Drop in and Ongoing classes. $5.00/class.
Category: Programs
Move- Cardio, Strength, Balance with Jessie- Thursdays at 10:15am
Join instructor, Jesse McCoy, as she gets you moving towards your fitness goals. Cost is $5.00 per class. Call 860 434 4127 to register. Drop in and Ongoing classes.
Low Impact/ High Energy Dance Fit- Friday at 10:15am
Drop in and Ongoing classes. $5.00/class.
AARP MATURE DRIVER SAFETY CLASS- Wednesday, May 4th and June 1st
Why Take a Defensive Driving Course?
The AARP Smart Driver course is the nation’s first refresher course specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older. In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. Contact your insurance company to find out. And you will learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.
Wed, May 4th 9:15am to 1:15pm $20 for AARP member $25 for non-AARP member
Wed, Jun 1st 12:30pm to 4:30pm $20 for AARP member $25 for non-AARP member
Register with the Senior Center office. Payment due upon registration.
“Take a Hike Thursday” Hiking Group Meets the second Thursday of the month at 9:30-11:30ish
Join us for a refreshing morning walk led by Wendy Hill, Open Space Coordinator of Lyme and Vice President of the Lyme Land Trust. The walks are moderate unless noted. Bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. Reservations are required. Please email me at sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov OR call (860) 434-4127 to make your reservation. All walks are 2.5 to 3 miles unless noted. Inclement weather cancels. May’s scheduled hike will be held on May 12th at Hartman Park in Lyme.
Register Online
Register from the comfort of your home. Website: schedulesplus.com/eastlyme
Just enter your phone number to get started! You must call the office if you would like to pay by credit card.
Keep an eye out! We are beginning a new computer check-in procedure.
NIANTIC LIONS CLUB 61st Outdoor Arts & Crafts Show Food Truck Court- Saturday, July 2nd from10am-5pm & Sunday, July 3rd from 10am-4pm
Location: East Lyme Town Hall Green
Featuring New England’s Finest
Juried Artists and Crafters
Niantic Lions Art & Craft Show (nianticartsandcraftshow.com)
Totally Pitchin’” Horsesh-U (Horseshoe) Club Meets Fridays at 1:00pm
Please email me at sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov OR call (860) 434-4127 to register. The first Friday we will be showing people how to play the game, or you can use this time brush up on your game and meet new people interested in this sport.
“As the Page Turns Book Club” – Third Friday of the Month
Copies of the selected book are available at the Lyme Library circulation desk. Just ask a staff member about picking up a copy. This is a collaborative effort between the Lyme Library and the Lymes’ Senior Center and will be facilitated by Librarian Melissa Fournier. Please email me at sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov OR call (860) 434-4127 to register. Club will meet the third Friday of the month alternating between the senior center and the library.
Decoding Medicare- Tuesday, May 24th at 1:00pm
Decoding Medicare: How to Navigate with Choices Counselor Susan Beeman. This will be offered in-person and virtually; please signify which when you register.