Category: Programs

FREE Walk in Covid Vaccine Clinic

July 11th, a FREE Walk in Covid Vaccine Clinic 11am-2pm at the Lymes Senior Center- 26 Town Woods Road Old Lyme.
Only the Moderna vaccine will be available at these clinics, for individuals 18 years or older who
need a 1st or 2nd dose (primary series) or are eligible for a 1st or 2nd booster dose.
The following groups are eligible for a 1st booster shot at this clinic:

individuals 18 years of age and older who have completed a primary series of a mRNA COVID19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) and it has been at least 5 months since completion of primary series
and individuals 18 years of age and older who have had a primary dose of Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 2 months and would like a mRNA booster.

The following groups are eligible for a 2nd booster shot at this clinic:
individuals 50 years of age and older who have received a first booster dose of any authorized
or approved COVID-19 vaccine, and it has been at least 4 months since first booster dose.

The clinic is free and open to the public. No appointment, insurance, or ID is necessary. Please
bring your CDC vaccination card. Please call 860-434-4127 or email for more informatation.

A Caregivers Emotional Journey

Wednesday July 20, 2022, at 1:00pm Mattthew Borrelli will read poems from his poetry book that will take the audience though the shared experiences of caring for a loved one with dementia. His storytelling will engage the audience and act as a therapeutic tool for all to express their similar feelings. His evolution to understanding of dementia will be evident as he reads from his poetry book entitled “JOURNEY OF A POET AND HIS MUSE” Please call 860-434-4127 or email to register or for more information on this free program. This program will be available virtually as well as in person.

Technology Help

Every Wednesday from 2:10-3:10pm

Need help with your computer, tablet or cell phone! Call us and reserve an appointment with a student from EL High.
Register by Mon of each week.

Massage Therapy

From 1:00-4:00pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month

Cathy Canto will provide massage therapy on the 2nd and 4th Wed of every month from 1:00 to 4:00pm.  You can reserve a 25 minute appointment for $27 or a 55 minute appointment for $54.

Call senior center to schedule an appointment and for more information at 860-739-5859.  Payment is due at time of reservation.


Chair Yoga

Every Wednesday from 1:00-2:00pm

New session starts on Apr 6th and ends Jun 22nd (no class 5/18). In person instruction on Wed at 1pm.
Class fee $22R and $24NR.

Chair Yoga enables participants to enjoy the benefits of Yoga without having to get down or back up from the floor. This class will help participants maintain their fitness, recover after injuries or surgery while bringing calmness to the mind and a lifting of spirits. It will also help to improve brain function and co-ordination. A chair is used for the class. Please bring water and wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes.

Strength Training

Every Monday and Wednesday from 11:30-12:30pm

New session starts on Apr 13th and ends on Jun 22nd (no class 5/30). In person instruction on Mon and Wed at 11:30am.
Class fee $50R and $55NR.  WAIT LIST ONLY!

Men and women can lose more than five pounds of lean body mass (mostly muscle) every decade of their life due to disuse. Studies show that muscle mass can be increased in people of any age through regular strength training. Strength training also strengthens your bones, helps with weight management, provides relief from arthritis pain, lowers risk of injury, and improves cardiac health. Dyna bands, weights (1lb to 10lbs) and chairs are used for the class. Please bring water and wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes.


Ping Pong

Every Wednesday from 10:15-12:00pm

New session starts on Apr 6th and ends Jun 29th. Must register your interest to play for the session. Wait list only!

Ageless Fitness

Every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-11:00am

New session starts on Apr 4th and ends Jun 22nd (no class 5/30). In person instruction on Mon and Wed at 10am.
Class fee $46R and $50NR.

Ageless (Senior) Fitness is a low impact, moderate intensity class which provides a balanced workout to promote endurance of your heart and lungs, to strengthen your muscles and bones, to improve posture and balance, to increases flexibility, and to challenge your brain. To keep things fun and interesting, we move to music from all eras and genres. Dyna bands, weights, and other props are available for strengthening and stretching. Work at your own pace in a non-judgmental, relaxed atmosphere. Modify as you need. Please bring water and wear appropriate shoes and comfortable clothes.

Stitch Happens

Every Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am

New session starts on Apr 6th and ends on Jun 29th
and will be held on Wed at 9:30am in person. You
must register your interest in this session.

Tai Chi

Every Wednesday and Friday from 9:00-10:00am

New Session starts Apr 6th and ends on Jun 24th (no class 4/15). In person instruction on Wed and Fri at 9am. Class fee $40 and $44NR.

Tai Chi is a system of exercise based on Chinese Internal Martial Arts. The techniques and practice are circulare in nature, soft, slow and continuous. This class is does Qi Gong (Chinese Health Giving Exercises) and Tai Chi Forms. Sometimes equated to “mediation in motion” Tai Chi practice is not strenuous and promotes calm, fluidity and balance. A chair can be used to assist with balance. Please bring water and wear comfortable clothing and shoes that will not stick to the wooden floor.