Posted on May 30, 2024 by Preston
The Preston Senior Center participates in a weekly Café program through
the TVCCA Elderly Nutrition Program. We are open on Monday’s (except holidays and inclement weather) and serve lunch at 11:30 a.m. Reservations are necessary and we ask that you call one week in advance of your planned participation. You may also sign-up in person at the senior center on Monday (9-1), Tuesday and Thursday (1-4) or by calling 860-889-0770 to make a reservation. There is a suggested donation of $3.00 for persons 60 years of age and older. Persons younger than 60 are welcome but a fee will be charged for their participation.
June Menu:
June 3rd: Stuffed Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice Pilaf, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Sweet Treat, Orange Juice, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
June 10th: Salisbury Steak w/gravy, Parsley Steamed Potatoes, Corn w/Peppers & Onions, Fresh Orange, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
June 17th: BBQ Pulled Pork w/Bun, Baked Beans, Green & Yellow Squash, Diced Peaches, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
June 24th: Baked Cod w/Herbs & Tomatoes, Roasted Garlic Rice, Broccoli, Tropical Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
Please remember to register in advance for the meal. Thank You.