Category: Programs

TVCCA – RSVP Retired and Senior Volunteer Program VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

Now more than ever community support is so important and impactful!

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program offers the support someone needs to remain living at home either with grocery shopping needs or phone reassurance. If you are 55+ contact us to hear how your help may improve the quality of life of an elderly or disabled person by volunteering around your schedule to help a neighbor in your community.

We are here to engage, enlighten, and inspire each other.


GINA KING, DIRECTOR 860-425-6617



All residents of the Town of Griswold and Borough of Jewett City are invited to help clean-up  their yards and streets in our community. On Saturday, April  24th, the transfer station will be open 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be no fee. Get your friends, family or group together to help a neighbor/senior clean their yard. Adopt-A-Road with your friends or neighbors.  Call Tina with the road you will be adopting.   (PICK UP WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION.) 

Trash bags and gloves will be available upon request. For more information, Please call  Tina 860-884-5876.


Bereavement Support Group- Afternoon and Evening Group

Offered by Hospice of Northeastern Connecticut

A Safe Way to Connect & Support ~ Join in to Listen or to Participate.

Afternoon Group held 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m

1st Wednesday of each month via ZOOM

Evening Group held 5:00p.m. – 6:00p.m.

3rd Wednesday of each month via ZOOM

To more information or to register for a Bereavement ZOOM Support Group,

Please call the Hospice office (860) 928-0422 x7316


Senior Center Staff

Mike Wolak-Senior Center Director

Hilary Sandberg-Program Administrator

Carolyn McAuliffe-Outreach Administrator

Melissa Bresnan-Gilbo-Receptionist

Shirley Ganoe-Lead Van Driver

Lorie Trainor-Van Driver

Debbi Hayslip-Escort Driver

**GRANT Funded Staff**

Anne Barriere-MedRide II

Leonna White-Health Clinic Nurse



TVCCA VITA Income Tax Assistance

Schedule your appointment with a TVCCA Volunteer Tax Preparer

All appointments for the 2021 tax season will be virtual.

Convenient Online and Drop-off options available.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call 2-1-1.  Select option 3, then option 6.

Appointments begin in February.  Income limit $66,000.  This service is free.

For more information, please visit


Virtual ZOOM Class: Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance®

Beginning April 6th, Tuesdays and Fridays

Time: 8:55am to 9:55am

Class Instructed by Carol Klammer

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® is a research based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance and daily function and to prevent falls.  It is designed for older adults 60+ years old and people with balance difficulties.

This program can accommodate individuals who need assistance with walking, such as use of a cane.

No prior experience with Tai Chi is needed.  This class will be taught virtually.  You will learn the movements in a supportive environment over the course of this 24-week class.  This class is free and open to individuals at least 60 years old, and interested in improving their balance and stability.

To Sign up Contact: Connie Capacchione, Uncas Health District

(860) 639-5138

This program is sponsored by Senior Resources Agency on Aging and Uncas Health District.


TVCCA ENERGY ASSISTANCE- Last Day to Apply is May 3rd

We are completing applications for TVCCA ENERGY ASSISTANCE for

Seniors 55 or older and people with disabilities.

Contact the Senior Center for more information 860-376-2604


All others, please contact TVCCA to schedule a phone appointment at 860-425-6681. This phone line is automated. Leave your name and phone number at the end of the message.

Someone from TVCCA will return your call.

PREVENTIVE HEALTH Clinic – Leonna White, RN -by appointment

**PREVENTIVE HEALTH Clinic – Leonna White, RN**

Appointments available one Saturday per month.

You must be a member of the Rose City Senior Center to make an appointment. Leonna is now a Certified Foot Care Specialist and can accept patients that are Diabetic or on blood thinning medications.

Toenail Cutting—is offered for $15.00 per visit.

Ear Flushing—is available for $3.00 for one ear, or $5.00 for both ears.

Please call (860) 889-5960 to schedule an appointment.