Category: Programs

Proposed FYE 2022 Town Budget

Thursday night at 7 pm is the Town of Groton Public Hearing on the Proposed 2022 Budget. Here is a link to WELCOME TO GROTON show with our  Groton Town Manager John Burt on the Proposed 2022 Budget.

Fun fact: You have options for viewing a YourTube video- all in the bottom right corner of the video such as, you can turn on close captioning.  🙂

BAKERS BATTLE Event Saturday, April 24th

Saturday, April 24th 11 am to 1 pm PROFESSIONAL & RECREATIONAL BAKERS competing to be declared the best!

Do you love baked goods? Be a TASTER at our BAKERS BATTLE fundraiser!

Please join us for this delicious event as we sample delectable treats from Professional and Recreational bakers  in a friendly competition to be named BEST. 

Tasters $10 PP in advance OR $12 PP at entry.   Open to all ages. 


Flea Market Donations will be Accepted Beginning April 13

Flea Market donations will be accepted at Groton Senior Center Tuesdays, April 13, 20 and 27th from 1:30 -4:00 pm

Save the Date

Club 55 Flea Market and Bake Sale will be Saturday  May 15th – all outdoors  (Rain date of May 22)

Outdoors  $15 per spot  Call 860-441-6785 to reserve your spot!

Club 55 events are fundraisers for their High School Senior Achievement Award . Please support Club 55 as they continue to support our local high school seniors.

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® (Virtual ZOOM Class)- Mondays & Thursdays from 8:45-9:45am


Class Instructed by Carol Klammer

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® is a research based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance and daily function and to prevent falls.  It is designed for older adults 60+ years old and people with balance difficulties.

This program can accommodate individuals who need assistance with walking, such as use of a cane.

No prior experience with Tai Chi is needed.  This class will be taught virtually.  You will learn the movements in a supportive environment over the course of this 24-week class.  This class is free and open to individuals at least 60 years old, and interested in improving their balance and stability.

To Sign up Contact: Connie Capacchione, Uncas Health District (860) 639-5138

This program is sponsored by Senior Resources Agency on Aging and Uncas Health District.


Free Virtual Live Well Chronic Pain Workshop Offered via Zoom on Tuesdays from 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, and June 1, 2021

Free Virtual Live Well Chronic Pain Workshop Offered

A free, six-week, virtual Live Well with Chronic Pain Workshop is being held for resident who live in Connecticut. This program takes place via Zoom on Tuesdays from 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, and June 1, 2021. Participants will need a computer, tablet or cell phone and a reliable internet connection. A technology training session will be provided on April 20, 2021.

Adults with chronic pain are encouraged to register for this program to help them take control over their life and health. Participants will learn better ways of dealing with frustration, fatigue, isolation, and poor sleep. Techniques to improve or maintain strength and energy, appropriate use of medications and ways to improve nutrition will also be covered. The workshop also teaches easy, gentle chair exercises to help with pain and improve or maintain strength and energy. Breaking the pain cycle, pacing activities and rest, and communicating with healthcare providers will be discussed. Live Well workshops are also beneficial for caregivers, family members and friends of those with chronic pain.

Materials will be sent directly to participants at no cost and include the book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain, an instruction booklet, and exercise and relaxation CDs. The workshop is limited to 12 participants. For more information and to register, contact Lori R at

This evidenced-based program is sponsored by the Senior Resources Agency on Aging, the State Unit on Aging, and the Connecticut Department of Public Health through a grant from the Administration on Aging.

Take Out Menu for March 15-19

Coastal Café Take Out is available weekdays at Groton Senior Center  102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340  860-441-6785

Each meal is $5. Orders can be called in starting at 9 am the day of.  At this time, we are only providing hot meals (NO soups, sandwiches, salad bar)  Orders will be picked up curbside—just pull up-11:30am-12:30pm.

March 15 Monday – Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, Gravy, Vegetable

March 16 Tuesday – Stuffed Peppers, cheesy bowties, side salad

March 17 Wednesday – **St. Patrick’s Lunch** Pre-registration is required  

March 18 Thursday – Chili Con Carne, rice, vegetable

March 19 Friday – Baked coco-mango tilapia, roasted potatoes, vegetables


GOLD RUSH Scavenger Hunt March 12- 21

Attached is the list of the clues for our latest GOLD RUSH scavenger hunt brought to you by our team here and at the Recreation division.  You can also pick up this list of clues at our front door.

This community scavenger hunt was created to give our community members another way to stay active and motivated while enjoying our community and perhaps learning of new area.

Click here to learn all the details

Exploring Africa trip Presentation March 18th

Groton Senior Center is having our EXPLORING AFRICA virtual trip presentation Thursday, March 18th.

One must register to take part –  Go ahead and sign yourself here at that link as it will then send you a direct link to the presentation.  Need help?  Give us a call at 860-441-6785.

Not sure you want to sign up yet?   Here is a link to an overview of the trip

EXPLORING SOUTH AFRICA,VICTORIA FALLS & BOTSWANA  October 9 -22 (AIR) VIRTUAL TRIP PRESENTATION  ~ Thursday, March 18th 1:30 –230 pm Trip highlights: Pilanesberg National Park, Victoria Falls, Chobe National Park, 8 Wildlife Safaris, Choice on Tour, Cape Winelands, Cape Town, Table Mountain    15 Days • 29 Meals


Virtual Pub TRIVIA Night March 23rd

Please join us for another entertaining Virtual Pub TRIVIA Night via zoom Tuesday, March 23rd 2021 6:00– 6:45 pm


Please call 860-441-6785 after 10 am weekdays to sign up.  You will the be given the login information for this fun and social event.