Category: Programs

TVCCA Thanksgiving Special Meal

Wednesday, November 16th at 11:30am



~Roasted Turkey

w/Stuffing, Gravy

~Mashes Potatoes

~Green Beans

~Cranberry Sauce

~Dinner roll

~Pumpkin Pie

~Grape Juice, Milk,

Coffee or Tea


Suggested donation: $4.50

Reservations by Weds, Nov. 9th


American Legion Thanksgiving Meal

If you would like a hot meal delivered to you on Thanksgiving Day, Please call the senior center at 860-376-2604.

There is no cost for the meal.


Over The Hill Hiking Group: November Hikes

Hikers from other towns are welcome to participate.

Medium hikes may have a few hills, rocks or beach sand. The difficult hike is more strenuous; participants must have completed two medium hikes with the group before enrolling into a difficult hike.

All hikes are approximately three to four miles long, and will begin at 9:30 A.M. Hikers who wish to carpool should meet at East Lyme Senior
Center at 9:00 A.M.

Distances, locations and leaders are subject to change, if necessary.

All hikers must register for each hike by calling the East Lyme Senior Center – 860-739-5859.

Hikers are to bring water and sturdy shoes; and lunch, insect
repellant and sunscreen if desired


November Hikes:

Nov 4, Hartman Park, Lyme
Leader: Jan

Nov 11, Devil’s Hopyard, East Haddam
Leaders: Chuck & Debbie

Nov 18, Champlain South, Old Lyme
Leader: Barry

Nov 25, Mohegan Park, Norwich
Leader: Chuck

ROMEO Club: Recovery Room in New London

Wednesday, November 30th at 11:30am


So, what is the ROMEO Club? (Retired Old Men Eating Out)

They eat out, have fun, make and keep
friends. Men Only!

Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only),

AARP Mature Driver Safety Class

Wednesday, November 2nd from 9:15am-1:15pm


The AARP Smart Driver course is the nation’s first refresher course specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older. In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. Contact your insurance company to find out. And you will learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.

$20 for AARP member $25 for non-AARP member
Register with the Senior Center office. Payment due upon registration.

Scranton Financial Group Presentation

Wednesday, November 30th from 2:00-3:00pm


Scranton Financial Group, Sound Income Strategies, LLC presents “10 common IRA and 401K mistakes.”

Registration begins Nov 1st. Register by Fri, Nov 25th

Friends of Forrest Songbird Trivia

Friday, November 18th from 11:30am-12:30pm


Kathleen Lowe from Friends of the Forest will present a program on the songbirds of Connecticut and their habitats around town. Then get ready to TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE with a game of songbird trivia! Fun nature-inspired prizes!

​​​​​​​More information on Friends of the Forest:

Registration begins Nov 1st, Register by Nov 15th.

Grandparent Support Group

Wednesday, November 16th at 10:00am


Are you a grandparent helping raise your grandchild(ren)? Are you looking for others to connect with who are also helping raise their grandchild(ren)? Join us for a free information session!

Registration is now open.

Medicare: Know Before You Buy Or Renew

Tuesday, November 15th from 10:00-11:30am


Know the Top 10 questions you should ask your agent before you buy or renew your Medicare Plan for next year. With licensed agent, George Peacock of Peacock Financial LLC.

Free. Registration begins Nov 1st. Register by Nov 10th

Hand Pottery Class

Tuesdays  at 1:30pm,  starting November 8th thru November 29th


Come have fun with us & make some clay sculpting pieces.

$20R/$25NR, Registration begins Nov 1st