Category: Programs

Virtual Family Day! September 18 – 20th is The 17th annual Family Day, normally held in Mohegan Park, will be virtual this year!

Throughout the weekend, various entertainment and educational videos from our community partners will be available to view.  You can expect to see dance studio perf

Throughout the weekend, various entertainment and educational videos from our community partners will be available to view.  You can expect to see dance studio performances, karate demonstrations, a DJ set, a reposting of all of the virtual touch-a-truck videos plus more!

Additionally, videos from community agencies will be posted, explaining their services and offering some creative activities to do as a family together at home.

At-home cookie decorating kits will be available for pick up for the first 500 registrants!

For more information and to register:

Visit ~ Norwich Youth and Family Services Facebook Page Or  Call ~ Norwich Youth and Family Services (860) 823-3782

Sponsored by Norwich Human Services, Chelsea Groton Bank and Charter Oak Credit Union.



The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1st through November 30th. We are ½ way through. The most active period for Atlantic hurricanes is mid August to the end of October. It’s not time to let down your guard. Ever wonder what the Category scale means? Here is a brief overview. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane’s sustained wind speed. This scale estimates potential property damage. Hurricanes reaching Category 3 and higher are considered major hurricanes because of their potential for significant loss and damage. Category 1 and 2 storms are still dangerous, however, and require preventative measures. Be safe and be prepared!!

Category 1-  74 to 95 mph very dangerous winds will produce some damage

Category 2-  96 to 110 mph extremely dangerous winds will produce extensive damage

Category 3-  111 to 129 mph Major: devastating damage will occur

Category 4-  130 to 156 mph Major: catastrophic damage will occur

Category 5-  157 mph or higher Major: catastrophic damage will occur

ELECTION DAY IS COMING on Tuesday, November 3rd

The Registrars of Voters want you to know that if you are not a registered voter but want to become one, you still have time before the national election. The Registrars’ office is located within the East Lyme Community Center and their office hours are: Mon and Tue 8am to 12pm – Wed 8am to 4pm and Thu and Fri 12pm to 4pm. When you arrive, you will need to provide some sort of identification and proof of address. Your CT driver’s license will suffice but if you do not have one, you can provide the last 4 digits of your social security number and a copy of a current and valid photo ID OR the last 4 digits of your social security number and a current utility bill, or a current bank statement, or a current government check, or a current paycheck or any other government document that shows name and address.
The Town Clerk’s office would like you to know that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Connecticut Secretary of State’s Office will be mailing out absentee ballot applications to every registered voter in mid-September. If you choose to vote by absentee you can fill out the application and mail it to the East Lyme Town Clerk in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided with each application. You can also put the application in the drop box in front of the Town Hall (street side at the top of the stairs and the handicapped ramp) or you can bring it into the Town Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions when you receive that application please contact Karen Miller Galbo, East Lyme Town Clerk at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135.
There are 3 polling locations this year. Please be sure you know which poll you go to vote.
Lastly, the Senior Center will be providing rides to the polls. But, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our vehicles are limited to one person onboard at a time. If you are doing to request transportation from us, please make your request as soon as you can.

The dangers of DEHYDRATION

Dehydration happens when our bodies are not consuming enough water or fluids to account for the water loss. Although our bodies lose water at a baseline rate that generally aligns with our metabolism, we can lose fluids at higher rates when we are sick, exercising, sweating, have a fever, drink alcohol or suffer from conditions that result in the loss of excess amounts of water (perhaps a medication that you take). If you feel thirsty your body is already suffering from dehydration. This can affect any age and any level of activity.
To avoid dehydration, keep these point in your mind on a daily basis:
 Aim to drink 64oz of water a day.
 Eat your water! Apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, oranges, celery and carrots all help you stay hydrated.
 Start each day with a glass of water (no ice). Drink it before you have coffee, tea or juice. It will help replace fluids lost overnight.
 Cook with high-quality sea salt. Unrefined sea salt is rich in trace minerals which aid cell health and hydration.
 Minimize caffeine, high sugar and alcohol drinks, as they do not aid to your re-hydration.


• September’s full moon, the Full Corn Moon, reaches peak illumination on Wed, September 2, at 1:23 a.m. EDT.

• September, in Old England, was called Haervest-monath (Harvest Month). This is the time to gather up the rest of the harvest and prepare for the winter months.

• September’s name comes from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven.” This month had originally been the seventh month of the early Roman calendar.

• September 22 marks the start of fall! This year’s Autumnal Equinox falls on September 22 at 9:31 A.M. EDT. At this time, there are approximately equal hours of daylight and darkness.


The State of Connecticut is still in Phase 2 of reopening and the following measures are still in place:
Capacity limit of 50% for most businesses that reopen.
Strict cleaning and disinfection protocols in all settings.
Those who can work from home should continue to do so.
Those in high-risk groups (comorbidities) and over the age of 65 should continue to stay safe and stay home.
Facemasks should continue to be worn in public at all times.
Specific to Senior Centers are that outdoor events will be limited to 100 people. Indoor events will be limited to 50% of building capacity or 25 people per space (whichever is smaller). ALL participants must be logged in through a check-in process to support contract tracing. Programs are to be scheduled to allow for decreased congestion, and time to sanitize before the start of a new one. Café meal sites should not open at this time. Registration for any program must e advance. Any activity run by Senior Centers must maintain 6 ft of social distancing at all times.
In short, a return to “normal” operation is not recommended at this time.

Virtual Class Schedule for August 31-September 4

Aug 30, 2020 – Sept 5, 2020

Sun, Aug 30  Tai Ji Quon Move for Better Balance Class led by Kate Perez will be offered through this Youtube link that can be done at ANY TIME/ ANY DAY
Mon, Aug 31 9:00-10:15 am Gentle Yoga with Lynn McCarthy
(Registration link for class Donations to instructor appreciated9:00-9:55 am Tabata with Donna Scott
(Email for class link) Donations to instructor appreciated
Tue, Sept 1 8:45 High Energy, Low Impact Dance Class with Mellisa Chapka (like Jazzercise) Join Zoom meeting am Pilates with Donna Scott
(Email for class link) Donations to instructor appreciated

10:00 Sit and Be Fit with Laura Kokoska Join Zoom Meeting

Wed, Sept 2 9:00-10:15 am Chair Yoga with Lynn McCarthy
(Registration link for class Donations to instructor appreciated
Thu, Sept 3 9:00 High Energy, Low Impact Dance Class with Mellisa Chapka (like Jazzercise) Join Zoom Meeting  Pilates with Donna Scott
(Email for class link) Donations to instructor appreciated

4:00pm Pilates with Donna Scott

Fri, Sept 4 9:00-9:55 am Tabata with Donna Scott
(Email for class link) Donations to instructor appreciated9:00-10:15 am Gentle Yoga with Lynn McCarthy
(Registration link for class Donations to instructor appreciated

2:00 pm Virtual American History Lecture with Jared Day, PhD, this month’s topic is Andrew Jackson: Hero of Democracy Part 1.  To register call 860-434-4127 or email