Tue, Jan 11th at 11am
Breakfast Casserole, Fruit Salad
Cinnamon Roll, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea
Registration begins Jan 3rd.
Please register by Jan 7th.
Category: Programs
Join us for a boxed lunch! – Open to ALL Members
Wednesday, January 19th from 12 – 12:30 pm
We will be getting our box lunch from Sapore Italiana Pizzeria on Wednesday, January 19th where you will have a choice of two slices of pizza. Bottled water will be included. The pizza choices will be SICILIAN PAN PIZZA slice which is a deep dish square pizza slice with a thick crust, special red sauce, mozzarella, and fresh basil, a BBQ CHICKEN PIZZA slice with white mozzarella, BBQ
sauce, chicken, and red onions, OR a PEPPER AND ONION PIZZA slice. You can mix and match! $5.00 for this meal for all members/ $7.50 for non-members. Sign up and money due by January 12th.
The “Knit-Wits” Knitting Circle– Will meet once a
month (the second Wednesday of the Month) starting
Wednesday, January 12th at 10am. This will be a group with
mixed levels. It will be a chance to knit together with others, learning ideas off each other and just enjoying the camaraderie. Please email me at OR
call (860)434-4127 and let us know if you can attend our kickoff get together January 12th at 10am. Feel free to bring some of your finished projects to share with the group and any you want to work on during this get together.
“Quilty” Pleasures Quilting Group– Will meet once a
month (the third Wednesday of the Month) starting on
January 19th at 10am. If you are interested please let me
know. My thought is that it could be a group of people that
would come together to work on their individual projects.
You would need to bring your own sewing machine although we MAY have one for people to share if needed. This
group would give people a chance to share your quilting passion, borrow
ideas off each other and even in the future could look at hire guest instructors for a specific project if that is what the group wants. Please email me
at OR call (860)434-4127 and let us know if you
can attend our kickoff get together January 19th at 10am. Feel free to
bring some of your finished projects to share with the group and any you
want to work on during this get-together.
“Girls Gone Scrappy” Scrapbooking & Papercraft
Group– Will meet once a month (the fourth Wednesday of
the Month) starting Wednesday, January 26th at 10am.
Please email me at OR call (860)
434-4127 and let us know if you can attend our kickoff get together January 26th at 10am. Bring your own consumable supplies (ink, paper, glue sticks or whatever you like to use) and reusable supplies (like stamps) to share during our get-together. This will be a
great time to get ideas from others and get our creative juices flowing as
well .
Let us gather again for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast
while socializing with other great people.
Mmm, our menu this month is sausage and biscuits,
scrambled eggs, pastry, fruit cup, OJ and coffee/tea. Door
prizes too. $10.00 per person – Register by Wed, Jan 5th.
Registrations and Refunds
Payments for all programs, events and trips are due at the time of registration. Registrations will not be taken
without payment. No refunds for classes will be made after the second meeting of a program. A $2.00 fee is
charged to process a refund. No fee is charged if refund is placed on account or the class is cancelled.
For Meal Events, no refund will be given after the last date for registration (due to food having been purchased
for the event). A refund will be given if staff find a person to replace you.. For Day Trips, a refund will only be
given if a person can replace you.
We are now THRIVE55+
Groton Senior Center is adopting a new identity –THRIVE55+ Active Living Center to better reflect the efforts to promote the healthy and vibrant lifestyles of its members and staff efforts to help older adults thrive in the community. This change is a result of a 2019 research study of perceptions and barriers to using the Senior Center. This study showed that the word “senior” had negative connotations from nonusers affecting the overall perception of its programs and services. An overwhelming majority of survey participants supported removing “senior” from the organization’s title, and suggested branding that reflects the activities and community services offered. Based on the recommendations of the survey, the rebranding of the center was an appropriate step to shift perceptions and ultimately better align with available center services. For at least six months the brand will have the tag line “powered by the Groton Senior Center” before transitioning fully to the new name alone. This will allow time for people to adapt to the new name but also know that it is still the same staff who will continue with the quality programs that are offered. Below is an explanation of the new brand. Both the research of perceptions and barriers and the new branding and renaming efforts were paid for by the center’s fund balance and not from taxpayer dollars. If you have any questions, you can contact Mark Berry or Mary Jo Riley.
Congratulations to Lee-Ann Gomes
The Senior Center staff and members would like to send our heartfelt congratulations out to Lee-Ann on her retirement from the City of Norwich.
Lee-Ann began her career as a 21 year old University of Connecticut graduate. In 1986 she was hired by Norwich Social Services under the leadership of Beverly Goulet. She worked for many years as a social worker, eventually working her way up to the Supervisor of Norwich Human Services. In 2014, Lee-Ann replaced a retiring Beverly Goulet as the Director of Human Services.
Twice delaying her retirement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she is finally able to step away gracefully after her continued demonstration of great leadership in the community. Lee-Ann’s contributions to Norwich are unprecedented and she will leave an indelible mark on this wonderful community for which she has served for 36 years.
We wish her all the best in retirement and hope for a lifetime of happiness and good health for her and her family as she embarks on this newest chapter of her storied life. Norwich is a better place because of you Lee-Ann Gomes!!!
COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster
If you need assistance finding a COVID-19 Vaccine clinic or need transportation to your COVID-19 Vaccine appointment, please contact the Senior Center for help (860) 889-5960.
Homebound or have difficulty getting out of the house?
Uncas Health District Mobile Vaccination Team can bring the shot to you!
Call Uncas Health District to schedule a home visit. (860) 823-1189 x109
Rest in Peace Jan Stewart
Jan Stewart, longtime Director of the Rose City Senior Center, passed away on Wednesday, December 1st at the age of 83 years old.
Anyone who has been associated with the Rose City Senior Center over the last 35+ years owes a great deal of gratitude to Jan as she was one of the main reasons the senior center is what it is today. Jan began her career with the Norwich Senior Center in 1975. In 1977 she was appointed Senior Affairs Director. In 1994, the Senior Center as you know it today, opened at our current location on Mahan Drive. Jan retired from the City of Norwich in early 2000. Jan had such a vision for what the older adult population needed and what they would need in the future. Our building was constructed to fit those needs and the programs and services followed.
Jan has served on the Senior Affairs Commission for many years and was involved in many community organizations such as Women’s City Club, Backus Hospital Auxiliary, UCFS Eldercare Committee, AARP #1004 and many other.
To say she will be missed is an understatement.
To her Husband of 64 years, their family and friends we sincerely express our deepest condolences.
Movie: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Movie Comedy– Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (1988) – Wednesday, February 16th at
1:00pm. Call to register. (860) 434-4127.