Don’t forget, tomorrow is Club 55’s Annual Flea Market! Takes op[lace in our parking lot 9 am to 1 pm
Category: Programs
Alzheimer’s Educational Series
An Educational Series for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Friday, May 28th, 2021 10:30 am -12:00 pm
Understanding Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias
Friday, June 4th, 2021 10:30 am -12:00 pm
Effective Communication Strategies
Friday, June 11th, 2021 10:30 am -12:00 pm
Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors
Please call 860-441-6785 to register for any of these educational sessions by Alzheimer’s Assoc. CT Chapter.
May Newsletter
For our seniors and disabled residents that have rented in Connecticut during the 2020 calendar year, you may qualify for the State Renter’s Rebate Program. We will begin taking applications in May and the Program runs until the end of September. For details, income guidelines, required documents, please contact Kathie at the Center! #860-848-0422. For those seniors and disabled residents that are homebound, our Outreach Worker, DeeAnn Morton, can come to the home to complete the application. She can be reached at #860-848-8820 or the Senior Center number in the late afternoon.
SHRED-IT at the Senior Center (DATE TO BE ANNOUNDED) from 9:00 – 1:00 pm.
Sponsored by the Montville Senior Center and Dime Bank – bring your personal papers and documents and have them destroyed in a safe manner while protecting your identity and privacy. FREE program open to the public – great opportunity – don’t be a victim of identity theft!
Buck-a-Bowl will be an outdoor DRIVE-THRU GRAB & GO LUNCH
We will not be starting our Buck-a-Bowl lunch program as yet – we will be providing a “Grab & Go” type of lunch starting in June – please call for details and/or to sign up.
We will let everyone know when we can congregate for meals again safely, at this time the Buck-a-Bowl will be an outdoor DRIVE-THRU GRAB & GO LUNCH. Monday – Friday from 11:00 – 12:00. Lunches are delicious, healthy portions, semi and homemade and great for our seniors on the go! Our Buck-a-Bowl Lunch Program is very successful, very popular, will just be offered differently for the time being. Sponsored by the Montville Senior Center. Come on down and have lunch with us! The Montville Senior Center is Food Safety Certified and Licensed by Uncas Health District.
SUMMERTIME BBQ Starting Friday, July 30TH at 2:00 PM
$8.00 donation requests (this is a Center fundraiser!) We will (hopefully) have our summertime BBQ’s during the season! Great live music by The Country Duo, raffles, friends, and great food! Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & more! Don’t miss out on our summertime fun! Bus is available, always a great time!
SUMMERTIME BBQ Friday, August 20th at 2:00 PM
$8.00 donation requests Great LIVE music with band, raffles, friends, and great food! Don’t miss out on our summertime fun! Call for details. Bus is available, always a great time!
There are many programs and services available to our elderly population. Some are local, some State, and some Federal. Many times the applications for these programs and/or services can be quite lengthy and challenging for our seniors. If you need help in filling out these applications or you have questions on what service is available for you, please call Kathie at the Senior Center to make an appointment. Let’s sit down and go over help, services & programs that might be available to you.
Annual Older Americans Month Celebration will be held on Friday, May 21st
The celebration will be a little different this year. We will have a Grab & Go meal, with goodie bag, along with raffles. Please call to sign up. As you sign up, you need to indicate if you will be driving by to pick-up your meal and gift or if you need it delivered. Everyone that signs up will be entered into our raffle and prizes will be distributed accordingly. We may still be in a pandemic but we are determined to have some fun! Please call to sign up #860-848-0422.