Category: Programs

Medication Drop Box ~ Norwich Police Department

Dispose of unused or expired medication the safe way.

Medication that is thrown in the trash can be retrieved by others and improperly used or sold and flushing medication can contaminate the water supply.  Dispose of unwanted medications properly to prevent drug misuse and to protect the environment.

Norwich Police Department has a drop box located in their lobby to properly dispose of unused and expired medication.  No questions asked, no ID needed to be shown.  The Drop Box is located in the Norwich Police lobby at 70 Thames Street and is available 24 hours a day for medication drop off.

Drop boxes are a safe and confidential way to dispose of unwanted medication.


Falls Talk – Personalized Falls Prevention

Falling is not an inevitable part of growing older.  If you have fallen or find that you are losing your balance more often, let us help you with Falls Talk!   A health promotion program for adults 60+.

Falls Talk is a free one-on-one program conducted in a no contact COVID-19 safe way to help you become aware of best practices and practical interventions to prevent falls.  This program meets the Administration for Community Living’s highest level criteria for evidenced based health programs.

Falls Talk is a personalized approach that helps you discover your own “fall threats”.  This increased self awareness translates into successful fall prevention in real life situations to help prevent falls.

To learn more or to join the program, contact:

Connie Capacchione, Program Coordinator, Uncas Health District

(860) 823-1189 ext. 122     c-capacchione@uncashd@org

This program is supported by Senior Resources Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act and Uncas Health District.




We have so many stellar volunteers that we decided to start doing a spotlight
on them in our newsletters. Scott joined us almost a year ago as a volunteer.
During this short time Scott has made quite the impact here at the center.
He is a fantastic volunteer and is ready to pitch in with anything that is
needed. He has helped with all of our outdoor events during Covid-19
including Entertainment Under the Stars, drive thru lunches, parking lot lunch
events, helping to maintain the garden beds, Community First Meals,
rebranding committee and recently has taken the lead role as head volunteer
to oversee the community gardens. He is working on making the garden beds
self-sustainable with a drip watering system and has plans for insect
netting around the plants. He even convinced his brother to volunteer!
Scott, a retired dentist, is proud dad of a son and a daughter and when you
don’t find Scott at the center helping out, you can find him on his boat with
his brother!
We thank Scott and all of our volunteers for the time that they generously
give back at the center, you all make such a difference!!


Please join us in celebrating the life and legacies of our
featured models and our unveiling of our
Portraits of Life / Honoring Legacies Project.

We are honored to be sharing individual stories
with photographs and biographies.

Light refreshments will be served.

Limited space to attend

Registration is necessary 860-441-6785

Restroom Update

Starting June 15th there will be 2 bathroom options.
1) There is a handicap porta potty which is locked nightly & checked daily for cleanliness.
2) Indoor bathrooms. Please see rules below for this option
• Indoor bathrooms will only be available when center staff is on site and available to
unlock doors. Please ring doorbell. Only one person (or one person & a caregiver) will
be allowed in the building at a time. Masks and temperature checks are required.

MedRIDE and MedRIDE II Program for Transportation


The Town of Montville Department of Senior & Social Services has continued to offer MedRIDE, a FREE transportation for any/all medical appointments for our senior residents.  Safety measures are in place, masks must be worn.  Doctor appointments, hospital tests & screenings, therapy, pharmacies, dentists, etc.  Any medical related appointment.  Call Kathie or Ruthie @ 860-848-0422 for details and to schedule appointments.  This program is free for our Montville Seniors; a donation box is located on the van for contributions.  This program is supported by the Town of Montville and grant funds from the Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.


MedRIDE II is the same type of medical transportation program though it is a joint effort between the Town of Montville and the City of Norwich. Grant Funds are provided by the State of Connecticut.  Driver is located out of the Montville Senior Center.  Do you need to go to Yale, New Haven, Hartford Hospital or Farmington to a specialist? Let us take you! Appointments need to be made by calling the Norwich Senior Center at 889-5960

TVCCA’S Connecticut Energy Assistance Program – Updates:

In response to the economic impact of COVID-19 on our community, the
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program, provided by TVCCA, Inc., has
implemented important changes to increase access to Connecticut households.
Please call 860-425-6681 to apply.
Program Date Changes:
*Deliverable fuel deliveries extended to Thursday, May 20, 2021.
*Last day that a household can apply has been extended to Tuesday, June 15,
New Program Updates (For the remainder of this season):
*The program no longer requiring households to provide bank statements as part
of their application.
*Liquid Asset tests are no longer required (liquid assets include savings/checking
accounts, bonds, CD’’s, IRA’s, etc.)
*Additional deliverable fuel benefits for households are now available.
Categorical Eligibility:
*Any household with an individual who is responsible for the heating costs and
receives a SNAP benefit will be eligible for a Level 4 CEAP benefit.
*Any household with an individual who is responsible for the heating costs and
receives Cash Assistance (TFA, State Supplement or Refugee Cash) will be eligible
for a Level 1 CEAP Benefit.

Wed, June 23rd at 11am- Cookout in the Parking Lot



Registration will begin June 1st.

Register with the Senior Center by June 18th.

Hamburger, hot dog, potato salad, bag of chips, and dessert.


Thurs, June 3rd at 6pm- Hartford Healthcare presents a Webinar: Virtual Healthy Brain Series

In this free, LIVE webinar series, join Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging Dementia
Specialist, to learn how to challenge your mind daily, importance of diet, sleep and the blue
zones. Q&A with the expert will follow the presentation.

To register for any HHC virtual class, please call 1-855-442-4373 or visit
virtual classes. Once registered you will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the
virtual class.