On Friday’s at 10:15 am. there will be a NEW S-T-R-E-T-C-H & Strength Class with Mellisa, this is a seated class where you will stretch and increase the flexibility in all your major muscle groups. The music will also make this class fun! You will also use light weights or no weights for part of this class. This class will be held once a month in summer to test interest and begin weekly starting in September. Summer classes July 15th, August 19th. Call (860)434-4127 to register. Class is free.
Category: Programs
Why Weights Class
On Thursday at 9:00am, a NEW Why Weight(s)? Class- Led by Jessie $5.00 a class. This class will be focused on building more muscle. After 50 years of age, muscle tone begins to decline 15% each decade.
Weights and body weight training help to develop stronger bones, boost metabolism, improve range of motion and endurance. This class is designed to work with these elements in increasing strength, flexibility and balance with focus on form and execution. We will work with compound exercises incorporating weights, body weight and increasing core strength. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring heavier weights (3-5lbs available at center) and a mat. (Once a month in summer to test interest then weekly starting in September.) Class $5.00 a class. Summer classes July 21st, August 18th. Call (860)434-4127 to register.
On Wednesday’s at 10:00am, NEW Yoga movement class (Once a month in summer to test interest and weekly starting in September.) Class $5.00 Summer classes July 13th, August 10th. Call (860)434-
4127 to register.
Senior Resources Benefits Enrollment Day Monday, June 27
Appointments 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sign up for an appointment at the front desk 860-441-6785
Recreation and Thrive55+ divisions collaborate to give you kayaking time in a group setting. We meet behind Spicer House at Beebe Cove for a few hours of kayaking in the departments kayaks. Life jackets are provided. Limited room. Must have some experience in a kayak. You must sign up per day.
$10 per person, per day. Only for those 55 +
WEDNESDAY mornings at 9:30 am every other week beginning July 13 :
- July 13
- July 27
- August 10
- August 24
AARP #1004 Meeting
From 1:30-2:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month
No Meetings in July, August or December.
CSEA #403 Retirees
From 1:30-2:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month
Location: Dining Room Room
(2nd Tue, not Jun/Jul/Aug/Dec)
Coffee, Tea and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) via FREE conference call line
From 9:00-10:00am on the 2nd Friday of every month
Sip your favorite morning beverage as you join in on this informational phone conversation.
Join Senior Resources Agency on Aging for a free group phone conversation about Medicare, Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), CHOICES programs and ways to prevent Fraud and Abuse. Listen in, ask questions, discuss ideas. Every 2nd Friday of the Month. Different topics and speakers each month.
To join, Dial in to the FREE conference call line: (712)775-7031
Enter the Meeting ID: 797-253-419
For more information, contact Alison Dvorak at Senior Resources. (860)887-3561×115
Roseland Combo
Tuesdays from 10:15-11:15am
Do you play? A musical instrument, of course! It’s also more fun if you play in a group. The Roseland Combo meets at Rose City Senior Center every Tuesday at 10:15a.m. If you think you might enjoy playing the good old songs with us call Mike M. (860) 705-1136 or just stop in on a Tuesday. Be sure to dust off your instrument and bring it with you unless you play piano—we have one available you can play. Open to Senior Center Members only.
Po-Ke-No Card Game
Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30am
Location: Craft Room