The “Take a Hike Thursday” Hiking Group– Will meet once a month the second Thursday of the month at 9:30am, weather permitting led by Wendolyn Hill, Lyme Open Space Coordinator. Hikes will take place in Lyme and Old Lyme and surrounding areas. Places to be announced.
Check next month’s newsletter for details. Please email OR call (860)434-4127 to let us know you are interested. Hikes will be moderate.
Category: Programs
Girls Gone Scrappy
“Girls Gone Scrappy” Scrapbooking & Papercraft Group– Meets once a month (the fourth Wednesday of the Month) next meeting Wednesday, February 23rd at 10am. Please email me at OR call (860) 434-4127 to register. Bring your own consumable supplies (ink, paper, glue sticks or whatever you like to use) and reusable supplies (like stamps) to share during our get-together. This will be a great time to get ideas from others and get our creative juices flowing as well .
Quilty” Pleasures Update
Next meeting- Wednesday, March 16th from 10:00-11:45am. Meets
the third Wednesday of the month. This group gives members a chance to share your quilting passion,
borrow ideas off each other and even in the future could look at hire guest instructors for a specific
project if that is what the group wants. Please email me at OR call (860)434-
4127 to register. Feel free to bring some of your finished projects to share with the group and any you
want to work on during this get-together.
The “Knit-Wits” Knitting Circle Update
Next meeting- Wednesday, March 9th from 10:00-11:45am. Meets the
second Wednesday of the month. This is a group with mixed levels. Come join us in knitting or crocheting together, learning ideas off each other and just enjoying the camaraderie! Please email me at OR call (860)434-4127 to sign up. This group decided at their last meeting to
start a give away table where group members can bring yarn that they no longer want or half-finished
projects that they do not want to finish. In addition, I will be putting out beautiful yarn that has been
donated to the center.
February Newsletter
AArp Driver Safety is now “Online”
WATERCOLOR- Wednesday at 10:00am
FEE: $60
INSTRUCTOR: Jeanette Green
Yoga- Wednesday and Friday at 9:00am
Mats, blocks and chairs (for props) are available or bring your own. Anyone can attend regardless of flexibility or injury and modifications are available for every pose. We practice breathing with stretching and breathing with building strength and balance poses. Come to class to recover from injury and illness or simply to improve and enjoy daily life. The movement of yoga asana may increase bone mass. Practicing yoga asana and meditation may help with anxiety and depression.
DAY: Wednesdays and Fridays
TIME: 9:00 – 10:00
FEE: $50/ 10 weeks
INSTRUCTOR: Annie Chapman
Next Sessions starts: Wednesday- April 6th an Friday- April 8th
TAI CHI- Fridays at 12:00pm
DAY: Fridays
TIME: 12:00 – 1:00
FEE: $50 /10 weeks
INSTRUCTOR: Alex Culligan
Next Session Starts: April 8th