Category: Programs

Volunteer Knitting & Crocheting Group

Thursdays from 1:00-2:00pm

Location: Dining Room
This wonderful group makes chemo caps, lap robes, prayer shawls, blankets, hats, etc. which are donated to various local organizations including the ECHO Cancer Foundation at Backus Hospital, Project Linus, VFW and local schools. These donations are a loving gift to cancer patients, children, homeless and to those in need.
The senior center provides donated yarn as available to this group.

Color Club

Thursdays from 1:00-2:00pm

Location: Art Room

Get out of the house and enjoy the company of others while having some fun coloring!
Coloring books are no longer just for kids!  Adult coloring has been shown to help reduce stress, boost mental clarity, exercise fine motor skills and help train the brain to focus and generate a creative mindset.  Give it a try!  Bring your own coloring supplies or use ours.
Call Hilary with any questions.  (860) 889-5960.

Core Strength & Toning

Thursdays from 10:15-11:15am

Fitness Instructor: Lisa Weir
Location: Program Room
Core Strength & Toning exercise class combines flexibility, strength and toning exercises to improve your core strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, and range of motion.  This class is low impact and will incorporate the use of hand weights to help tone and strengthen.  Exercises are done both standing and using a chair.  Please consider joining this great new class!
Call Hilary if you have any questions. (860) 889-5960.

Zumba Gold

Thursdays from 9:00-10:00am

Location: Program Room
Zumba is a fun, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness program which provides both cardio and muscle toning benefits.  It combines fun Latin moves from dances such as salsa, merengue, and cha-cha with an aerobic workout.  With Zumba Gold, the moves and pacing are modified to suit the needs of the active older participant, and those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle! Hope you join us!  Beginners Welcome!

This class is open to Senior Center members only and there is no additional fee for the class.
Classes are open to members of the Rose City Senior Center only.  Not a member yet? Sign up today!  Please call for more information.  (860) 889-5960

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® (Virtual ZOOM Class)

Mondays and Thursdays from 8:45-9:45am

Class Instructed by Carol Klammer
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® is a research based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance and daily function and to prevent falls.  It is designed for older adults 60+ years old and people with balance difficulties.
This program can accommodate individuals who need assistance with walking, such as use of a cane.
No prior experience with Tai Chi is needed.  This class will be taught virtually.  You will learn the movements in a supportive environment over the course of this 24-week class.  This class is free and open to individuals at least 60 years old, and interested in improving their balance and stability.
To Sign up Contact: Connie Capacchione, Uncas Health District (860) 639-5138
This program is sponsored by Senior Resources Agency on Aging and Uncas Health District.

Are You Ready to Quit Smoking? (Virtual ZOOM Class)

Classes Begin Wednesday, May 4th   6:30 p.m.
A 7-Week virtual program to help you become tobacco-free!
The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® program is designed to give you the support you need in a comfortable, confidential setting offered virtually via ZOOM.
Get assistance in preparing to quit using tobacco, taking that first step to quit and helping you not return to tobacco use.  This program also helps you prioritize other healthy behaviors that support a tobacco-free lifestyle.
This program is being offered by Uncas Health District and is open to anyone who lives or works in Southeastern Connecticut.  This program is FREE and includes FREE nicotine replacement therapy.
For more information or to register, Contact Carolyn Wilson (860) 400-2072
This program is supported by the Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Indoor Walking Group

Wednesdays from 1:o0-3:30pm and Fridays from 2:00-3:30pm

Location: Program Room
Too hot or rainy to walk outside?  Don’t like walking on a treadmill?  Try Indoor Walking Group!
The program room will be available for those who would like to walk indoor but not on a treadmill.  The room is air conditioned and has a TV if you would like a little entertainment while walking.  A great way to get together with others to walk and talk, or just walk by yourself, in a safe environment indoors.
Please call Hilary if you have questions.  (860) 889-5960.

Cornhole and Ping Pong

Wednesdays from 1:00-3:30pm

Location: Program Room

Bring a partner and enjoy a game of Ping Pong or Cornhole!  Pick one game to play or play some of each.  Cornhole can also be played alone if you just want to practice your bean bag toss.  Both are a great way to get a little exercise while having some fun doing so!  Give it a try!
Please call Hilary if you have questions. (860) 889-5960.


Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30pm

Mahjong is a Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation using tiles with symbols and pictures. It is played similar to the card game Rummy in that you “draw” and “discard” tiles in an attempt to match them to win the game.  Please call Hilary if you are interested in joining (860) 889-5960


The Rose City Senior Center offers counseling services for our Senior Center members.  Individual and Family Counseling for positive mental health and well-being is available.  In-person appointments are scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or talk with a counselor by phone.
Appointments are available with:

Kerri Redner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Mondays 9:00a.m. – noon and Thursdays 10:00a.m. – noon.
Angelo Callis, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Wednesdays noon – 2:30p.m.

If you are interested, please call Rose City Senior Center (860) 889-5960.
Leave your information on their voicemail and Kerri or Angelo will call you back.