Category: Programs

Top-Your-Own-Dog Lunch Party

Wednesday, July 27th at 1:00pm

$5.00 per person

Entertainment, raffles, friends, & fun

Come join us for a great afternoon of all you can eat hot dogs with your choice of toppings! Great way to spend the afternoon with us and our senior friends! Food, fun, and friends—you can’t go wrong! Please call or sign up on the bulletin-board if you plan to attend!

FAIRY HOUSE Project Program

Wednesdays, July 6, 20, August 10 and 24  10:30 am -12:00 pm

Crafters Wanted! If you enjoy crafting yet might not have the space or reason; this could be for you! Fairy houses are made from nature, so items that are found in the yard are going to work.  Come volunteer and craft a Fairy House to be donated to our LUMINARI WALK event to fundraise for Groton Parks Foundation. This community event will take place on Saturday, October 22 evening at the Copp Family Park.

Fairy Houses will first be featured in our center shop, they will decorate our LUMINARI WALK trail and then finally they will be auctioned at the event.  We need to know how many to expect – please sign up.


Groups and Clubs: Come Join Us

“Rogue Rollers” Bocce Club– TUESDAYS 1:30-2:30pm, weather permitting

· The “Knit Wits” Knitting Circle– SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH

· “Quilty” Pleasures Quilting Group- THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH

· “Girls (and Boys) Gone Scrappy” Scrapbooking & Paper Craft Group–

· “Totally Pitchin’” Horsesh-U (Horseshoe) Club-FRIDAYS 1-2pm, weather

· “Take a Hike Thursday” Hiking Group- SECOND THURSDAY OF THE
MONTH 9:30-11:30ish

O.A.T.S. Outdoor Active Traveling Seniors Group

A hearty group of cool people with a shared interest of being outdoors and local adventure who happen to be 55 and older.

Want to join our email list for all the details of upcoming OATS outings? It’s the best way to hear about our upcoming outings and plans. Please call 860-441-6623 or email

Please see insert for the OATS SUMMER outings and programs. Looking at this online? Come on into our center and we will get you a copy.

Scouting Groton: Interactive Photo Scavenger Hunt

Put your photography skills to the test while enjoying the summer activities, events & sites Groton has to offer.

• Get the scavenger hunt list/ rules from our center.
• Capture a photo of the event/ place, you do not
need to be in the photo, extra points if you are!
• You must have a photo of every event to enter.
• Photo submission deadline is Monday, Sept 6th.

Dr. Sullo’s Summer Painting Classes

Classes offered Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 am or 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Cost is $45 for each class to be paid directly to instructor at each class.

JUST PICKED Culinary Program

Tuesdays at 2:00pm

This program teaches culinary techniques to take advantage of fresh produce 12 workshops presented by passionate chefs.

Join us “in the kitchen” as Thrive 55+ partners with the Eastern Connecticut Community Gardens Association and the Thames Valley Sustainable Connections Fund to offer free weekly workshops that will focus on uncomplicated preparations to accentuate the superior flavor of fresh, locally grown produce. We have three local chefs who will teach you while they prepare samples of their favorite recipes incorporating seasonal produce for you to taste!

Program runs weekly June 28th through Sept 2nd.

Enrollment limited. Registration required.

Fairy House Project

Wednesdays July 6th and 20th & August 10th and 24th from 10:30am-12:00pm

Crafters Wanted! If you enjoy crafting yet might not have the space or reason; this could be for you! Fairy houses are made
from nature, so items that are found in the yard are going to work. Come volunteer and craft a Fairy House to be donated to our LUMINARI WALK event to fundraise for Groton Parks Foundation. This community event will take place on
Saturday, October 22 evening at the Copp Family Park.

Fairy Houses will first be featured in our center shop, they will decorate our LUMINARI WALK trail and then finally they will be auctioned at the event. We need to know how many to expect – please sign up.

AARP Driver Safety Course

Friday, July 22nd from 12:30-4:00pm

Register with us

Pay directly to instructor (check preferred)