Category: Programs

Thanksgiving Luncheon

Wednesday, November 16th at 12:00pm


$7, RSVP to 860-464-0478

Craft Class: Beautiful Paper Stars

Tuesday, November 22nd at 1:00pm. Instructor Mary will teach you how to make beautiful stars. (see picture in newsletter) These stars are beautiful to hang in your house or give as gifts. Cost is FREE for members, $5.00 for non-members.

Call to reserve your spot, limited space available. If you have a glue gun, please bring it with
you, if not we will have a few to share

Thanksgiving Lunch and Entertainment

A Thanksgiving Lunch and Entertainment will be held on Friday, November 18th at 12:00pm.
The cost for the meal is a $3.00 donation. To sign up for the lunch, please call (860)388-1611 x 216 before November 11th and reserve your spot at the Old Lyme Site. Entertainment (to be announced) will immediately follow the lunch.

“As the Page Turns Book Club”

The book club meets once a month (the third Friday of the Month) at 1pm. This is a collaborative effort between the Lyme Library and the Lymes’ Senior Center and will be facilitated by Librarian Melissa Fournier. The books will be chosen at the meetings.

Club will meet the third Friday of the month alternating between the senior center and the library.

November’s and December’s meeting will be held at the Lyme Library. Please call the Lyme Library for book selection in November and see pg 7 about December’s Book which is “The Geometry of Sisters” and special guest Author Luanne Rice will be here to join us.

Wellness Wednesday Lecture: Heart Attacks and Stroke

Wednesday, November 16th at 1:00pm


This lecture will address the Signs and Risks of Heart attacks and Stroke & give you an Action Plan if this happens to you or your loved one. Please pre-register for this event.

November’s program and refreshments are sponsored by
the Lower Valley Care Advocates

Felt Craft Class

Tuesday, November 15th from 12-3pm


Instructor Kristee will teach guests how to make felt from wool. Everyone will bring home a small bag made from this felt. Cost for materials will be $5.00 and will be due to Kristee upon arrival, Classes will be limited to 10 people so please RSVP early.


Mini Pedicures– November 8th & 10th by appointment $25.00

Haircuts-November 7thth and 23rd by appointment $15.00

Foot Clinic with Town Nurse (does not cut toenails) -Dec by appointment FREE

Foot Clinic with Foot Care Associates– (Cuts Toenails) Nov. 17 by app. $35.00

Blood Pressure Clinic Daily (Mon-Fri) from 12:00 -1:00pm– no app. needed FREE

Medicare Enrollment Help For people turning 65 or new to Medicare by app. FREE

Hearing Clinic November 28th by appointments

Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments

Luminaria and Fairy Walk Event Saturday, October 22, 2022

Luminaria Walk Event Groton Parks Foundation Fundraiser

Saturday, October 22, 2022 5:00—7:00 pm

Please join us as we raise funds for Groton Parks Foundation by enjoying an evening walk on one of our main trails at Copp Family Park (Route 184, Groton) decorated magically with luminary, fairy houses and fairy friends. This is an easy and stroller friendly trail.

Under 1 mile. Sensory friendly time is 5:00-6:00 pm.

Respectfully, we request no dogs on Luminaria trail during the event

  • Adults $10
  • Children 8 and up $5
  • Children under 8 Free

 Unable to attend?

Please consider donating to support Groton Parks Foundation (501(c)(3). Your tax-deductible donation to Groton Parks Foundation will support ongoing and future projects to enhance Groton recreational opportunities.

Donations may be made out to and mailed to Groton Parks Foundation     (re: Luminaria) at Thrive 55+ Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340

 For more Information contact  Thrive55+ at 860-441-6785.



Tuesday , October 25th  1:00– 3:00 pm

Medicare Update: changes, new benefits for 2023 Please Join John Pitarra, Senior Benefits & Medicare Specialist for an information Registration is needed.  860-441-6785


One on One with VET CENTER Friday, October 21st

VET CENTER will offer one-on-one info sessions

Friday, October 21st 11:00 am -2:00 pm

Norwich Vet Center offers confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Services include counseling for needs such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST). Vet Center can also connect you with more support in VA and your community.