Category: Programs

Halloween Party

Friday, October 28th at 10:00am 


Lunch & Entertainment

With special guests from the New London Senior Center

There will be Bingo ($0.50 per card)


AARP Driver Safety Course

Friday, October 14th from 9:30am-2:00pm


$20 for AARP members, $25 for non-members

Lunch is ordered & paid for upon arrival – served at 11:30am

Lunch Special: Ham & Beans

Wednesday, October 12th at 11:30


costs $8.00

Menu: ham & beans with apple crisp dessert

Flu Shot Clinic

Monday, October 17th from 10:30-11:30am


Sponsored by Walgreens

Bring your insurance card!

​​​​​​​Call 860-376-2329 to set up your time

Drop-in Computer Assistance

2nd and 4th Mondays of every month from noon-2pm


Provided in Partnership with Otis Library

Do you have general questions on how to use a computer, Internet or email?  Need help with Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?  Looking for assistance with your laptop, tablet, or cell phone?

Nicolette Pavain, Marketing and Technology Librarian from Otis Library, will be here to help you! 

Drop by and get your questions answered!  Free Wi-Fi available.


Disability Awareness Week Legislative Panel Discussion

Tuesday, October 11th at 10:30am


Legislative panel discussion on past and upcoming disability-related legislation.

For written material in large print or other disability-related accommodation, contact Julie Menders. Contact info: or (860) 889-2365 x 128. 

Disability Awareness Week is sponsored by the Norwich Commission for Persons with Disabilities, with the essential support of the City of Norwich Office of the Mayor, Otis Library and Rose City Senior Center.


AARP Smart DriverTEK

Thursday, October 20th from 1:30-3:00pm


Wonder what all those warning lights, beeps and alerts mean when in your vehicle?

Smart DriverTEK is a free AARP program which offers a step-by-step guide of how the safety technologies work in vehicles and how they can benefit drivers through engaging video segments and informative discussion.  As a result of attending this program, you will become more up-to-date on available safety technologies in vehicles and how to use them effectively to help you drive more safely.

You must sign up to attend this program.  Sign up at Reception ~ Space is Limited.


AARP Driver Safety Smart Driver Course

Thursday, October 30th from 9:00am-1:00pm

please arrive by 8:45am


Consult your auto insurance company about the discounts available to you from taking this class.

$20 AARP Members  /  $25 AARP Non-Members

Pay directly to AARP by check or cash

You must sign up to take the class.  Sign up at Reception ~ Space is Limited.


Artists and Crafters Wanted for Holiday Craft Fair!

Thursday, December 15th from 9:30am-1:30pm


We are looking for art and craft vendors who are interested in selling their handmade items.

Rent a table at our mini – Holiday Craft Fair!  $20 per 6-ft table.

Call Hilary for more information or to reserve your table! (860) 889-5960

Pay when you sign up.  Tables are very limited (only 8 tables in total available).