Stop by The Nook in May for a pop up Mother’s Day sale, various artists will be selling their handmade creations for the month of May. Treat your favorite person to a special gift!
Category: Programs
Take a Walk Wednesday with Wendy
Take a Walk Wednesday with Wendy- Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM, location changes monthly. The walks are moderate (narrow dirt paths with some uneven footing, rocks, and moderate inclines). Walk is paced to group. Mileage is approximate. Bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. Reservations are required. Inclement weather cancels.
May 8th at 9:30 AM @ John Lohman CT River Preserve; 33 Colt Lane, Old Lyme CT: Parking is along the road. A short steep incline opens to a beautiful expanse of meadow. We will walk along the mowed path to each our destination, Whale Rock, a spectacular outcropping with views of Lord Cove and the CT River. Bring your binoculars. 1.5 miles.
Groton Regional Theatre presents “Mom’s the Word: A Theatrical Toast to Motherhood”
Friday – Sunday, May 17-19, 2024 here at Thrive 55+
Website link for ticket purchases is:
Tickets are $15 and $12 for seniors/students
Broadway Series
Broadway Series: Featuring the choreography of Bob Fosse—Monday, June 10th and Monday, August 12th at 12:30 PM @ the Lyme Library: This 3-part movie musical series originated on Broadway and were made into movie musicals that share similar themes. This series is facilitated by Fred Verillo, with a short commentary before each showing. Free snacks and refreshments are provided during this series. April’s screening was “Chicago”, June’s is “Cabaret” and August’s is “Sweet Charity”.
Old Lyme Town Band Performance
Old Lyme Town Band Performance– Wednesday, May 29th at 6 PM @ Christ the King Church– Enjoy a musical night at Christ the King Church, here in Old Lyme! This event is free and open to the public.
“Building Buzz”
“Building Buzz”-Tuesday, May 28th at 11:15 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL- This meeting will take place every 4th Tuesday of each month until we get back into our new building! This will provide a more personalized experience in gaining knowledge about the progress of our new building. Come ask questions, and get in-the-know with updates of the Lymes’ Senior Center!
Lyme Village Voices
Lyme Village Voices– Tuesday, May 21st at 1 PM @ the First Congregational Church of OL– Join us for this wonderful performance of local performers in the sanctuary of the church! The cost is free for this event and open to the community.
Veterans Coffeehouse
Veterans Coffeehouse– Wednesday, May 15th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church- Meets the third Wednesday of the month, this program is sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center. All Veterans are welcome to join us for fellowship, camaraderie, and of course, breakfast refreshments! This program is free for all veterans in the community. There will be NO meeting in June, and in July we will have a Veterans Breakfast.
Dining Out @ Longhorn Steakhouse
Tuesday, May 14th
Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community that gives to us. An evening outing of dining, socializing, and enjoyment! Each month one special restaurant will be featured. Our van will pick you up or you can meet us there. Each person pays their own tab. Order a full entrée or just appetizers. Registration required.
Parade Practice
Parade Practice– Fridays (May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th) at 1:15 @ Rogers Lake Clubhouse- For Memorial Day Parade, led by Stephanie, all are welcome to join, no dancing experience needed. This group will meet every Friday at 1:15 PM at Rogers Lake Clubhouse up until the Memorial Day Parade. Those that are in the parade need to attend the final rehearsal on Friday the 24th. (unless there is extenuating circumstances and you’ve talked to Stephanie)