Category: Programs

Friday Luncheon Series

We’re reinstating our Friday Luncheon Series this summer. Our plans are to visit local eateries, enjoy the company of friends and possibly make new friends. Lunch is on your own expense.


Our dates are as follows:

Friday, July 5th ………..Panda Express, New London

Friday, July 19th ……….Groton Town House, Groton

Friday, August 2nd ……Buon Appetito Restaurant, North Stonington

Friday, August 9th ……..Village Pizza, Preston


Departure times for the restaurants will generally be at 11:30 a.m.

More detailed information will be available to registered people as the specific schedule unfolds.

Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 to register for the specific restaurant.

OATS Summer Kayaking Program

Recreation and Thrive55+ divisions collaborate to give you kayaking time in a group setting. We meet behind Spicer House at Beebe Cove for a few hours of kayaking in the departments kayaks. Life jackets are provided. Limited room. MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM. You must sign up per day prior to the day.

$10 per person, per day. Only for those 55+

Thursday mornings at 9:30 am every other week
July 11 , July 25 August 8 and August 22.

OATS Hike at Groton Utilities Reservoir

Thursday, July 18th at 8:00am

Approx 1.5 miles


O.A.T.S. – A hearty group of cool people with shared interests of being outdoors and local adventure who happen to be 55 and older.


Registration required- will fill quickly.

Trip Presentations with Collette

Tuesday, July 23rd from 9:00-11:00am


  • Spotlight on Washington, D.C. Exploring America’s Capital March 20 — March 25, 2025
    U.S. Capitol Building Tour, World War II Memorial, Washington National Cathedral, Choice on Tour: International Spy Museum or Lincoln Assassination Tour, Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Old Town Alexandria, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, White House Visitor Center, Smithsonian Institution

The link to all the details:

Double $3,029pp Single $3,729pp if booked before Sept 20, 2024


  • Spain’s Costa del Sol & Madrid Discovery May 17 — May 25, 2025

Málaga, Choice on Tour: Málaga Alcazaba or Picasso Museum, Marbella, Sentenil de las Bodegas, Ronda, Home-Hosted Lunch, The Alhambra, Madrid, Segovia

The link to all the details:

Double $4,029pp Single $4,479pp Triple $3,999pp if booked before Nov. 18, 2024


RSVP 860-441-6785

Introduction to Genealogy


Carol Ansel, Director at the Godfrey Memorial Library in Middletown, will present the ABC’s of beginning genealogy, with an emphasis on the eight (or so) basic types of genealogical records—where you can find them and how best to use them. She will include plenty of personal anecdotes to help you learn from both her mistakes and her successes. Before she was bitten by the genealogy bug, Carol was a school librarian for many years, so she is no stranger to presentations, and she finds that adults are generally better-behaved than seventh grade boys. $12 pp – Must register by July 11.


PART 2 – THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024 AT 10 AM

Just starting out in genealogy? The first two programs most people
start with are Ancestry (the library edition is available for free at most public libraries) and (provided for free by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). Join Carol Ansel, director of the Godfrey Memorial Library, as she demonstrates the basics of searching these two databases. She’ll teach you how to begin searching and warn you about possible pitfalls so you can develop good research techniques right from the get-go. $12 pp – Must register by July 18.

McLews Breakfast

Friday, July 12th at 8:45am

Let’s gather for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast while socializing with great
people. Mmm: Breakfast French toast bake, Sausage patty, Fruit cup,
Pastry, Coffee


Register by July 9

Late fee $3.00 if space is available

Master Gardener Presentation

Wednesday, July 10th at 1:00pm

“Eye Spy With My Eye A Weed, Fungus, or Disease?”


Come and bring any clippings of plants or plants with you that are an unsolved mystery and Master Gardener Ray Hasson will help you dissect the problem and come up with a solution for happy, healthy and thriving plants.

Register by July 9 so we can plan best.

Housing Support Group

1st Wednesday of every month from 11:00am-12:00pm


Noreen Zupnik, Housing Counselor from New London Hospitality Center – Housing Resource Center will be here at Thrive 55+ The goal is to provide support to individuals 55 and over currently in housing and dealing with landlords, management companies or housing authorities. Noreen will be here to listen, educate and help folks in understanding their tenant rights that will include the how-to of landlord communication: complaints, lease explanations , letters to landlords and housing commissions to mention a few.

Senior Center Closed July 4th

Senior Center closed for the 4th of July


** and there will be NO LUNCH on July 5th

“Eat Well To Live Well”: Nutrition Series

Wednesdays at 1:00pm starting July 3rd through August 7th


Join UConn Healthy Family CT for a 6-week, interactive nutrition series. Together, we’ll engage in conversation about eating to support your health and wellness. From debunking common dietary myths, learning practical strategies for meal planning and preparation, to discussing eating to support bone and heart health, each week offers valuable insights and actionable steps toward reaching your nutrition goals. Spend smart, eat well, feel great!

Free to participate; please register at 860-441-6785.