at 1:00pm– Failed Presidential Assassinations with the Bow Tie
• March 1st at 1:00pm—The SS United States: Fastest Ship in the World with the Bow
Tie Historian
• April 5th at 1:00pm– The Sinking of the Titanic with the Bow Tie Historian
Check the trips page for more complete information.
April 5th– Titanic Exhibit in NYC.
April 20th– Tea Lunch and Guided tour of the Blithewold Mansion & Gardens.
May 23rd– Highline Trip & the Edge (Observation Deck).
“Just Dance” Class is an upbeat easy dance class that uses songs from the 50’s and 60’s with a few surprises. This class is taught by Kris and will start January 19th at 10:45am. This is a fun way to get your low impact, cardiovascular exercise in. So come join us! Class is $5.00 which should be paid directly to the instructor.
Tai Ji Quan Class is a soothing, slow, gentle movements that can be done standing, seated, or with a chair for assistance. It uses the 8 tai chi forms which have been modified to help participants improve posture, balance, strength, and overall health. This format is for everybody no matter your fitness level. There is no equipment, and we never go to a mat. This is a true mind body experience that everyone can benefit from.
In Town of Groton’s continuous efforts to be a community partner and provide wellness opportunities, the Town is partnering with Ledge Light Health District to hold a Flu Clinic at the Groton Community Center (next to Town Hall), on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 3:30-5:30 p.m.