Category: Programs

Starting in September will be Manicures

Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa.  Cut, file, shape, polish and hand massage.

Look for details in the Sep Newsletter.


Tai Chi- Fridays at 12:00pm *Next Session Starting September 17th*

Tai Chi has been described as “a prescription to good health for men and women, whether young or old, weak or strong.”  Some benefits include improved balance, decreased tension, and better breathing.   For beginning and continuing students.

DAY:  Fridays, 10 weeks

TIME:  12:00 – 1:00

BEGINS:  September 17

FEE:  $50

INSTRUCTOR:  Alex Culligan

NEW Watercolor Classes for August 2021- Teacher Jeanette Green

Please welcome Jeanette Green who has extensive teaching experience and has come highly recommended. She has
taught at the Mystic Art Center, Norwich adult ed, Norwich Free Academy Sat. am children’s classes, Colchester Adult ed,
Griswold senior center, Gales Ferry Community center, Norwich senior center, the Artware store in Groton, Ledyard senior
center and Lebanon senior center and has also taught private clients and various small groups. We will be holding 3 initial
classes of different levels and each class will be open to members. Each class costs $6.00, and you will need your own basic
supplies. A list of needed supplies can emailed to you upon request. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited so call
soon! To give everyone a chance to join one of her classes, we will ask you to sign up for just one class. You can be put on a
waitlist for the additional classes as well. We can call you about a week before the class if there is still space available.

Limited Palette Painting (Beginner Level)- Monday, August 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm
Paint a composition by only using 2 – 3 tube paints. By using a very limited selection of colors, the artist is forced to concentrate more on the tonal value (lights/ darks) of the composition. This produces a more unified, pleasing painting. I find this a valuable lesson for new painters.

Creating Textures in Watercolor (Beginner or Intermediate Level)- Monday, August 30th from 1:00-3:00pm
Besides using your brush to apply color, an artist can use a variety of techniques to create texture, mask
the white areas of paper, lift color or unify areas of the painting. By using these techniques sparingly,
an artist can create visual interest. We will be using wax, salt, saran wrap, rubbing alcohol, soap, cut-up
credit cards, blades, ink erasers, sponges, toothbrushes and masking fluid. A fun learning experience.

Creating Space and using Perspective (Intermediate Level)- Monday, September 13 from 1:00-3:00pm
There are many methods of creating the illusion of 3-D space on a 2-D surface. We will discuss and
explore them then students will plan and start a painting that shows deep space. Several photo references may be used in the same painting.


Each class will start with a demonstration of techniques including use of brushes, palette knives, mediums and color mixing. Students need to bring a landscape picture from which you would like to paint.  All materials are included.

  • DAY: Tuesdays, 5 weeks 
  • TIME: 10:00 – 12:00
  • BEGINS: July 6
  • FEE: $55
  • INSTRUCTOR: Charles Shaw

VIRTUAL YOGA- Wednesdays at 8:30am

Mats, blocks and chairs (for props) are available or bring your own.  Anyone can attend regardless of flexibility or injury and modifications are available for every pose.  We practice breathing with stretching and breathing with building strength and balance poses.  Come to class to recover from injury and illness or simply to improve and enjoy daily life. The movement of yoga asana may increase bone mass. Practicing yoga asana and meditation may help with anxiety and depression.

  • DAY: Wednesdays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 8:30 – 9:30
  • BEGINS: July 7
  • FEE: $50
  • DAY: Fridays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 9:00 – 10:00
  • BEGINS: July 9
  • FEE: $50
  • INSTRUCTOR: Annie Chapman

OUTDOOR TAI CHI- Fridays at 12:00pm

Tai Chi has been described as “a prescription to good health for men and women, whether young or old, weak or strong.”  Some benefits include improved balance, decreased tension, and better breathing.   For beginning and continuing students.

  • DAY: Fridays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 12:00 – 1:00
  • BEGINS: July 9
  • FEE: $50
  • INSTRUCTOR: Alex Culligan

Chair Dancing Class – Thursdays at 10:00am

Dancing is not only a fun way to exercise, but it is also a great way to work not only your body, but also your mind. According to News Medical Life Sciences “Dancing improves brain function and boosts memory. Several studies have shown that dancing is linked to a reduced risk of dementia. In a study by researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, they found that dancing is associated with 76% reduced risk of dementia among the participants. Join us on Thursday mornings at 10:00am for this free program, Pre-Registration is Required.