Category: Programs

The Artists Nook

Have you noticed the new use of our “gift shop”? If not, please stop by what was once our Gift Shop and see The Artists Nook. Each month a specific art will be featured! In July we had Dr. Sullo’s oil paintings; in August we featured artwork from our own Zentangle group.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Saturday, September 3rd from 9:00am-12:00pm


Help save a life! Can’t give? Please tell someone who can!

Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to schedule an appointment.

​​​​​​​Sponsored by Groton Rotary.

Regional Senior Centers Block Party

Thursday, September 22nd from 5:00-7:30pm


Outdoor concert and dance party!

Entertainment by The Corvettes Doo-Wop Revue

$10 per person

Limited tickets available; checks made out to Senior Resources.


Bring your own chairs, bring your own drinks and food if you wish.


Register at your own senior center.

Annual Senior Judged Art Show & Reception

Friday, September 9th from 4:00-6:00pm


It will be so nice to have this event in person again this year! Please help us applaud all of our talented artists.

McLews Breakfast

Friday, September 2nd at 8:45am 


Please join us for our fun, social and delicious morning event. Our September
menu is French Toast, Maple Syrup, Bacon, Hash Brown Patty, Pastry, Fruit
Cup Apple Juice and Coffee/Tea.

$10 per person -Registration is necessary; deadline is August 31

Ronald McDonald Pop Tab Program

Collect your pop tabs and bring them into the Ledyard Senior Center!


Are you looking for a simple way to help families in need? Look no further! Schools, families, and businesses alike collect pop tabs throughout the year and donate them to Ronald McDonald House Charities.


Anyone can collect pop tabs, and that’s what makes this program so great! It’s an easy way to help the families who call RMHCA home, and we hope you’ll think of them whenever you recycle a pop tab.


Grab a container to store your pop tabs in! We suggest Ziploc bags, paper bags, or boxes/bins. Please avoid soda bottles, jars, milk jugs, and plastic grocery bags.



From Photo to Canvas: Adult Beginning Landscape Painting

Each class will start with a demonstration of techniques including use of brushes, palette knives, mediums and color mixing. Students need to bring a landscape picture from which you would like to paint.  All materials are included.


DAY:  Thursdays, 5 weeks 

TIME:  10:00 – 12:00

BEGINS:  January 19

FEE:  $50



DAY:  Thursdays, 5 weeks 

TIME:  10:00 – 12:00

BEGINS:  March 9

FEE:  $50

INSTRUCTOR:  Charles Shaw

Pop-up Beginner Landscape Art Class

Monday, September 19th from 9:00-12:00pm


Have you ever wanted to bring out your inner Van Gogh but weren’t sure how to go about it? Here’s your opportunity to be creative and take home your own landscape painting at the end of this one session class. All supplies are included.

Fee: $10

Instructor: Charles Shaw

Register at or at the office

Free Oil Painting Demo/Classes

A Free Oil Painting Demo will be done by Artist Tom Torrentti.  On Tuesday, September 27th at 12:30pm. Come enjoy watching this talented oil painter. This demonstration is free.

If you are interested in taking his classes , we will be holding them on Tuesdays in October from 12:30pm-3:30pm. Tom is an elected member of the Lyme Art Association and first exhibited there in 1969. A graduate of Paier College, Torrenti is an artist based in Westbrook, CT, with over 50 years of painting experience. Call to reserve your seat at this free event.

Upcoming In-Person Classes


To Sign Up Call (860)434-4127 or email us at


Tap Summer Practice    (MON) 10:15 drop in until Sept 19th (no instr.)    FREE

Tap Classes    (MON) starting September 19th 9:30 & 10:15am      $5.00

Zumba    (TUES) Tuesdays at 9:00am    $5.00

Sit n Be Fit (TUES)      Tuesdays at 10:15am     FREE

Low Impact Class with Kate      Wednesdays at 8:30am    $5.00

Yoga Movement Class     (WED) Wednesdays at 10:00am    $5.00

Low Impact Class with Jessie     (TH) Thursdays at 10:15am    $5.00

Why Weight(s)? Class     (THURS) Thursdays at 9:00am    $5.00

Low Impact Class with Kate     (FRI) Drop in and ongoing at 8:30am     $5.00

Beg. Country Line Dancing    (FRI) Drop in and ongoing at 2:15pm    FREE

4S Class (Sit, Stretch, Strength & Song)   Fridays at 10:15am    FREE