Category: Programs

Tuesday, May 25th from 5pm to 6pm- Sunset Serenade

Cost: FREE

Come be entertained by the energetic singing duo Jenna & Brittany for a Memorial Day USO Tribute Concert during our SUNSET SERENADE event. Our entertainment is sponsored by Club 55. RSVP 860-441-6785.  This is an outdoor event so please bring your own chair. Community First Dinner Program is prior (4-5 pm) – get your meal then and enjoy during our event.

90+ CELEBRATION ALL MONTH!! We need your help!

We had to cancel last year’s 90+ Tea and we can’t really host a Tea this year BUT we do not want to forget our citizens who have made it to 90 and older. Contact the Senior Center if you know someone who is 90+.

We are planning at home visits this year to drop off a Celebrate 90+ gift to all of our nonagenarians.


Carfit Virtual Workshop

Carfit Virtual Workshop

Making sure that you and your vehicle fit well together can be as important to your safety as the mechanical check up. The new CarFit Virtual Workshop will provide an in-depth look at several key aspects involved in getting a proper fit in your vehicle. Learn about what to look for when it comes to fit, the everyday household objects you can use to measure and make adjustments, and how this may keep you safer on the road.


During this FREE, 90-minute workshop you will learn:

  • Actions you can take to improve your fit in your personal vehicle.
  • How getting the proper fit in your vehicle may increase your safety and the safety of others on the road.
  • When and how to connect with professionals and trained volunteers who can help you achieve a better fit.


Contact the Senior Center to receive registration information. Multiple dates are available for this on-line experience.


We invite local artists to display your talents for a great cause!

Art with Purpose
We invite local artists to display your talents for a great cause!
– JULY 2021 –
Giving you the much-deserved exposure of your piece(s) and a place to display your work for the
month of JULY all while giving to an incredible cause.
Interested? For more details, please contact or or call 860-441-6785

OVER THE HILL HIKING GROUP- Friday mornings starting at 9:30 AM at hiking location

All prospective hikers must call the Senior Center to register for each hike within seven days prior. There are no residency issues – we are looking for interested, enthusiastic folks.

Participants must follow guidelines specified on registration form. Hikers are to bring face coverings (mandatory), water, lunches, insect repellant, sunscreen and sturdy shoes. Group size is limited to fifteen people, first come first served, along with one or two leaders. All distances are  estimates and may be modified by the leaders based on conditions the day of the hike.

Hikes will be listed as easy, moderate or difficult. Anyone interested in a  difficult hike must have completed at least two of the moderate hikes before going on the difficult hike. Contact the Senior Center for a listing of the scheduled hikes.

JUNE –  Rough outline. Subject to change

6/4 – Copp (Groton Dog) Park off Rt 184

6/11 – Niantic River Head Waters

6/18 – Hike near Powers Lake

6/25 – Oswegatchie Hills


Hikes are limited to 15 participants.


Wed, May 26th at 11am- Grab & Stay Picnic in a Bag


Cost: $5pp

Grilled chicken BBQ sandwich, macaroni salad, berries & cream for dessert. Bring your lawn chair and sit with us out in the parking lot.
Registration begins May 1st.
Register with the Senior Center by May 20th.

Fri, May 21st from 1 to 2:30pm- CELEBRATE OLDER AMERICANS MONTH

Featuring Cindy Eastman:

Author of Flip-Flops After 50:

And Other Thoughts on Aging I

Remembered to Write Down.

Cindy will share excerpts from her book and discuss the experience of writing.  Breakout into smaller groups and use writing prompts to practice finding your writing voice to celebrate your story!

Register with the Senior Center by Wed, May 19th so you can get the Zoom invite.


Beginning Sewing- Wednesday at 3:30-5:00pm

This class provides instruction in basic sewing skills including seams, hems, working with a pattern and sewing on buttons.  Students do individual projects based on goals they want to attain.

Cost: $8.00

Classroom: CR3