Category: Programs

Senior Center Re-Opening and Programs Survey

If you have not already done so, please consider taking our online survey.

Please complete our online survey by going to

At this time, we do not have a date as to when the Rose City Senior Center will be re-opening.  We currently have no plans to open before CT lifts the “Stay Home and Stay Safe” for individuals 65 and older, which should take place for Phase 3 of Connecticut’s re-opening plan.  When CT Phase 3 does happens, the re-opening date for the Senior Center is still to be determined, but we anticipate that it should follow soon after.

When we do re-open, we will be following all of the social distancing guidelines, safety measures and protocol issued by the State of CT that Senior Centers need to follow.

We will be re-opening in phases, initially offering a limited number of classes and limiting the amount of people in each class to accommodate for social distancing.  Classes will be based on our ability to safely offer them, control who is in the building, for how long and for what specific purpose.  Everyone will be required to register for classes in advance and no one will be allowed in the building otherwise.

Other programs will be slowly reintroduced and more people will be allowed in the building over time and by appointment only.  Slowly but surely, we should once again get back to how we operated pre-pandemic.  Hang in there!

As we continue to work on our re-opening plan, we want to hear from you. 

If you have not already done so, please help us out by taking our online survey.

We want to know what your concerns are and what would hinder you from coming back once we re-open.  We would like to know if you participate in any Virtual Programs and if you use Social Media.  Your answers will help us better gauge what to offer and what to implement when we do re-open.

The survey should only take approximately 5 -10 minutes to answer.  Your answers are anonymous and it is optional to leave your contact information if you have question related to the survey.  Your answers are for our planning purposes only.

If you have any questions or would like the survey link emailed to you, please contact Hilary (860) 889-5960 or

Thank you for taking the survey!  Stay Safe!


Tuesday, October 20th- Norwich Flea & Tick Collar Clinic

St. Vincent de Paul Place ~ 120 Cliff Street, Norwich

TIME:   12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Provided by The Connecticut Humane Society


Call Ashley (860) 594-4500 x6308 for appointment time or with questions.

Social Distancing and Masks Required!

Who can attend this clinic? Any pet owner in New London County.

What will be provided to dogs or cats at this clinic? Free Seresto flea & tick collar for up to 2 pets per family. These collars protect dogs and cats for 8 months against fleas and ticks.

Do I need to bring my pet(s) with me? Yes! Pets must be present at the clinic and must be older than 12 weeks to receive a collar.

All dogs must be leashed and all cats must be in carriers.


Friday, October 16th- Tailgate Party

Time: 12pm to 1pm

We know you can’t go to a football game but we can still have a TAILGATE PARTY!

Join us in the Senior Center parking lot – you’ll need to bring your chair. We’ll cordon off an area so you can sit (socially distant) and catch up with us and your friends. Wear your mask.

Serving hot dogs and beans, coleslaw, a bag of chips and a drink. We’ll be the wait staff and deliver to you!! If you need a ride to join us, let us know. Please register by Oct 14th.

Fee $5pp – payable on the day of the event.


Thursday, October 8th- Guitar Lessons- Advanced Beginner

Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Instructor led lessons for advanced beginner on up students. Session completely on Zoom. Classes held until December 17th. Must complete a new registration form. Contact the Senior Center.


Monday, October 15th- Ukulele Lessons Level 2

Time: 11am to 12pm

Instructor led lessons for advanced beginner on up students. Session completely on Zoom. Classes held until December 14th. Must complete a new registration form. Contact the Senior Center.


Reopening Status of Senior Center due to COVID

At this time, there is no time table for re-opening the Senior Center.

Updates on our status will be posted on the East Lyme Town Hall website –, and the East Lyme Senior Center page on the SECT regional senior center website –, the Senior Center Facebook page and on the Senior Center answering machine.


Friday, October 2nd- Drive Thru Flu Clinic

Time:  1pm to 5pm

At the East Lyme Community Center Parking Lot

Pull up to the Senior Center entrance

No pre-registration required

Please stay in your car

Wear a mask

Wear short sleeves

Bring all insurance cards.

No cash can be accepted this year.

The following insurance will be accepted:

Medicare (must have Part B)

Blue Cross

Blue Cross Managed Medicare


Aetna Managed Medicare


Saturday, October 24th- Shred Day – EL Community Center Parking Lot

Time: 8:30am to 12pm

For East Lyme residents only. Please bring proof of residency to event. Limit of 2 banker boxes. No charge. Will accept donations of non-perishable food items for Care & Share. Please check expiration dates. If possible, remain in your car. Pack your items accordingly so we can easily take them out of your vehicle.

From the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection:

Guidelines for Shredding & Saving Personal Documents

  • Pay Stubs and Canceled Checks: 1 year, then shred those you will not need for tax, warranty or insurance purposes.
  • Credit/Debit Card and ATM Receipts: after you have checked the transactions against your monthly statements, store if you are saving for tax purposes.
  • Before discarding, shred all statements from your health plan, items with your signature, credit account number, phone or cell phone number, social security number or legal information.
  • Keep store receipts until you are sure you won’t need to return or exchange the item. Any items that have warranties should be attached to the warranty information and saved in case you need proof of purchase.
  • Supporting tax documentation, such as receipts, W-2s, 1099s, canceled checks and credit card statements for 3 years after the returns filing due date. Keep copies of your actual tax returns permanently.
  • Keep warranty cards, instructions and receipts for high-ticket items for as long as you own the item.
  • Keep canceled checks and invoices for permanent home improvements until you sell your house.
  • Store car maintenance records until you sell the car. Give these documents to the new owner. Keep the title for as long as you own the vehicle but do NOT keep it in the car.
  • Keep records of the purchase and sale of mutual funds and stocks until you’re reported the transactions to the IRS and keep the records with our other tax related documents.


Documents that should be kept permanently in a fireproof box or home safe

Birth & marriage certificates

Current/up to date passport

College transcripts, diplomas

Pension plan & retirement plans documents

Credit card & loan agreements

Social Security cards

Divorce decree and property agreements

Stock purchase agreements

Mortgage documents, home inventory, insurance policies

Tax returns

Will and living will


Tuesday, November 3rd- ELECTION DAY

By the beginning of October, you should have received your application for an absentee ballot. If you have not yet received it, you can go online to download the application at:

As a reminder, if you choose to vote by absentee you can fill out the application and mail it to the East Lyme Town Clerk in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided with each application. You can also put the application in the drop box in front of the Town Hall (street side at the top of the stairs and the handicapped ramp) or you can bring it into the Town Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions when you receive the application please contact Karen Miller Galbo, East Lyme Town Clerk at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135.



This month’s name came from the Latin octo, “eight,” because this was the eighth month of the early Roman calendar. When the Romans converted to a 12-month calendar, the name October stuck, even though it’s now the 10th month!


October will have 2 full Moons. The first full Moon of fall, Harvest Moon, will appear on Thu, Oct 1st. Later in the month, on Sat, Oct 31st (Halloween), the second full Moon appears. This is the Hunter’s Moon.


Also keep an eye out for the Draconid meteor shower in the late evening of October 9.