Wednesday, September 7th 10:00am-Editing and Taking pictures with iPhones 101.
Category: Programs
Lecture: Transatlantic Airships
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lecture: Transatlantic Airships- September 7th at 1:00pm with the Bow Tie Historian Jason Scappaticci. Most people are familiar with one airship, the Hindenburg, and only because of its tragic ending that was caught on film. Prior to this catastrophic accident though the world experienced an airship craze and competition between countries that pushed companies to design larger and more luxurious airships. This lecture is free for members ($10 each for non-members). Call to pre-register.
FAIRY HOUSE Project with Mary Jo
Wednesdays, August 10 and 24 10:30 am -12:00 pm
Crafters Wanted! If you enjoy crafting yet might not have the space or reason; this could be for you! Fairy houses are made from nature, so items that are found in the yard are going to work. Come volunteer and craft a Fairy House to be donated to our LUMINARI WALK event to fundraise for Groton Parks Foundation. This community event will take place on Saturday, October 22 evening at the Copp Family Park.
Fairy Houses will first be featured in our center shop, they will decorate our LUMINARI WALK trail and then finally they will be auctioned at the event. We need to know how many to expect – please sign up.
Wednesdays, by appointment
Please sign up in the front office.
REIKI is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy. REIKI is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy healing involves direct application of CHI for the purpose of strengthening the client’s energy system (aura). This is a quiet, individualized program.
Free to our seniors, donations accepted.
Virtual Real Time Tour of the Nile River
Tuesday, August 16th from 10:00-11:00am
Come join us as we take a trip up the Nile and watch the sun go down. “We will travel by motor boat, taking a trip on the longest river in the world that has so much history sail on it is one on nearly everyone’s bucket list. You will get to see the difference between the East and West Banks of the Nile plus some of the wildlife that lives there.”
You have the opportunity to ask the tour guide questions—these are “real time” tours and are interactive. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. Authentic snacks served during the tours.
Virtual Real Time Tour of Canada
Wednesday, August 3rd from 3:30-4:30pm
A live walking tour of Banff & The Canadian Rockies. “Banff—Canada’s first and most famous national park. Nestled in over 6000 square kilometers of majestic wilderness, the Town of Banff helped to finance the trains which assured Canada’s creation. Every visit will be different according to time, light, wildlife and weather. We discuss the indigenous inhabitants. Geology, wildlife and the ‘need to reside’ permit which restricts Town from growing.”
You have the opportunity to ask the tour guide questions—these are “real time”
tours and are interactive. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. Authentic snacks served during the tours.
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lectures & Performances. Mark Your Calendar.
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lectures & Performances are Free for members ($10 each for non-members)
September 7th at 1:00pm-Transatlantic Airships with the Bow Tie Historian
October 5th at 1:00pm– The Connecticut Witch Trials with the Bow Tie Historian
November 2nd at 1:00pm- The 1964/65 NY World’s Fair with the Bow Tie Historian
November 9th at 1:00pm– Harriet Tubman– A Woman with a Railroad– A one woman show
stage with Abwao Bandele-Asante
January 4th at 1:00pm- The Roaring 20’s with the Bow Tie Historian
January 18th at 1:00pm– The Amistad Story– A one woman show with Abwao Bandele-Asante
February 1st at 1:00pm– Failed Presidential Assassinations with the Bow Tie Historian
March 1st at 1:00pm—The SS United States: Fastest Ship in the World with the Bow Tie Historian
April 5th at 1:00pm– The Sinking of the Titanic with the Bow Tie Historian
Every Smile Counts For Older Adults
Thursday, August 18th from 9:00am-3:00pm
at Jewett City Fire Department
Please participate in this 5-minute screening to help the department of Public Health collect oral health information from older adults. This survey helps DPH advocate for better dental services. All participants are entered a raffle to win a gift card. Receive a Free Gift Bag: Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss & more!
Call to sign up! 860-376-2604
Farmers Market Voucher Distribution
To be eligible for farmers market vouchers, you must be 60+ or on disability. Call for income guidelines and to register.
Fall Flu Clinic Plans
We are planning to conduct another Flu & Pneumonia Clinic this fall. Several individuals have questioned whether there will be restrictions due to COVID 19 issues. We are planning to hold our clinic in mid-October. Plans are already in place to hold the event indoors. Should health concerns arise between now and the fall, we will do whatever the health department feels is appropriate for our population. More information with regard to date and time of our clinic including registration information will come. If you have questions, please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6