Category: Programs

COVID-19 VACCINE – Sign up Information

To check your eligibility and find ways to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination,

please visit

**If you do not have access to a computer, see below for ways to sign up by phone**

Please be aware that due to limited COVID-19 vaccines available to the state, it may take some time for appointments to become available in order for you to sign up and receive the vaccine.

For Vaccine Appointment Scheduling options visit:

On this State of Connecticut website, you will find options on how to sign up with different providers offering the vaccine.  Ways to sign up include either online or by phone, with online sign up being the best option at this point.  You may want to check appointment availability with different providers and at different locations as vaccine availability will vary from one to another on any given day.

1) ONLINE – Schedule through the online Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS).  VAMS is an online scheduling portal that allows individuals with an email address to create an account and search for a vaccine clinic near them.

Providers that can be accessed through the VAMS scheduling system include: Local Health Departments (including Uncas Health District) and Health Centers (including UCFS and Generations).


2) ONLINE – Schedule directly with a participating provider.  This includes scheduling and receiving your vaccine through one of the following providers:

Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics):

Yale New Haven Hospital (including Mohegan Sun clinics):



CVS Pharmacy:

Stop & Shop Pharmacy:

Big Y:

3) PHONE – If you do not have access to a computer or have trouble signing up online, you can schedule your vaccine appointment on the phone.  Wait times may vary when you call.

Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics) 1-833-943-5721

Yale New Haven Hospital (including New London and Mohegan Sun clinics) 1-833-275-9644

CT COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line 1-877-918-2224   Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



MyFreeTaxes- A free tax service offered by United Way

Still looking for a way to file your taxes for free?  United Way offers a safe and simple online option for people called MyFreeTaxes.  With MyFreeTaxes, filing your simple returns is free!  That means you can file your federal and state returns without spending any money in tax preparation fees.

The secure software walks you through the filing process and screens for common tax deductions.  You can also use MyFreeTaxes to claim missed stimulus payments.  If you need help, MyFreeTaxes also offers a Helpline you can call to talk to a real person trained by the IRS.

For more information or to get started filing your taxes visit:



Falls Talk Personalized Fall Prevention

A Health Promotion Program for Adults 60+

What is Fall Talk?

It is one-on-one program conducted in a no contact COVID-19 safe way to help you become aware of best practices and practical interventions to prevents falls.  This program meets the Administration of Community Living’s highest level criteria for evidence-based health promotion programs.

A personalized approach that helps you discover your own “fall threats”.  This increased awareness translates into successful fall prevention in real life situations and MOST IMPORTANTLY has successfully prevented falls!

This program is supported by the Senior Resources-Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.

Program is at NO COST

Stay Independent and Active

Contact us Today

Connie Capacchione, Program Coordinator, Uncas Health District, 860-823-1189 Ext: 122,

Visit us on the web:

FREE Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

Getting tested for COVID-19 is FREE in Connecticut regardless of your insurance coverage and immigration status.  Anyone living in Connecticut is able to get tested for free, whenever needed, even if you are not showing any symptoms.  A physician order is not required.

Free Drive-Thru COVID Testing is available at the following locations.

No symptoms required, no physician order needed and face coverings must be worn.

The Edward & Mary Lord Family Health Center – UCFS

47 Town Street, Norwich

Monday – Friday   9:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.

No Appointment Necessary

Griswold Health Center – UCFS

226 East Main Street, Griswold

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday   9:00a.m. – 11:00a.m.

No Appointment Necessary

Dodd Stadium – Backus Hospital

14 Stott Ave., Norwich

Daily   8:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

No Appointment Necessary

For more information, please visit:  or

Or Call:

UCFS (860) 822-4919  or  Backus 1-833-621-0600


Lunch at 11:30am Daily

We are here for you for curbside sandwich pickup,
Please call in your order no later than 11:00 for 11:30 pickup.
Call 860-376-2329 to place your order.


Senior or disabled low-income renters may be eligible for a partial rebate of rent and utility bills, excluding telephone and cable. The filing period is April 1 through October 1. Applications are available at the Assessor’s Office.

For more information and to apply contact our Assessor’s office at 860-376-5115


The State of Connecticut offers a state run Elderly Tax Benefit known as the Circuit Breaker. It is for eligible real estate taxpayers within the Town of East Lyme. To apply, you must have reached the age of 65 prior to December 31, 2020 or be totally disabled if under the age of 65. You are applying for a credit on the taxes due on your primary residence in East Lyme. Under the law, Social Security income MUST be declared and the program requires you to provide information regarding all GROSS income received during 2020.

The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security:

$45,800 for married couples and

$37,600 for single persons.

                        LOCAL TAX CREDIT OPTION:

Also, the Town of East Lyme provides on Additional Tax Relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security is

$45,800 regardless of marital status.  For further information, contact the Assessor’s Office at the Town Hall.


Filing dates for the above programs are February 1, through May 15, 2021.

Please note, due to COVID-19 restrictions, if you are already on the program, you do not need to re-apply this year. You will be automatically renewed and will not have to reapply until 2023. Anyone new will need to contact the Assessor’s Office to an appointment and you will be met outside.

The Town Hall is currently closed to the public.  There is also a Veteran’s Exemption that is available. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office.



Classes- Spring 2 Session- May 3 to June 26, 2021

If you have been fully vaccinated– great! We still need each person to adhere to the COVID 19 regulations. For Groton Senior Center, one must correctly wear a face mask on our buses and in our center.

PLEASE NOTE we still have to distance at 6 feet so there is limited numbers of patrons per class or if possible move a class to a larger room. Fitness is still to be 12 feet apart. Fitness classes will be outdoors during day and indoors or virtually during evening.

Ceramics, quilting, scrapbooking, guitar lessons, bingo and mind aerobics with limited numbers of persons will begin again as well.


Tuesday, May 18th at 2:00 pm- GARDEN VOLUNTEERS

We will be meeting at the Groton Senior Center raised garden beds on
Tuesday, May 18th at 2:00 pm to discuss the beds and make a plan/
schedule. Rain date for the meeting is Thursday, May 20th at 2:00 pm
Please call Tomi with any questions 860-441-6782