Category: Programs

Mobile Food Pantry

Thursday, July 21st from 4:00-5:30pm (or until supplies run out)

at Griswold High School, 267 Slater Ave


please do not arrive before 3:45pm

Dementia Caretaker Support Groups

Support groups are Thursdays at 1:00pm every two weeks via Zoom

Upcoming meeting dates: July 14th and July 28th


Call to register and receive and invitation link in email


Veterans Coffee House of Eastern Connecticut

Tuesdays from 8:30-11:00am

at Old Pauchaug Town Hall

831 Voluntown Road

Griswold, CT


All veterans welcome: men and women of all ages.

Come socialize, hear guest speakers, and learn about benefits

TVCCA Special Meal

Wednesday, July 20th at 11:30am



Hamburger w/ cheese, lettuce, & tomato

Potato Salad


Strawberry Shortcake

includes coffee & juice


suggested donation: $4.50

Revolutionary War Reenactment

Wednesday, July 13th at 12:30pm


Immediately following our weekly Wednesday lunch there will be a reenactment you won’t want to miss! Join us for lunch ($7) and the show, or just come for the free show/ See you soon!

Fourth of July Luncheon

Wednesday, July 6th at 12:00pm


Dine-in only. $7 per person

RSVP via phone 860-464-0478 or Facebook by Tuesday, July 5th at 10:30am



BBQ chicken

mac & cheese

baked beans

cake w/ strawberries & blueberries

High Tides Singing Duo

Wednesday, July 6th at 12:30pm


Join us for our weekly lunch ($7) at noon and then enjoy the show, or just come for the show!

Start the day with coffee and more!

Come join us for breakfast!


Our Cafe is open all morning every day. On Tuesday’s we have a $5 breakfast buffet.



Egg & cheese breakfast sandwich – $2

Egg, cheese, & bacon breakfast sandwich – $3

2 eggs w/ bacon & toast – $3

French Toast w/ bacon – $3

2 Pancakes w/ bacon – $3

Cheese omelet w/ toast – $3

Turkey club – $4

Hamburger/Cheeseburger – $4

Grilled Cheese plain/tomato – $3

Grilled Cheese w/ bacon/tomato – $4

Italian chicken sandwich – $4

BLT sandwich – $4

Chicken salad sandwich – $4


Wednesdays, by appointment
Please sign up in the front office.
REI KI is a method of natural healing based on the
application of Universal Life Force Energy. REI KI is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy healing involves direct application of CHI for the purpose of strengthening the client’s energy system (aura). This is a quiet, individualized program.
Free to our seniors, donations accepted.

The Better Health Program

Fridays from 8:00am-4:00pm

The Montville Senior Center is offering a FREE Better Health, Mental Health, Program at the Montville Senior Center. Many people find the holidays difficult, or suffer from
depression, have anxiety, or just need someone to talk to. Mental Health is a very
important part of health care so you can be as healthy as possible! Don’t neglect your
mind while taking care of your body! Join a group for discussion sessions or sit down
one-on-one with our licensed clinician to talk! This program is made possible with a
grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Don’t miss out on this great service! It’s never too late to start to take care of yourself—mind, body, spirit! Call for details and/or an appointment! A suggested donation of $1.00 per visit is appreciated! Thank you!