Category: Programs

Trip Presentation Tuesday, June 8th

In February 2022,  we will be off on a SOUTHERN CHARM trip so Tuesday, June 8th at 1pm we have a trip presentation with Collette to let you know all about this get trip.  Here is the link if you want to check it out  Want to hear more?  Please call our front desk 860-441-6785  to sign up for the virtual (aka from the comfort of your home) presentation.


Things are Heating Up at Our Center

Looking like the temps are heating back up!

Also heating back up are some of our events!  Friday, JUNE 11th 5 to 8 pm is our annual dinner dance with a very delicious menu this year and then DJ Gabe to help us celebrate being together again.  This will be held inside in our main room- all decorated and safely spaced for the max of 50 persons for this event.

Menu: Shrimp cocktail, wedge salad w/ bacon & blue cheese dressing, grilled ribeye steak w/ garlic mustard sauce, twice baked potato w/ sour cream & chives, roasted parmesan broccoli and dessert.

It is $20 per person and the deadline to sign up for this fun event is by the end of business MONDAY, June 9.  Call to signup now!  860-441-6785

Senior Center Reopening – Classes and Registration Info

Registration for Classes, Activities and Rooms will begin on the following days. 

On your day to sign up, please call the Senior Center starting at 9:00a.m. to register (860) 889-5960.

  • Monday, May 24: Senior Center Members – Norwich Residents
  • Tuesday, May 25: Senior Center Members – Out-of-Town Residents
  • Wednesday, May 26: NEW* Senior Center Members – Norwich Residents
  • Thursday, May 27: NEW* Senior Center Members – Out-of-Town Residents

*(“new” meaning anyone who has newly signed up as a Member from April 2020-present)

Please be aware that classes, activities, services and rooms being offered are subject to change or cancellation.



Pre-registration is required to attend.

Priority will be given to individuals who were regularly attending classes prior to our closure.

Yoga: Mondays (9:15a.m.-10:15a.m.), Mondays (10:45a.m.-11:45a.m.),

Thursdays (9:15a.m.-10:15a.m.), Fridays (10:45a.m.-11:45a.m.)  Class fee of $3-$4 per class

Chair Yoga: Mondays (12:15p.m.-1:15p.m.)  Class fee of $3-$4 per class

Senior Strength: Tuesdays (9:00a.m.-10:00a.m.), Wednesdays (10:00a.m.-11:00a.m.)

Senior Flexibility: Tuesdays (10:30a.m.-11:30a.m.), Wednesdays (8:30a.m.-9:30a.m)

Chair Exercise: Wednesdays (11:30a.m.-12:15p.m.)

Line Dancing: Thursdays (12:15p.m.-1:15p.m.)

Tai Chi Advanced Class: Starting Friday, July 2nd  (12:00p.m.-1:30p.m.)  Class fee of $85 per 8 wks



Pre-registration is required to join.

Knitting & Crocheting Group: Thursdays at 1:00p.m.

Coloring Club: Wednesdays at 1:00p.m.



Pre-registration is required for room use.

Computer Room, Library, Billiards Room and Fitness Room


Currently Scheduling Appointments for the Following Services

Hairdresser: Appointments are required.  No walk-ins.  Michelle is currently scheduling appointments now.  Call Michelle directly to schedule an appointment (860) 889-4995.

Massage Therapy: Appointments are required.  No walk-ins.  Call the Senior Center and leave your contact information with the receptionist (860) 889-5960.  Marie will call you back to schedule.

Clinic RN/Licensed Podiatrist: Appointments are required.  We are currently scheduling appointments for toenail cutting and ear flushing.  Call to schedule an appointment (860) 889-5960.

Transportation: Transportation to grocery shopping and medical appointments is available.  Availability may be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Call for information (860) 889-5960.


Good News! The Rose City Senior Center will be holding a “gradual reopening” beginning Tuesday, June 1.

Good News!

The Rose City Senior Center will be holding a “gradual reopening” beginning Tuesday, June 1.

We are excited about welcoming Senior Center Members back into the building but with some changes in place.  We will be opening slowly and with caution, with limited programs to start.

Individuals must register in advance to attend a class or to participate in an activity; or must have an appointment for a service provided at the Senior Center.

Class sizes will be limited and time limits will be in place for room use.  Please know that you must be pre-registered for a class, activity, room use or service if you are in the building.

Face masks are mandatory and social distancing is required in the Senior Center.  We ask that individuals self-screen prior to coming in.  If you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days, have any COVID-like symptoms or you are running a temperature, please stay home and do not come into the building or use any of our transportation services.

The front entryway will be the only door open to enter the building and Senior Center Members must check-in when they arrive for their class, program or service.

Membership: If you renewed your Membership in 2020 and did not use any of our services (such as transportation) in 2020 during our closure, your 2020 Membership will be transferred to 2021.

If you renewed your Membership in 2020 and used any of our services in 2020, your Membership will not be transferred to 2021 and you will need to renew your Membership to remain a Member.

In addition, we are asking all Members to fill out a Membership Form to update their Membership information regardless of whether your Membership is carried over to 2021 or not.


All Senior Center Members, from 2019 – present, have been mailed a detailed letter with important additional information on our re-opening.  If you have not received a letter in the mail, please call the Senior Center and request one to be mailed or emailed to you, (860) 889-5960.


June’s Virtual Presentations

These virtual presentations are being shared by AARP, Seymour Public Library, Simsbury Public Library and Lyme Public Library.

    • Coffee’s Hot History-    Tues., June 8th at 6:30p.m.

    Explore coffee’s exciting origins and learn why coffee was a food, not a beverage, in ancient times. This lecture will uncover how coffee traveled from its native Africa to Java and beyond as we discuss how coffee is grown, roasted, brewed, and enjoyed around the world.

    Registration required at

    • Infamous Duel: Hamilton & Burr-    Wed., June 9th at 1:00p.m.

    Professor Matthew Warshauer uncovers the story and intrigue behind the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.  You can probably hum the tune, but do you know the story?  Join us to learn more about this historic event that has created a new generation of historians!

    Registration required at

    • Norman Rockwell: Views on Race-    Mon., June 14th at 6:00p.m.

    The illustrator Norman Rockwell is beloved for his ability to depict and define American life.  He often captured images of people experiencing feelings of being left out or left behind.  In the final decades of his career, Rockwell painted several poignant works about race in America that can be seen as an extension of his earlier sense of the power of inclusion and exclusion.

    Registration required at

    • Social Security Benefits: What You Need to Know-   Tues., June 15th at 7:00p.m.

    Approaching retirement?  Register for our free virtual seminar, designed especially for those who have not yet claimed their Social Security benefit in your state.  Get a free local resource guide and learn more about specific topics that interest you on Social Security benefits in breakout sessions.

    Registration required at

    • Wildlife Conservation with Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo-   Wed., June 16th at 7:00p.m.

    Join Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo talk on “Return of the Sea Otter!”  Join natural history author Todd McLeish as he discusses North America’s cutest mammal, the sea otter, and describes his adventures studying the animals from California to Alaska.

    Registration required at

    • Wildflower Folklore-   Thurs., June 17th at 6:30p.m.

    At this time of year, wildflowers are all around us.  We admire them for their beauty, their colors, and their symbolism.  From strange and often dangerous herbal “cures” to black magic, and wonderful legends of love, it is all that is called Wildflower Folklore.

    Registration required at

    • The Art of the Cottage Garden-   Thurs., June 24th at 7:00p.m.

    This presentation will examine the qualities and characteristics that define cottage gardens and offer practical advice on how to achieve this in your own garden environment.

    Registration required at

    • Documentary: Being Mortal-   Wed., June 30th  at 6:00p.m.

    Screening and discussion of the PBS Frontline documentary Being Mortal. Based on the best-selling book by Dr. Atul Gawande, this film explores the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness and their relationships with the doctors, nurses and family members who care for them.

    Registration required at


Walk-in COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

UCFS Healthcare is offering the Moderna vaccine with no appointment necessary!

UCFS 47 Town Street, Norwich    Tuesday – Friday  8:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.

UCFS 226 East Main Street, Griswold    Monday – Friday  9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.


Saturday, June 19th at 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Paper Shredding

Location: Norwich Public Works – 50 Clinton Ave.

The Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA) will be at Norwich Public Works in June to collect household hazardous waste and offer confidential paper shredding.

Items that will be collected include: latex & oil paint, stains & varnish, paint thinner, oven cleaner, kerosene, old gasoline, light bulbs, home batteries, insecticides, fungicides, pool chemicals and more!

For a complete list of acceptable items that will be collected visit:



In Person Services (Held outside on back porch OR under Tent) for Hair Dresser, Blood Pressure Clinics and Nursing Appointments and Foot Care Clinic

Hair Dresser: Hair Dresser Carrie Desposa will be doing Haircuts on Thursdays, June 24th, and July 29th between 9am-12pm. APPOINTMENTS ONLY Will be held on the Porch.

Call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to make an appointment. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time.

Blood Pressure Clinics and Nursing Appointments: M-F 11-12pm APPOINTMENTS ONLY. Will be held on the Porch.
Call (860)434-7808 to make an appointment. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time.

Foot Care Clinic: Cost is: $35.00. Gretchen O’Connor, RN from Foot Nurse Associates will be accepting appointments for routine foot care services including assessing feet and legs, gentle cleaning, clipping, and sanding/filing of toenails to reduce length and thickness on Thursday, June 17th, July 15th, from 12-3pm. All appointments will be held on the Porch. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time. Call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to make an appointment.



Maximum of 37 People Pods (Only 2 people per pod)

– Those that register will pick up a ticket the week before.

Only those with tickets will be admitted.

– Although tickets are required…. the tickets are free!
*Members should bring their own chairs for the shows.

Members may also want to bring a chair umbrella or hat for day shows.

LOL Middle School Jazz Cats- Wednesday June 9th at 1:00pm


ENTERTAINER JOE MAC (Singer)- 50’s and 60’s Rock n Roll Wednesday, June 16th at 1:00pm


ENTERTAINERS STRING OF PEARLS (Outdoor Informal Rehearsal Concert)- Swing Band
TICKETS AND PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED BEFORE 5/5/21, 6/16/21, & 7/7/21 respectively
Wednesday, June 30th 6:30-8:30pm
Wednesday, July 14th 6:30-8:30p

Yoga and Chair Yoga with Carol Klammer on Zoom

Carol is currently offering:

Chair Yoga – Mondays 12:15p.m.

(Floor based) Yoga – Mondays at 9:15a.m. & 10:45a.m., Thursdays at 9:15a.m., Fridays at 10:45a.m.

Want to join Yoga but from the comfort of your own home?  Join a ZOOM class! 

Carol will also be offering her Senior Center classes via ZOOM on the days and times she will be here in person starting in June.  Please contact Carol for more information on joining the ZOOM classes.

Contact Carol for information on the ZOOM classes: