Category: Programs

Virtual Presentations

These virtual presentations are being shared by AARP, West Hartford Senior Center, Cromwell Senior Center and Cheshire Senior Center.

  • Every Vote Counts – Every Voter’s Safety Should Too Wed., Aug 5th  1:00p.m.

Join the conversation to learn about ensuring your vote counts!  Learn about voting safely by mail or in-person and what you can do to demand action for your vote to count.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Bob Steele Wed., Aug 5th  1:30p.m.

Join Paul Hensler for a presentation on his biography of Bob Steele, the radio voice of Southern New England who entertained audiences with wit, humor, and style for over 60 years!.

Pre-registration required by emailing or calling (860) 561-7583 to receive the link.

  • Passport in Place Thurs., Aug 6th  1:00p.m.

Travel around the world virtually!.  Presentation by Lia Livett.  Lia has traveled to over 60 countries and every continent except Antarctica.  Learn about her amazing experiences!

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Great Painters: Game Changers, Evolutionists and Rebels. Thurs., Aug 6th  2:00p.m.

Join Leo Pigaty, lecturer, art museum docent and author for this interesting travelogue through art history.  Discussed will be great painters and their masterpieces of the last 700 years!

Pre-registration required by emailing or calling (860) 561-7583 to receive the link.

  • Caregiver Roadshow for CT Families Tues., Aug 11th  1:00p.m.

Learn tips and tools on supporting the unpaid family caregiver, the care recipient and choices to live safely and independently at home.  Learn specific tools for navigating and connecting with available services, gain an understanding of care options and costs, and stay informed on the legislative issues impacting seniors and family caregivers.  Presented by AARP

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Fraud Watch Network: Con Artist Playbook Wed., Aug 19th  1:00p.m.

Learn tips and tools to protect you and your family from becoming a victim.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Mondays at Mystic Seaport: Behind the Scenes Mon., Aug 24th  12:00p.m.

Explore behind the scenes at Mystic Seaport Museum to experience the museum’s collection of rare vessels that are not on public view.  Christopher Gasiorek, Vice President of Watercraft Preservation & Programs at the museum, will answer your questions.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Dementia Friends Program Mon., Aug 31st  10:30a.m.

Join us for an informational session to learn 5 key messages to guide you and practical actions you can take to help someone living with dementia.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.


If you have any questions, need help using Zoom, or would like more suggestions for additional online programs, please call or email Hilary.



Senior Nutrition Resources

Join Registered Dietitian, Alison Dvorak, for a virtual review of the healthy
eating opportunities for older adults in Eastern Connecticut and beyond. We will
discuss Older Americans Act funded programs, Farmers Markets, Restaurants,
SNAP, Grocery Delivery and much more! Send in your questions before or during
the event.
The event is planned for Thursday, August 20, 2020, 2:00 – 3:00 pm. This is
a free web-based event open to the public. Pre-registration is required at or 860-887-3561.

When we return: 

REGULAR PROGRAMS : Meditation Class, Creative Writing Project, Tech Class, Cardio-exercise, Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba Gold, Strength Training, Healthy Stretching, Country Western Line Dancing, Line Dancing, Computer Classes, Creative Writing Classes, Art Classes, Craft Classes, Massage Therapy, Healing Touch, Health Clinic, Podiatry Services, Cards, Bingo & more!!!  EVENING PROGRAMS:    Painting, Zentangle (off for summer – resumes in September), Cardio and Zumba Gold, Walking with Ease and our new program  – Badminton!  Must be 60+, must register in front office during office hours to participate in evening programs!  SUPPORT GROUPS: We offer an Alzheimer’s Support Group the first Friday of the month at 10:00 AM and a Grief Support Group every Friday from 3:00 – 4:00 PM – both programs are held in the Library.  All groups are private, confidential, and FREE.

The Montville Senior Center remains closed to the public at this time.

We are shooting for a September opening, though what that will entail remains to be seen!  We will do our best to get there, provide as much as we can safely, etc.  I will certainly keep everyone posted.  Our senior bus will continue to make early trips to the grocery stores, etc. and our MedRiDE will be back up and running within a few weeks.  They are finishing up on putting the Plexiglas on the vehicles and everyone is required to wear a mask.  As we know, our elderly population is the most vulnerable to suffer the severest of issues and difficulties with catching the virus, we want to continue to do our best and keep everyone safe.  The precautions we have been taking have seemed to have made a positive impact – we would like to ensure that continues.  As I mentioned last month, we understand the great need for socialization, though the Center is simply not designed to keep people 6 feet apart and/or to safely exercise with masks, etc.  The new guidelines for exercise are that seniors need to be 12 feet apart (I was trying consider an outdoor exercise program) but with the heat and masks and distance regulations, I simply do not think it is viable at this time.  We look forward to the day when some type of “normal” will be here and when we can all interact safely.  My staff and I have been coming in every day and are busier than ever!  My Social Services office remains closed at this time, though we can start collecting clothing!  So if you would like to make clothing drop offs, please just bring down and put inside door, my staff will get them (so there is no contact) hopeful we will be ready to go soon with clients able to come in, by appointment one at a time, to get their needs!  Our Outdoor Food Bank will continue to operate in the front of the senior center building until further notice.  We are also continuing to deliver lunches and food baskets to our homebound seniors and residents with compromised immunity systems, in an effort to keep them home and safe!  We are also continuing to provide the services that we can via telephone and email.  Your donations go such a long way in helping us, help our friends and neighbors in need.  We remain to be busier than ever trying to keep everyone safe & active!  We are continuing with our “wellness” check phone calls.  If you live alone or know a senior that lives alone and would like to get a friendly phone call every other day, please let us know and we will put them on the list!  Our Health & Wellness video program is available for those with a computer or smartphone that have email.  One of our instructors has put together a video program that is sent to your email each day, Monday – Friday.  Each video show is educational and also demonstrates ways to stay fit and active at home.  If you would like to receive the videos, just email Kathie at the Montville Senior Center and she will add you to the list!  Kathie’s email is:  This program is called Cooped Up With Caitlin and is a great way to make sure you are staying active while staying safe at home!

Please stay cool and hydrated during this time of the year (and always) I hope everyone is remaining healthy, staying active, and mostly staying safe!  We will see each other again very soon!  ~ Kathie


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extended equitable relief period for
beneficiaries who are unable to pay their premiums because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CMS is still encouraging beneficiaries to pay their premiums on time, however, they are giving
beneficiaries who are unable to pay due to the pandemic until September 30, 2020
to pay their premiums without termination of their coverage.
Beneficiaries with past due balances will receive a letter informing them of the September 30,
2020 relief period end date.


Join Registered Dietitian, Alison Dvorak, for a virtual review of the healthy eating
opportunities for older adults in Eastern CT and beyond. We will discuss programs
funded by the Older Americans Act such as:
Farmers Markets, Restaurants, SNAP, Grocery Delivery,
and much more!
Send in your questions before or during the event. Mark your calendar for Thu, August 20th at 2pm.
This program is a free web-based event open to the public. Pre-registration is required at or 860-887-3561.


Extreme heat is a period of high heat & humidity with temperatures
above 90 degrees for at least two to three days. In extreme heat your
body works extra hard to maintain a normal temperature, which can
lead to death. In fact, extreme heat is responsible for the highest
number of annual deaths among all weather-related hazards.
Extreme heat can occur quickly and without warning.
Older adults, children and sick or overweight individuals are at
greater risk from extreme heat.
Humidity increases the feeling of heat as measured by a
heat index.
Find air conditioning. Avoid strenuous activities.
Wear light clothing. Drink plenty of fluids.
Check on family members and neighbors.
Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and


The Senior Center plans to scale up its operations beginning this Fall with an anticipated date of
September 8th for resumption of some programs. This will happen in phases. With that in mind, please be
aware that we will be following the recommended guidelines for “social distancing” and ask that everyone
maintain 6ft between one another. In addition, everyone who enters the building will have to wear a mask.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions. You can mail us your survey answers to East Lyme
Senior Center at 37 Society Road, Niantic, CT 06357. You can email your responses to us at or you can call us 860-739-5859. Whatever works for you but please take a moment to
help us plan for the future. If you want us to mail you a hard copy, give us a call.
1. When do you plan to return to the Senior Center?
_____ As soon as it opens
_____ Late Fall
_____ Winter
_____ Next Spring
_____ Next Summer
_____ Not until a vaccine is available
_____ I am undecided at this time*
* if undecided, please tell us your concern.
2. Please indicate how you would prefer to participate in programs when we re-open:
_____ In person at the Center with the understanding that class sizes will be limited
_____ On-line using Zoom
3. Would you take a class outside?
_____ Yes
_____ No
4. Once on-site programs resume, ALL programs will require pre-registration. How would you prefer to do that?
_____ In person
_____ Over the phone
5. Do you have the hardware (tablet, laptop, desktop computer, smart tv) in order to participate in programs
_____ Yes
_____ No
Please leave any final comments/thoughts/concerns/questions you have for us:

At this time, there is no time table for re-opening the Senior Center.

Updates on our status will be
posted on the East Lyme Town Hall
website –, and
the East Lyme Senior Center page
on the SECT regional senior center
website –,
the Senior Center Facebook page
and on the Senior Center
answering machine.