Category: Programs

REIKI- Wednesdays, by appointment

New Programs starting…
Free Activity
Wednesdays, by appointment
Please sign up in the front office.
REIKI is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy. REIKI is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy healing involves direct application of CHI for the purpose of strengthening the clients energy system (aura).  This is a quiet, individualized program. Free to our seniors, donations accepted.

TAI CHI -TUESDAYS from 11:30-12:30pm

Tai Chi classes are here! Come join us on Tuesdays for a great form of exercise, which is  beneficial for both the mind and body. This is an easy on the joints and body type of program that still allows you the benefits of exercise for muscle strength, balance control, flexibility, relieves stress, improves mood and helps with sleep among other health benefits! Wear comfortable clothing and come and join us—have fun while getting and staying healthy! Classes are ongoing.

Roseland Combo- Rehearsal ~Tuesdays at 10:30am

A musical instrument, of course!  It’s also more fun if you play in a group.  The Roseland Combo meets at Rose City Senior Center every Tuesday at 10:15a.m.  If you think you might enjoy playing the good old songs with us call Mike M. (860) 705-1136 or just stop in on a Tuesday.  Be sure to dust off your instrument and bring it with you unless you play piano—we have one available you can play.  Open to Senior Center Members only.

Line Dancing- Wednesdays at 11:30am

Stop by and try something new!  Line dancing is a great way to get some exercise while having fun!  Learn different dance steps while enjoying the music of various songs.  This 1 hour class is great for all levels (beginner to advanced).  No partner necessary.  Hope to see you there!