Category: Programs

Dementia Caretaker Support Group

Thursdays at 1:00 pm


UPDATE: Support group held every week via ZOOM


Call to register to receive an invitation link in email

St. Mary’s Food Pantry

2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month

Pantry Hours:

10:00-11:00am or 3:00-4:00pm


located at 52 North Main Street, Jewett City

Mobile Food Pantry

Thursday, September 15th from 4:00-5:00pm

at Griswold High School, 267 Slater Ave


Annual Judged ART SHOW and Reception Friday, Sept 9

Sept 9th FRIDAY night is our Annual Judged ART SHOW and Reception 4-6 pm here at THRIVE55+.  This show is only for artists 55 plus so it is special to us!

Please help us applaud all the talented artists by joining us Friday.




Annual Veteran’s Appreciation Luncheon

We will be holding our 7th Annual Veterans’ Appreciation Luncheon   It will be held at the Lymes’ Senior Center- 26 Town Woods Road Old Lyme CT. on Monday, October 3rd at 12:00pm. All Veterans are invited to attend this free luncheon. If spouses wish to attend the cost will be $5.00 due at the time of sign up. Please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 before September 28th if you are a Veteran and wish to attend!

Art Class: Floral Arrangements

Floral Arrangements – October 3, 10 – Mondays 1-3pm – 2 weeks ($14.00)
Students will paint from a still life of flowers set up in class. The approach will be loose, washy and more abstract than real. These will be fun and relaxing sessions. The lesson will center on color, value (dark/light) and composition.

Dime Bank Scam Alert Program

Friday, September 16th at 10:00am


Come and join us for a presentation by DIME BANK on all of the latest SCAMS affecting our seniors and residents across the country! Don’t fall victim to identity theft or financial! Learn ways to keep yourself and loved ones safe from SCAMS!

Virtual Real Time Tours: Canada

Wednesday, September 28th from 4:00-5:00pm


Come join this real time tour and walk the cedar boardwalk through this ancient forest of Cathedral Grove. You can ask questions to the live tour guide while enjoying an authentic Canadian meal.