Bring in a puzzle and take one home with you. All puzzle pieces will be contained within a plastic
bag to ensure that when you have completed the puzzle that there is not one
piece missing. Come in, look over our puzzles of varied sizes and shapes and take
one home to enjoy. All of our puzzles were donated by a generous Preston senior
who wishes to remain anonymous.
Category: Programs
Toys For Tots: Lymes’ Senior Center Cares
The Mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots Program is to collect toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
The Lymes’ Senior Center will begin the collection November 1st. and collect till December 14th.If you would like to help make the Christmas for a local boy or girl happier, please drop off a new unwrapped toy to the Lymes’ Senior Center during the hours of 9am.-3pm. Monday through Friday until December 14th.
Holiday Card Making Kit
In November, we will be putting together free craft kits for you to make your own cards. Materials and directions for 3 cards will be included. The materials provided will give you an opportunity to make your own homemade card with a professional look. Kits are limited to 20 people. Please call and sign up if you are interested. Card kits will be available for pickup on Wednesday, November 17th from 11-2pm. Delivery is available for any homebound members, just let us know when you sign up. Call 860-434-4127 to sign up.
Monday Afternoon Fun Starting Oct 26- Cornhole Program
Cornhole Program
Corn hole is a fun game we play weekly inside our main room here after the lunch crowd leaves. It is best described as a “lawn game” in which players toss beanbags toward a slanted platform with the aim of passing the beanbag through a hole in the center of the platform. As we age, vision, depth perception, balance, and coordination can decline. Our weekly Cornhole games gets our patrons active and aids critical hand-eye coordination and balance.
We have lots of fun while being a tad competitive! Sign up with a partner or we can match you up! $5.00 per participant (for 8 weeks) Begins Monday, October 26th. Please call 860-441-6785 to register.
Tuesdays, November 2nd to December 28th- Live Longer and Prosper – Aging Mastery Program
The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) is a 8-week series of health and wellness classes for people age 50 and over. AMP can help you build your own playbook for aging well. It is a fun, innovative, and person-centered education program that empowers participants to embrace their gift of longevity by spending more time each day doing things that are good for themselves and for others. By participating in this program, you will make and maintain small but impactful changes in your health behaviors, financial well-being, and enrichment in later life. This incredible & empowering class is for anyone 50 years and older in Southeastern CT.
It will take place weekly Tuesdays 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm Nov 2- Dec 28 (no class Nov 23)
Next at Groton Senior Center
Reminder: we are CLOSED Monday, October 11th
Next week’s featured COASTAL CAFÉ lunch items are:
- Monday, Oct 11 CLOSED
- Tuesday, Oct 12 Chicken Parmesan
- Wednesday, Oct 13 Mushroom Onion Pork Chops
- Thursday, Oct 14 Meatloaf
- Friday, Oct 15 Chef’s Choice
OCTOBER Lunch Menu
November / December Newsletter is now Online
To view our monthly newsletter and for up to date information regarding programming, and services, please visit:
You can subscribe yourself (at no charge) to this online bi monthly newsletter publication and get notified of when issues are updated.
RESIDENT Registration Begins October 4th
Our FALL 2 programs will run October 25 through December 18th.
FALL 2 REGISTRATION BEGINS October 4 for residents and October 12th for non-residents.
To view our monthly newsletter and for up to date information regarding programming, and services, please visit: