Category: Programs

Report Scams, Fraud and Identity Theft

If you think you have been a victim of a scam or identity theft, report it to protect yourself.  Contact your local police department, your bank or credit card company and credit bureaus to monitor your credit.  File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (contact information below).   1-877-382-4357   1-877-438-4338


Live your life Well: Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control, half of all Americans live with at least one chronic disease, like heart disease, cancer, stroke, or diabetes.  Along with others such as obesity, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and tooth decay, these are the leading causes of death and disability in America.

Chronic diseases are conditions that require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.  Most chronic diseases are caused by choices we make such as: tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, poor quality nutrition, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol use.

What we eat and how much we move, has a significant role in preventing and managing most chronic diseases.  Eat MORE fruits and vegetables.  Use “healthy” fats in moderation: such as nuts, avocadoes, olives and salmon and choose WHOLE grains in bread, cereal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oats, rye and barley.  Decrease sugary beverages such as soda or juice.

Live Well – A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

Ongoing enrollment for Live Well Programs via conference calls with Senior Resources!

Be a part of this amazing evidence based and highly effective 6-week Free program for Chronic Disease Self-Management.  Call Lori R at Senior Resources (860) 887-3561 x 127 to sign up.


Helpful Information on Scams

With so many different types of scams, it may seem overwhelming to know what to trust and what not to.  When it comes down to it, scammers are looking for your personal information, including trying to access your computer or they are trying to scam you out of money by asking you to send them gift cards, wire money, asking for a bank transfer or cash.

When in doubt, hang up, don’t respond to any unknown texts or emails and don’t click any links sent to you from an unknown text or email.  Most of all, don’t give out your personal or bank information!

Visit  and

Where you can find information on the following scams:

  • Social Security Scams
  • IRS Scams
  • Phishing Scams
  • Fake Check Scams
  • Lottery Scams
  • Charity Scams
  • Tech Support Scams
  • Plus MORE!

Visit  for information on the following:

  • Register for the Do Not Call List
  • File a Consumer Complaint
  • How to Report Identity Theft
  • Get Your Free Credit Report



Learn how to tell the difference between a real contact tracer and a scammer.  Legitimate tracers will call from your local Health Department and will ask for health information, not money or personal financial information.

Don’t respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government.  The IRS will never contact you by text, email or by phone.

Ignore offers for vaccinations and home test kits.  Scammers are selling products to treat or prevent COVID-19 without proof that they work.

Be wary of ads for test kits.  Most test kits being advertised have not been approved by the FDA, and aren’t necessarily accurate.

Hang up on robocalls.  Scammers are using illegal robocalls to pitch everything from low-priced health insurance to work-at-home schemes.

Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or WHO.  Use sites like and to get the latest information. Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know.

Avoid charity scams.  Don’t let anyone rush you into making a donation.  Never donate by cash, gift cards, or by wiring money.  That is the way scammers ask you to pay.

For more information visit: 


November’s Virtual Presentations

These virtual presentations are being shared by AARP, Trumbull Senior Center, Granby Senior Center, Lymes’ Senior Center and Cheshire Senior Center.


  • Coffee and Conversation with Bob Maxon Thurs., Nov 5th  10:00a.m.

Bob Maxon from NBC Connecticut will be talking about his career as a meteorologist.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.


  • New England at 400 Sat., Nov 7th  2:00p.m.

From Plymouth Rock to the Present, Prof Eric Lehman from the University of Bridgeport, explores how each generation of natives, immigrants etc, have defined this land anew.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.


  • Why She Plays: The World of Women’s Basketball Tues., Nov 10th  1:00p.m.

Christine Baker, an avid player and an assistant coach, pursues an answer through the ranks of the sport from youth basketball to the WNBA.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Estate Planning Thurs., Nov 12th  10:00a.m.

You will learn about Wills, trusts, powers of attorney (POA) and healthcare directives, what these documents are for, and what you need to do to create them.  You’ll also learn about the probate process and how to avoid it.  Even if you already have an estate plan, there’s a good chance it needs updating because laws often change.  Presentation by Elder Law Attorney, Ruth Fortune.

Pre-registration required by emailing or call (203)272-8286.


  • Nuremberg Fri., Nov 13th  11:15a.m.

Join Historian, Mark Albertson, for an informative history program about the Trial of the Century: Nuremberg.  This month marks the 75th anniversary of this significant event in international jurisprudence and Rule of Law.  Don’t miss out! .

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.


  • Clean Food Cooking: From Harvest to Table Wed., Nov 18th  7:00p.m.

Author and holistic health counselor Terry Walters will explore how Mother Nature provides the nutrition we need to maintain balance and good health.  From homemade Cranberry Chutney to Wild Rice with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Hazelnuts, Terry’s original recipes are guaranteed to spice up your holiday and winter meals and support your good health at the same time.

Pre-registration required.  Go to:


  • How to Stay Safe Online Fri., Nov 20th  10:30a.m.

Join this virtual presentation to learn about safe online browsing, how to be aware of current scams, email safety, “think before you click” and other important information about being safe online. Presentation by Masonicare IT Security Specialist, Henry Feder.

Pre-registration required by emailing or call (203)272-8286.


  • Clean Food Cooking: Holiday Gift Making Wed., Dec 2nd  7:00p.m.

Author and holistic health counselor Terry Walters will showcase gifts of good health.  This class will cover everything from one-dish casseroles fitting for family meals or holiday celebrations, to super-food dark chocolate bark, and homemade vanilla extract.  In the name of self-care, you may be hard pressed to share these holidays home-made gems with anyone but yourself!  All of Terry’s recipes will function equally well as starting points for infinite variations to suit your taste.

Pre-registration required.  Go to:


November 20,2020- Documentary ~ Gen Silent

A virtual screening of the documentary “Gen Silent” is being offered by AARP CT.  Gen Silent shares the stories of LGBT older adults in Greater Boston dealing with the challenges and hopes of growing older.  Since 2010, this landmark movie has inspired a world-wide movement of LGBT and aging advocates to create a safe and welcoming community experiences for older adults and caregivers.

Those registered will be provided a viewing link via a reminder email 24 hours in advance of the event. That link will be good for 48 hours, beginning at noon on November 20th, to view the documentary.

To register, go to:


Information: November 3, 2020 Presidential election

November 3, 3030 Presidential election information:

Preston Plains Middle School, Route 164, will be open on Election Day from 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. to vote in person.

Each and every vote makes a difference. Don’t forget to vote!

Online Activities: November 30, 2020

Monday, November, 30, 2020

9:30am Intro to Tai Chi, to register email, one week in advance

10:30 Beginner Tai Chi , to register email, one week in advance

11:00 am Yoga to register email

1:00 pm Quilting
to register email

1:00 pm Sing A Long, to register email

1:00pm Sing A Long, to register email

1:00pm Virtual Games, to register as an individual or team email

Save the Date!
December 18th 1-2:30 pm
It’s a wonderful Life! Statewide virtual Holiday Party, register information will be available soon

Online Activities: November 23-27, 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020

9:30am Intro to Tai Chi, to register email, one week in advance

10:30 Beginner Tai Chi , to register email, one week in advance

11:00 am Yoga to register email

1:00 pm Quilting to register email

1:00pm Sing A Long, to register email

1:00 pm Sing A Long, to register email

1:00pm Virtual Games, to register as an individual or team email

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

9:00 am Tai Chi to register email

3:00 pm Trivia, To register email

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11:00 am Yoga to register email

1:00pm Art Class to register email

2:30 on Wellness Wednesdays-Seasonal Affective Disorder, to register email

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 27, 2020

11:00 am Yoga to register email

12-1:30 pm Lifelong Learning, the Great Tours. To register email

1:00 pm Bingo, to register email

1:15 pm Community Yoga , to register email or call 203-272-8286

Online Activities: November 16-20, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

9:30am Intro to Tai Chi, to register email, one week in advance

10:30 Beginner Tai Chi , to register email, one week in advance

11:00 am Yoga to register email

1:00 pm Quilting to register email

1:00pm Virtual Games, to register as an individual or

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

9:00 am Tai Chi to register email

10:30am Quilter’s Workshop, to register call 203-312-5665 or email
11:00 am Money Tips to register call 860-632-3447

1:00 am Genealogy, to register email

1:00 pm Share Photos on IPhones,
to register email

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

11:00 am Yoga to register email

1:00pm Art Class to register email

1:00 pm Art Talks from Around the World to register email one week prior,

2:00 Wellness Wednesday-Coping with the Pandemic, to register email

Thursday, November 19, 2020

9:00 am Tai Chi to register email

1:00pm Bingo, to register call 860-589-7895

1:00 pm Windows 10 & Internet Security, to register email or call 860-721-2979.

Friday, November 20, 2020

11:00 am Yoga to register email

12-1:30 pm Lifelong Learning, the Great Tours. To register email

12:00 pm Gen Silent-Stories of Older LGBT adults. To register visit

1:00 pm Bingo, to register email