Category: Programs

Old Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert IN PERSON AND VIRTUAL CONCERT

Sunday, December 5th at 2:00pm the Old
Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert will be LIVE
STREAMED and members with internet access
will be able to enjoy this program live from
home. No in-person audience will be allowed.
On Tuesday, December 14th at 1:00pm we will
re-broadcast this concert here at the senior
center on our large movie screen for folks to
come and see!! Pre-registration is required.
Please call 860-434-4127 and let us know if
you wish to join us for the December 5th
(online) OR December 14th (in person) taped

LIVE Virtual and In Person Lyme-Old Lyme Select Singers Holiday Concert

Wednesday, December 22nd at 12:00pm
Join us for a wonderful holiday event as the LOL High School Select Singers perform holiday
tunes and jazz numbers. Pre-registration is required. A zoom link will be sent to all members
that wish to watch it from their home. In addition we will be showing this LIVE STREAMED
event on our movie screen for those without internet access. Call (860)434-4127 to preregister for this event. Please make sure to indicate whether you will enjoy it here or at your
own home.


Want to participate in some of our Center
programs from home? If you are home-
bound, temporarily or permanently, you do
not need to miss out on some of the activities
and programs at the Center. We currently of-
fer a few exercise programs but have added
in more—through ZOOM! You can join in
on some exercise classes, dance classes, soon
to be crafts as well as educational and travel
programs! Join us for some real timefun,
from the safety and comfort of your home.
Call for details and to sign up


Tai Chi classes have started again! Come join us
on Tuesday mornings from 10:0011:00 for a
great form of exercise, which is beneficial for
both the mind and body. This is an easy on the
joints and body type of program that still allows
you the benefits of exercise for muscle strength,
balance control, flexibility, relieves stress, im-
proves mood and helps with sleep among other
health benefits! Wear comfortable clothing and
come and join us—have fun while getting and
staying healthy! Classes are ongoing.


Wednesday, November 17th deadline to sign up – If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Food Basket with Turkey and all the fixings, plus many other food staples, please call the Montville Senior Center @ #8608480422.
Please call to sign up for our FOOD Baskets for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Dont miss out, let
us help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up is Wednesday, November 17th. Our Baskets
will be distributed on Saturday, November 20th from 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. Must sign up to receive
a basket.


Wednesday, November 24th – If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holi-
day alone, please call and sign up for our Thanksgiving Hot HomeCooked Dinner. Enjoy a
wonderful Baked Turkey Dinner with all the fixings! Dinners will be delivered on Wednesday,
November 24th. Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign up for a Hot HomeCooked
Meal! Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, Nov. 22nd. #8608480422

Wednesday, November 24th at 11:00am- GRAB & GO THANKSGIVING MEAL

Premade, refrigerated, Grab & Go Thanksgiving meals are $8.00 each. Simply heat and enjoy.

The menu: Roasted turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, Baked Potato, Green beans, Cranberry sauce, roll, pie.

Registration begins Nov 1st.

Must register by Nov 19th.



The Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for Medicare Part D/Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans coverage is from October 15th to December 7th, 2021. Participants are encouraged to review their coverage to determine if any changes are needed. If a change is made, it goes into effect as of January 1, 2022.

The changes you can make include during the Open Enrollment Period: 

Joining a new Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D prescription drug plan

Switching from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan

Switching from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare (with or without a Part D plan)

Appointments are now being taken for Thu, November 4th and  Fri, November 5th.

Please call the Senior Center office to secure your slot. More dates will come available so if there is no availability on the 4th or the 5th, the Senior Center will make other arrangements.



The Dial-a-Ride Medical Transportation and Caregiver Mileage reimbursement program started their new fiscal year on July 1, 2021 and runs until June 30, 2022. Residents who are 60+ or persons with disabilities are eligible  for the service.  A one-page application is required in order to register. If you have already registered for the program, you do not need to complete a new registration form.

Registered participants who cannot have their needs met by existing services will be provided a limited number of one-way trips per grant year (36) or as the grant dollars allow.

For further information or for an application, please contact the Senior Center office.